BUSTED a possible thief this afternoon!!

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Finder of lost things AND The Boss
HCL Supporter
Apr 19, 2021
North central Texas
I got home from work, the electric company was coming to change out their dusk to dawn light near my house ( they own, install and maintain the light, I pay 6.00 a month for it)! Hubby had a guy stop this morning out front wanting to buy an old parts truck we have. He said no and sent the guy on his way! As l'm talking to the electric company, a guy in a white Ford and a flat bed trailer went down the road and turned around, stopped in the road at the edge of our property. So I walked down there and asked what they were doing! The guy driving said they noticed we had carport metal and was curious if it was for sale. I figured it was the same guy Hubby saw this morning. I said no, it's for roofing my house (it's not)! Then he said he could haul off some of the extra vehicles if I would like! Again I said no. Then he asked if I was getting a security light installed! I quickly said no, the electric company was moving it because it was making a glare on two of my night vision cameras! That made for some wide eyes! I then turned and pointed to the obvious camera on Hubby's shop and "SMILE"! He got in the truck and they left. I memorized their license plate and called the sheriff's department. Sure enough there were two calls about them earlier this afternoon. I had a cop friend (not in my area) run the tag, sure enough, the guy had an arrest record for trespassing and theft! The sheriff's department was going to patrol the area and see if he was still around.
Update: got a call back from the sheriff's department, they had yet another call from someone reporting a suspicious vehicle and trailer. The jerks got two tickets and we're told not to be seen in this area! I was able to track them down off the info my cop friend gave me!! They live in a different area, must have been out scoping!! Now I know where they live!😉🧐🙀
Update: got a call back from the sheriff's department, they had yet another call from someone reporting a suspicious vehicle and trailer. The jerks got two tickets and we're told not to be seen in this area! I was able to track them down off the info my cop friend gave me!! They live in a different area, must have been out scoping!! Now I know where they live!😉🧐🙀
where were you when the drunks in a jeep broke my gatepost last weekend ???
Update: got a call back from the sheriff's department, they had yet another call from someone reporting a suspicious vehicle and trailer. The jerks got two tickets and we're told not to be seen in this area! I was able to track them down off the info my cop friend gave me!! They live in a different area, must have been out scoping!! Now I know where they live!😉🧐🙀
And you and hubby should do a drive by and really freak them out
It's pretty common for scrap dealers to drive around rural areas looking for "unaccompanied" scrap. A lot of historical farming and mining equipment have been stolen by scrap dealers. If there's nobody around many of these scroungers will just just load up anything that they think they can resell or scrap.
Yeah I lost about 30,000 dollars worth of classic car parts to scrap thieves.

I got tired of it got my MAC 90 on a Sunday during church and went to the storage lot. caught them in the act put the MAC 90 on one and he had the balls to start toward me I told him "I will kill you where you stand if you take another step" and he froze. He told me that the lady living there told him to clean up the stuff and I said that's a lie nobody in the family would give you permission to get any of this stuff because they know it belongs to me.

He told his companion to get in the truck and lets go, I told the companion I would shoot the truck and them full of holes if he touched the door handle.

I told him I will call 911 and we will let the cops sort it out.

I did and told them I had some thieves at gunpoint and they had better come quick,
They did and four cars showed up in about five minutes.

I added up enough to get them felonies and they got probation and big fines but I didn't get any for my stuff, the court got the restitution I guess HEHEHEHEH.

Did the same thing again about two years later but did not have to show a gun.
It's pretty common for scrap dealers to drive around rural areas looking for "unaccompanied" scrap. A lot of historical farming and mining equipment have been stolen by scrap dealers. If there's nobody around many of these scroungers will just just load up anything that they think they can resell or scrap.
Trespassing is now a felony in Texas! Mess around by my place is a get your a$$ kicked by a girl thing!
You are bad to the bone @Pearl...

...Dayum Straight!


Way to 'bring it to 'em', Ms Pearl.. :cool: 👊

Good job Pearl.

Here's my story. I have a shop on the edge of the "bad part of town," aka "Felony Flats." We've had to install 7' wrought iron fencing and gate the parking lot to stop the riff raff. I have a landscaped area outside the perimiter fence with a bunch of palm trees and a runoff pond of river rock. I actually had to concrete the rocks in the pond because aholes were throwing them at the windows.

Years ago I started out putting solar floodlights to light the trees at night, and you know, make it "look nice" for people. Every one was stolen, twice, like 30 lights. OK. So I put in 12v wired lighting, with lights buried in the ground. Nobody's gonna dig the lights up. Right?

Wrong. I come to work a couple years ago and my front is torn up and wires sticking out of the ground, other wires are just, gone, along with about six lights, which are $60 each! So I go to the cameras (that we installed after the earlier thefts and countless other problems). I have cameras everywhere, and big floodlights at night like a Walmart.

Sure enough, about 5 minutes after we'd left the day before, some old boozer was sitting in the shade under a palm tree drinking. Then he noticed the light and started digging it up with his hands. Then he reached the wire and started pulling it ALL up. It's only buried about 4". Then he cut the wires with a big knife, where he couldn't get it out and headed down the street.

We called the cops, then plastered his face all over Facebook. By 9 am the next day he was in custody! The dude was like 60 years old and on probation. He's now on the downside of 4 YEARS in the state pen. I replaced the lights, and when I put new planters in this winter I'm going to concrete the lights in.

People are just plain NUTZ!

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