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psalm 7

Awesome Friend
Nov 1, 2013
Middle TN
Recent disscusions got me to thinking under what conditions would I need to leave my home ? The main reason I could think of would be a overwhaleming force occupieing the area maby . In a urban area I think there would be many more reasons . I live in a rural area with nearby small towns from 6 to 10 miles away . Dont get so doom and gloom about how these small town citizens will turn on each other like animals there have been many low level SHTF examples . that show how people can improvise and pull togeather . If you live in such a place or need to trade in such a place In a TEOTWAYKI situation they could pull togeather and form a small fortress and instead of bugging out you may find yourself trying to prove you have skills enough to be important enough to keep around .

There is no certain time when you need to bug out. It all depends on your family's over survival skill set. I could go on giving you different scenarios, but One you catch word of SHTF you have to make the Fight or Flight decision.

Personally my bug out location is my plan B. I have a bunker at my homestead and my BOL. I live in the country, and I have few neighbors and they all know I'm packing so to speak.

As far as creating a small community, I would not join due to the fact every community has a leader and they could eventually get power hungry and start a dictatorship.

You wanna stay like you cook your ribs, Low and Slow undetected at all times. Less of a presents you have, the less threat you have.
Simply put, there are only two reasons to bug out:
1) You've exhausted the resources of the location and no real hope of foraging for more.
2) The security concern is grave enough where survival depends on no longer being at the location.
I know not everyone has had such a background in homesteading as I have . The first year would be the worst as you have to move from a " normal" modern life style to one where your day to day activitys are prepareing for the next season . There would be lean times but you shouldn't exaust your resources . The security is the concern as the people that have had to go out and couldn't make a living where they were will come through like the .....herds on the walking dead .
I didn't mention creating a small community . I mentioned small towns may well bond togeather as a small fortress and some folks may have to prove their worth to deal with them or live in that area . Many folks are not that removed from their frountier ancestors and a return to those days would not be as devastating as it would to some .
psalm7, in a background of 'Homesteading' and doing what our ' frontier ancestors' did will be an asset, but I also have to agree that friends may become enemies if it was a life and death situation. I hope that your community can ban together to help keep unwanted people out, but just keep in mind the reality of the situation. Most will do whatever they need to do to stay alive.
I will be bugging out because I live in the largest city in Oklahoma, it makes sense for me to get out of my home and go where I am more comfortable. (I grew up on this land)

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