a big hello to everyone on this site
what a great site! I am so grateful to those who keep up these sites so that we can network etc
I live in central alberta,
im 25, have been prepping steadily for last 2 yrs, have met some great people along the way, learned lots, more to learn still
my interests are in health-what alternative methods etc can be done/used to prevent sickness in the first place, what alternative and complementary methods/medications etc can be employed to cure sicknesses.
I also have interest in communications, another big one
My interests also lie in shooting, gardening, small livestock, and constantly reorganizing the BOB! lol...
don't we all know about that one ...
my goal: helping build a great group
Strength in numbers.
what a great site! I am so grateful to those who keep up these sites so that we can network etc
I live in central alberta,
I also have interest in communications, another big one
My interests also lie in shooting, gardening, small livestock, and constantly reorganizing the BOB! lol...
my goal: helping build a great group