City Of Ceres
The State Water Resources Control Board has proposed regulations to achieve a 25 percent reduction in water use statewide. The City Of Ceres is required to cut water use by
This is based on a June 11 revision tied to an average July through Sept. 2014 daily per capita residential water use rate of 166.30 gallons that places water agencies into nine tiers of reduction targets.
The May 2015 daily per capita residential water use rate according to data submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board.
How much more water residential customers the City Of Ceres used in May 2015 when compared to the statewide average daily per capita residential water use rate of 87.47 gallons. The City Of Ceres serves a total population of 46989, and residential customers account for about 81.0% of the water used.
Over the past 12 months, water use by this agency's residential customers has decreased by -42.57%, going from 198.5 residential gallons used daily per capita to 114.0 residential gallons used daily per capita.
Sources: California Water Resources Control Board
In all honesty 114 gallon daily average per customer still seems high as a comparison, our house on the property uses about 53gal a day average, cooking showering and watering plants, our showers are on 3 minute timers, the house in town uses on average 70gal and that's cooking showering clothes washing once a week watering plants and garden and I'm sure I can reduce that by fixing the leaking spigot to the garden, unless everyone in Ceres has a garden to average 114gal per resident 114gal seems high.
Yes I have meters from the wells to the house to monitor our usage