Sorry Mz Pearl, I have to contest this - There has simply been No One (yet-Born, at least) to this day who could 'out-Wooden-Spoon' my Great Grandmother, or who could 'out-Amazing-Pasta-Sauce' my Grandmother (not even my Mother... but don't send her this post or I'm a Gonne....
Very True Sir Morgan.. The 'First Rule of Management' is that in Every Company, there exists One Person who
Exceptionally-knows 'what's going on' /
Exactly-how to keep the Co prosperous and glowing with happy Employees. This person must be Found and Immediately
Well you Don't Say! Something
Else we can
stoutly-Agree on.. (and, actually, due to my 'Never miss a chance to be a Smartass'... Yes, I Now even carry a... ) ..strictly a 'conversation-piece' mind you.. Bit small to waersh the hands in...
OK, time to be serious, here... One factor in this all I have been thinking about lately (and, pondering starting a Thread on this facet.. TBD) is the conundrum that people will face when it comes "Time" to employe the 'leverage' of violence.
..I'm Not talking about 'Will I have the 'stones' to Use it' - Ergo: Not the 'moral dilemma' aspect of using violence vs Not - but rather, for those of us who have a more 'Conservative nature' (ie: those who have a 'Bible-based / groomed conscience' vs those who Don't (or, those who simply reject such as irrelevant, etc (ie: the 'Jeffrey Dahmers' / Cartel Capos / Street-Gangs, etc, etc)) ....Being acutely tuned into knowing 'When' to use it.
Ergo: For those who largely lack 'morals' / principles, (ie: the Lib-Zommies (who likely will
Also be among the Most unprepared / Most entitled / quickest to turn to violence, etc -
Just like Now.. ) their
Lack of restraint can actually be a 'tactical Advantage', if those who are more 'Conservative', don't
Recognize that 'imminent danger' (of some 'hair-triggered Zommie' with an IED, or hidden weapon, etc..) and are inclined to Trust at
All (ie: 'Trust but Verify' - noble and all, but
that can actually get ya Killed right quick..)
It's truly a conundrum that fascinates me (and I bet it could be a good Thread / discussion, etc) - and - one that, really, necessitates being 'Honest' with ones' self - Not only '
Will I Pull the Trigger', but.. Being honest as-to '
Am I a good judge of
When that Has to happen'.
Critically-Important 'Training Op', IMO, if-not..