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OK, now that I know, I almost take back my advice...ALMOST! There is another thing...if you husband is working sooooo hard for you, all you can do to help him is say thank you, I love you and I am praying for you dear husband!! Each of his hard worked days is only another way of him saying the exact same thing to you...We each get a good feeling deep inside when we can help someone else, especially if it is a loved one. Try not to take away that wonderful feeling he is getting by helping you, working hard and harder on your bad days!!!
He is doing exactly what millions of husbands around the world should be doing, but instead, they leave the family behind and force the single mothers of who knows how many fatherless children to do the double work to get the little ones fed, loved and schooled.
And, yes there is a cure for all sicknesses and diseases which come from Satan and the Father of all Lies.
HEALING through fasting and prayer.
PRAYING is only really talking directly to GOD...
Fast and pray for your husband and yourself. Healing occurs immediately and is then called a WONDER or a MIRACLE.
Healing also occurs slowly and then is only called "getting better"... it is still healing!!!
I will fast for you and burn an extra candle tomorrow in Church if you wish...I cannot do anything against your free will, as also your guardian angel also cannot help unless you ask for help and healing!!
Just say yes and watch your life get into Gods hands. YOU must believe, not me or others...YOU!
My angels name is: HAHUIAH...I will ask him to come and help you...love, Gary
Dear Gary my brother in Christ,
You are so right. I believe God heals and I know I will be totally healed I’m just not sure if it will be this side of Heaven. You nailed it on the head about my beloved. He says he is doing what God called him to do the minute after he ask me to marry him. In sickness and in health. He does what he does because he loves me as Christ loves the Church! I’ve had health issues my whole life but we never knew it would be this bad as early as it started. He tells me I make it easy because I don’t ever take him for granted and I never give up. I’m not trying to take that joy from him I just want to support him any way that I can. I pray for him everyday. Sometimes when he sleeps and I’m awake I place my hand on his heart and thank God for the blessing he is in my life and the example he set for our now adult kids. We are so blessed! We have three adult children and their spouses feel like our children too. All of them are Christians and they have honored us in so many ways with their help. We all pray for one another and for our six GRANDS. The example my husband set taught our two sons how to be a godly father!

My husband tells me he can not serve the Lord the way I do so his call is to help me so that I can do what I do. I serve at a Maternity Home for homeless woman. Many of them got pregnant under very violent circumstances and still choose life for their babies. I’ve seen through what the residents share just how many biological fathers do not treat their wives/girlfriends they way God intended. The mama’s and the babies can stay up to two years at the home. We help them with education, budgeting and patently classes Whatever the individual mother needs, not just during the pregnancy. It is a holistic ministry and I have the privilege of serving as the pastoral care for the residents and the staff. I am a deaconess by training but really I just want to serve those on the margins so that they can have a second chance for a SAFE, stable life for them and their babies and be a reflection of Jesus and walk along side of them to the healing cross of Christ. If you want to see the Maternity home look up Fontebella Maternity HomeThere are more ways to be healed other than physically. I’m singing to the choir in sharing all this it is just so refreshing to hear from you!

Gary, I always welcome prayers in the name of Jesus! I in turn will fast and pray for you!

We are called to pray continuously. That doesn’t mean only offering prayer in words, but joining ourselves to God through our whole way of life, so that our lives become one continuous and uninterrupted prayer. (I’m paraphrasing that from St. Basil the Great.) I hope I said it right.Thank you for your words and encouragement. It is so refreshing to hear from a fellow believer.!
In Christ,
Dearest sister in Christ, thank you for your inspiring letter. Many times I have offered to help and the other side could not believe. Your husband is an loving example for many men to follow. My wife has had a terrible life before I met her, abuse for years as a child, physical abuse from her parents so that it is a miracle she could have children at all. Bad health issues and a very weaking sense of "no-value" in life. She was always told how dumb she is...she speaks 4 languanges, raised 2 beautiful children and has 3 equally beautiful grandchildren. She did quality control for a company which had 800 employees and supported over 16,000 Optricians in 14 different nations in those four languages...Dumb????
She has gone through hard times with me also and always forgave my ways of helping others more than the own family. We have lost everything 6 times and re-built again now the 7th time and live in our BOL in Hungary. We still hold hands and kiss like teenagers and others laugh at us, we even hold hands in our sleep!!!
Her faith and love was my anchor and always brought me back home, I lived in a different town from her and the kids for two and a half years after being in a war zone and coming out of it with a bounty on my head....I only told her later why I left and did not want anything to happen to my family. She accepted and I moved back in...unbelievable person...
Keep the faith, pray for those who hate you, (you heap coals upon their heads in Hell I read) forgive seventy times seven if you are offended...
Praise without end and do not forget, hope is only HOPE, when you cannot see what you hope for...never forget to say thank you for prayers, even before they are answered...
the ONLY thing God does not have???
I want to make a get home bag for my husband as well. He thinks I am being silly. He thinks it is silly to stock up. He thinks it is panic buying and the news tells people not to do that. He has changed his mind after 2020 a little but not much. He did agree to get an indoor Mr. Heater in case the electricity goes out and we need heat. For the past 10 years for my birthday and Christmas I always ask for prepared things. He finally gave up and got me some water bricks and 2 long term storage food 72 hour buckets Over the last couple years. He thinks that is all we need. I’m disabled I have to be able to fend for myself if something happens to him. I pray that never happens but I know it can. So just because he thinks I’m silly I still need to press forward not just for me but for my husband. I love him so much!

Arrange a trip with him to the middle of nowhere and sabotage the vehicle and coms device. Have a get home bag in the vehicle. When he makes it back home alive he will have converted into a prepper.
Dearest sister in Christ, thank you for your inspiring letter. Many times I have offered to help and the other side could not believe. Your husband is an loving example for many men to follow. My wife has had a terrible life before I met her, abuse for years as a child, physical abuse from her parents so that it is a miracle she could have children at all. Bad health issues and a very weaking sense of "no-value" in life. She was always told how dumb she is...she speaks 4 languanges, raised 2 beautiful children and has 3 equally beautiful grandchildren. She did quality control for a company which had 800 employees and supported over 16,000 Optricians in 14 different nations in those four languages...Dumb????
She has gone through hard times with me also and always forgave my ways of helping others more than the own family. We have lost everything 6 times and re-built again now the 7th time and live in our BOL in Hungary. We still hold hands and kiss like teenagers and others laugh at us, we even hold hands in our sleep!!!
Her faith and love was my anchor and always brought me back home, I lived in a different town from her and the kids for two and a half years after being in a war zone and coming out of it with a bounty on my head....I only told her later why I left and did not want anything to happen to my family. She accepted and I moved back in...unbelievable person...
Keep the faith, pray for those who hate you, (you heap coals upon their heads in Hell I read) forgive seventy times seven if you are offended...
Praise without end and do not forget, hope is only HOPE, when you cannot see what you hope for...never forget to say thank you for prayers, even before they are answered...
the ONLY thing God does not have???
Dear Gary,
Thank you for sharing! Your beloved sounds like an amazing, smart, loving wife and mama! For you to stay away from them for so long for their safety must have been very difficult! The love that it took to do so is heart warming.
My mama had similar experiences for 8 yrs from her uncle it was horrible. My mama retreated into herself out of fear. She got married to my dad and endured verbal and mental abuse. It is amazing that my sister and I were born. My sister and I are Christians and thankfully the generational curse of abuse has been broken. Both of our husbands are such godly men and as I said before all our adult children and our niece are godly people who serve Jesus in a variety of ways and are teaching their children in the way they should go.

Keep the faith brother Gary! Life is hard but we are NEVER alone. Jesus is always with us!

Blessings to you and your family,
Thanks for the blessings, can't ever get enough of that...
We both come from brutal homes, I left when I was 15, again at 16 and got brought back home again by the cops. When I left at 17, I stayed in the mountains of Yosimite in California until I met someone and asked them for the date...laughing at the question, they asked how long I was in the wilderness...my answer was: "tell me the date and I can answer that question"--Aug 3...First I jumped for joy because I turned 18 alone in the wilderness back in July and did not have to ever go back home and secondly because I had been there since May...
Went to Texas, visited my daddy and joined the Army, landed in Germany at 19, met my wife 5 weeks later and we were engaged after 11 days, that is 42 years ago now!!! Got moved back and forth by the Army two times and got out after six and half years and just stayed in Germany.
All the deaths in the family, all the divorces, all the births and parties with family in the US....never got to see anything except one Christmas back in 1982. Never got a phone call or letter from anybody but my mother in all these years. I was the lone wolf and just got checked off I guess.
My wife is my family, our children also saw physical abuse from my wifes mother and they never told me about it. My MIL refused to ever say "I love you" to my wife, until only a few months before she died where I asked her why not. "Why should I?" Whaaaaa? Because she is your daughter!! Very difficult and bitter woman...but went to church every Sunday and demanded that the grandchildren went too. She literally drove them away from God. I did not help much telling them about the history of the Catholic Church either, but they both believe on God, pray before eating and are trying to be good people. They just got a bad impression from her.
Oh well. Life goes on. Hope this was not too much. Good to talk about old bad times to get them out for some fresh air...God bless and heal you and keep all well in the coming unknown times. Gary

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