Bundy Mistrial......

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Awesome Friend
Feb 3, 2017
west virginia
The Idiot Fed's under idiot obama failed again.......the BLM Thugs got a little sweet taste of corruption shoved far up the old ( you know what )
Read about what the prosecutor did... things they refused to hand over to the defense and in fact claimed they did NOT exist (oops):
  • Records about surveillance at the Bundy ranch;
  • Records about the presence of government snipers;
  • FBI logs about activity at the ranch in the days leading up to standoff;
  • Law-enforcement assessments dating to 2012 that found the Bundys posed no threat;
  • And internal affairs reports about misconduct by Bureau of Land Management agents.
Things like this really feed the conspiracy theory view. This most closely resembles the Ruby Ridge event. Big Gov't will not let anyone stand that opposes their unConstitutional overreach. I think the judge was really ticked off, if the gov't gets caught lying again, I wouldn't be surprised if the judge tossed out the whole case where there would be no retrial.

I'll predict that the Bundy Ranch Standoff is going to become as famous as Ruby Ridge.
No doubt Fed Agencies would blunder right into another Ruby Ridge or Waco without restraint . But the Bundy's tried to provoke such a incident and the Feds are the ones that held back . The circumstances with the Bundy's are completely different than either of the other case's.
I guess you'd have to live out west to understand the frustration that ranchers, miners and loggers are faced with. Well over half of Nevada (85%) and much of Oregon (53%), Idaho (62%), Alaska (61%), etc is controlled by the BLM and Forest Service. You should also learn the history and original mission of the BLM and Forest Service. The government provokes much of the problems and do their best to force these confrontations. I hold leases with the Forest Service as part of my ranch and every year they raise the fees I pay. If this continues they will eventually run me out, which is their goal.
I understand the original conflict . My point being there is little comparison between Ruby Ridge , Waco and the Bundy's . I sided with the Bundy's to a extent mainly wanting the Gov to hold back they could waite it out , getting paid the same . But the Bundy's tried to push matters and create a few martyrs .
the fed's refused to give the Bundy's a fair and legal opportunity to settle the dispute which every Citizen is guaranteed.....the fed's wanted a gunfight to try and convince everyone they were right.....at a certain point you can lay down or you can stand up....all the other ranchers laid down and gave up, and when someone did stand up ( Bundy's ) it is becoming very clear who instigated the showdown, who broke the Law and covered up the law breaking, fed's used intimidation and threats rather than following the Law.....IF the Law had been followed this would have been settled years ago....mass murderers, rapists, child molesters and drug dealers got better treatment under obama than any Citizen who was trying to make a living....the blm is not the only department who ran amok rather than follow the law under obama....I have no doubt special Traitor agent Daniel love broke more laws than any of us can count concerning this rouge attack....
I understand the original conflict . My point being there is little comparison between Ruby Ridge , Waco and the Bundy's . I sided with the Bundy's to a extent mainly wanting the Gov to hold back they could waite it out , getting paid the same . But the Bundy's tried to push matters and create a few martyrs .
You got that a little backwards. The federal government, with their storm troopers and snipers, pushed the issue. The same as they did at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Of coarse they did They dont play fare and will do what ever they can get away with . Ruby Ridge and Waco are examples of that . They could have picked up Randy Weaver in town several times , a simple search warrant would have worked at Waco . Bundy seems to think He could sway public opinion and get His way or start His own Civil War. He could have settled with the Government years before He was arrested . His case doesn't belong in the same category as the other 2
You said Yourself You have been leasing Government land there for years . I know where My property line is and I know what I can or can't do on Wildlife reserve near My land .
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The Bundy case lead to the FBI murdering an old man staggering around in the snow. He had no weapon in his hand, he was threatening nobody. The group was a threat to nobody and had not threatened harm to anyone. The right thing to do for the FBI was nothing: no roadblocks, no teams of snipers, nobody. Let the protestors sit in the empty cabin, go to meetings, try to muster support. Most of that is no crime (yes, they 'broke' into the cabin, but that's a misdemeanor at worse, who cares!).

But instead the FBI/BLM had to put down citizens who stand up for their rights. A gov't completely out of control.

The old man left to die in the snow is why I call this the same as Ruby Ridge. True, an old man is not the same as murdering a woman holding her infant baby (no weapon), but it's still really bad optics.

And slaughtering dozens of cattle & burying them to hide the evidence isn't as bad as killing people, but to a rancher that is an act of war. If you don't have cattle, you can not understand.
FBI lied and filed false reports......typical......they wanted a shootout to coverup for the Illegal activities they and BLM had been doing towards the Bundy's.....Every honest working American should be up in arms.....the stench will be smelled for years over this attack against Americans....
Oh, that is awesome.

sadly though, they will trump up something to nail them on in the future.