Car AM radio bill passes House panel

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I dated a logger from south west va. Granted very long time ago. The AM radio was how he knew the work schedule. Same for mine workers. We used it for winter school closings. And Listening to Art Bell Coast to Coast High Desert. Fun times. As for cell phone getting emergency notification that depends in your signals. Might get it in my yard but not down my driveway and never sitting in the dollar general parking lot or in our hospital waiting room. Who knows we might not be able to afford a cell phone, computer with internet. Our town uses the volunteer fire alarm with different sounds for different events, fire call, tornadoes, bomb attack.
I suspect if the any of the news reporting mentioned that sports are aired on AM radio the uproar would be different. I suspect most of the pampered arm chair quarterbacks pay hundreds of dollars a month for the paid channels and satellite feeds so they wont care but when driving around in rural areas You will be lucky to find a decent FM signal.
Once the sun starts to set AM radio is filled with a large variety of channels, many from several states away.

NOTE: I don't care much about sports but I used to listen to NASCAR when playing in the hills, and occasionally it allowed me to catch a Michigan/Detroit team if they were playing someone on the western half of the country. I usually did not listen to the entire broadcast but I would check in from time to time.
If they remove AM radio, what are all the States going to do with the road signs that say something like:
"For important travel information, tune into AM 1610"
I don't use AM a lot, but here in Iowa our predominant news radio station is AM1040. Yes, it carries conservative talk programming. The gen z's hate 1040. But 1040 also carries Iowa Hawkeye games and it's far and away the best radio station for weather reports. I keep a 15 year old boombox in my kitchen just to be able to get 1040 because there aren't any other AM stations I listen to at home.

Since my job requires a lot of long distance driving I search for AM sports stations when I'm on the go. That's another good reason to keep AM in cars.

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