Bumper stickers and their ilk.

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Uncle Albert

Awesome Friend
Apr 16, 2013
Louisiana USA
I saw a bumper sticker today that advised: Want gun control? Use both hands. I was wondering what words of wisdom you folks might have run across lately.
got a sticker with a sheep on it "EWE can FLOCK off", it a Devon/Dartmoor thing, I suppose you've got to be English to understand the humour.
yes but what is the 5th amendment....remember, I'm British:D
It means I refuse to answer on the grounds I may incriminate myself.
oh yes, we know the saying over here but didn't know it was the 5th! not that I know what the others are either come to that!
oh yes, we know the saying over here but didn't know it was the 5th! not that I know what the others are either come to that!
I'm glad that you guys are with us. We don't always get each other's obscure references but we are communicating and that is a solid bond. Can you tell me? What are crumpets?
I think we mostly call them "English Muffins" (crumpets).

oh yes, we know the saying over here but didn't know it was the 5th! not that I know what the others are either come to that!

Most of my fellow Americans don't either.

The first Ten Amendments of the Constitution are commonly referred to as "The Bill of Rights"
1 = free speech, right to assemble
2 = right to have guns
3 = a bit archaic, but basically says a soldier must ask permission of a home owner to stay there
4 = privacy, search and seizure
5 = mentioned above (incriminating oneself)
6 = right to speedy trial, witnesses, etc.
7 = trial by jury
8 = no excessive bail, cruel punishment
9 = this one is a bit obtuse, basically that these rights are in addition to any others granted the people
10 = if not covered in the Constitution, decided by the individual States (i.e. State Law vs. US Law).

I even had to look up 3 and 9, as they are pretty much never referred to (and while sure of the speedy trial and jury, I didn't remember them being separate amendments).
While Infowars does have some good stuff, there's also a TON of unsubstantiated just out there conspiracy stuff on that site too, so reader beware.
I have found just as much, if not more, B.S. on infowars than the lame stream media at times.

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