Bye Bye Piers Morgan

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Awesome Friend
Jun 10, 2013
Wilmington N.C

I hate to break the news to you Mr Morgan, but your idea of changing AMERICA will NEVER work. It did not work in 1776, and will NOT WORK in our life time either. You will NEVER take the guns out of our hands. Go back to where you came from. Oh wait your no longer welcome there either. Well go try living in China. Your not welcome here either. You have overstayed your welcome. As we say here in the South. Don't let the door hit you in the ASS on the way out.

Here is a hint for you Piers. THIS IS AMERICA where we choose to be a FREE NATION, and own guns. If you do not like it. LEAVE!!! No one is forcing you to stay.

:america: :m4: Shoot

I hate to break the news to you Mr Morgan, but your idea of changing AMERICA will NEVER work. It did not work in 1776, and will NOT WORK in our life time either. You will NEVER take the guns out of our hands. Go back to where you came from. Oh wait your no longer welcome there either. Well go try living in China. Your not welcome here either. You have overstayed your welcome. As we say here in the South. Don't let the door hit you in the ASS on the way out.

Here is a hint for you Piers. THIS IS AMERICA where we choose to be a FREE NATION, and own guns. If you do not like it. LEAVE!!! No one is forcing you to stay.

:america: :m4: Shoot
It was music to my ears when I heard he was leaving! I have seen hs show a couple of times, and he is nothing but a gas bag, who sounds more like a spoiled 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

I think we should send him packing back to England... though they probably don't want him back.

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