Jerry Brown?............uuuuuuuh............Obama? even worse.......I like this idea and will use it. Hopefully I can find members near me and maybe we can teach eachother some things.
Isn't it funny too that the US is definately more into prepping than any other country. Why is that? I'm into flight simming with FSX and belong to Alaskan Winds as a virtual pilot and a scenery designer. I have many contacts from all over the globe and the "prepping" topic is new to most i talk to. Some are aware that "prepping" is a US thing and most don't feel the need to prep as they either don't feel anything is ever going to happen or just aren't aware of any current dangers in the world. I guess we all are not up to date with current affairs.
I live in Squaw Valley, eastern Fresno County. Kings Canyon and Sequoia Nat'l parks are about 20 minutes away from me. I spend alot of time with my son (24) in the forest areas practicing things I have read in my survival guide. currently we have built 23 different shelters together. Both of us enjoy building snow shelters. If your willing to do a little work a snow shelter is very easy but takes up to 2 hours to complete properly. Most we have built we have stayed in and twice we spent the night. It's surprizing how effective they are. You wouldn't think so but it will definately keep you alive and comfortable in a crisis. Since I have built several it would be cool to show others how. sometimes when we have built these shelters we have had a small croud who wonder what the heck we are doing. After I have explained what we are doing most walk away but we do get a few who are interested enough to stay and watch and ask questions. One guy actually asked me when I would be doing it again. THis was last winter and we were building it at the entrance to big meadows using a huge snow bank. He showed up the next weekend and wanted to video us making the shelter. He thought it was cool and did spend about 15 minutes in it with us. he really got interested and wanted to know how I got started so I told him about my survival guide and gave him the name of it. It has everything from A-Z and covers it all for every corner of the globe. No matter where you are it trains you to survive off the land whether it be in the desert, jungle, forest, winter, summer or whatever it's in this book. What leaves you can eat, how to make rope from all sorts of stuff that you would never know. Like the roots from cattails can be eaten or used in a soup and the tops of them, breal them up and they expand, great for packing the sleeves of your long sleeved t-shirt for insulation.
It's called "Camping &Wilderness Survival", the ultimate outdoors book by "Paul Tawrell". It's a best seller with over 275,000 copies sold. Really great to have.