im giving an up-date here for anyone interested.
ive recently been trying our the recipe for Apostles Oil, that is a a low to med grade thc material cooked for a few minutes in organic raw hemp seed oil then steeped for 2 weeks. this recipe is meant for ppl with seizures and or epilepsy.
for a couple years ive been dealing with vestibular neuritis, very similar to Meneires Disease, dizzy spells where it feels like your brain is being sucked out of one or both ears. .
anyway---i mentioned earlier i started the Apostles Oil 2.5mg every 2 hours. have gotten amazing results. the dizzy spells and nausea and balance problems are about 85% gone and i feel more normal than i have in a long time. there is no buzz with this at all.
i never considered trying this recipe for my problem before as i was never diagnosed with seizures or epilepsy. but it still helped me. alot. so when you are considering your particular problem and want to try something, try more than one recipe. try a couple things and see what helps YOU.
Dont. Give. UP.