Centralised Control

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
Centralised Control

Call me paranoid I don’t care but this is one conspiracy I do believe in.

Something is changing subliminally in society, it’s happening slowly and stealthily and I don’t think its objectives are benign for the ordinary folks in society.

It’s like this, I believe the ruling social elite and political classes are socially engineering society for their SOLE benefit. They are gaining at society’s expense and making society pay for THEIR benefit.

Traditionally even ordinary people who live in rural areas pay a premium for living in the countryside, houses even those identical to ones built in cities are far more expensive, Local authorities deem living out of town is an excuse to charge extra council tax on rural homes, usually one Council Tax band but often two bands higher are levied on even modest homes.(One party even wants to increase your Council Tax if you improve your home with central heating or extensions or greenhouses or conservatories)


Fuel for vehicles and food in rural local shops is normally up to 15% more expensive in rural areas YET when one studies distribution networks for fuel companies and supermarkets their delivery vehicles very often pass close by on the main roads or even THROUGH those rural villages as they transport fuel to other large towns or supermarket distribution centres. (Just watch the TV series about Eddie Stobart haulage to see this is true)

If they are driving past the villages to reach the next town why are they claiming it’s more expensive to deliver fuel to rural communities?

The same nightmare price rip off is also applied to heating oil for huge numbers of rural customers.


They now are using the ploy of creating “REGIONAL CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE” within the NHS where upon most major medical services are moved from out town and county NHS hospitals to huge great regional facilities in the middle of large cities (Note though the services have been moved often dozens of miles the patients STILL are expected to pay viciously high parking charges to attend said RCE’s, and no public transport is provided)

I find it rather odd personally because since my wife, mum, uncle and aunt joined the NHS and medics in the late 60s / early 70s firstly the NHS started building large county hospitals with up to 1500 beds only to start closing them down 30 years later when they realised the benefits of smaller, cleaner, more humane “community” hospitals provided better environments for patient recovery.

So why huge expensive, unhygienic RCES if it’s not conducive to patient care and recovery?

(Note also many Ambulance Trusts also struggle desperately to provide on time primary paramedic service and patient transport services over such distances often with Ambulances having to wait hours to offload at these mega hospitals).

Note also many semi-rural and rural Fire Stations have been closed or downgraded, Coastguard stations closed and Charity owned air ambulances STILL don’t get tax relief on aviation fuel.


Rural primary schools have been getting closed down often rightly because few if any children were using them, except that many THRIVING rural primary schools are also being closed down and the kids shipped each day often dozens of miles to “Super” primaries with up to 800 kids located in the towns. The transport costs are immense and the disruption to the children’s wellbeing is huge.

Equally many small and medium towns secondary schools are no longer allowed or have been prevented from providing essential 6th form schooling for 16 to 18 year old and those teens are often bussed great distances at very early hours to remote large towns and cities returning late on an evening.


FACT, the poorest and most deprived sector of society when it comes to public services is the rural communities with the very young and elderly being particularly hard, yet these people have paid a higher level of taxation over their entire lives than most similar people living in cities.

As I type I hear on the BBC that many absolutely essential rural bus services are to be scrapped as a cost saving measure, this comes AFTER note AFTER years and years of the big three political parties closing rural libraries, drop in centres, nursery schools, youth clubs, closing local doctors surgeries, closing local post offices, reducing mail delivery services etc

Why remove essential services THEN cut the only transport links to the remaining services found in the large towns? (something done by both left and right wing political parties)


Rural communities often rely on tourism of various types to sustain their economies, fast reliable telecommunications are the FIRST and most important aspect of a healthy rural economy, but the state has delayed and delayed the roll out of fast broadband to many areas to such a degree that entire rural towns like Alston in Cumbria ended up laying their own broadband cables through a voluntary cooperative involving most people from the town. Regional tourism trusts have been scrapped,entire tourism promotional agencies have been closed down.

All these savage cuts to rural communities essential services but there is no associated cut in the high levels of council tax applied to them. Indeed one very popular group of villages in North Yorkshire that rely almost entirely on tourism recently found to their horror that the new upgraded and expended A1M no longer had a junction at their location, and to rub salt into the wound the Highways Agency also blocked those communities from putting up brown TOURIST Information signs alongside the new motorway.


Regional railways everywhere EXCEPT London have struggled to fund updating and expansion of rural rail services, recent floods saw bad weather and lack of investment see much of Devon and Cornwall, and parts of mid Wales cut off from the rest of the network. Many rural and semi-rural areas have for years campaigned for new stations, new trains, more rolling stock without success.
read not so long back at how the various railway companies in the north east of England lobbied for 120 new coaches to cater for the massive increase in passenger numbers, they received three!!!


Power generation…. ALL of the UK’s power generation comes from plants located far away from the cities, recently rural areas have been given the added task of hosting huge wind farms and huge solar arrays even after huge amounts of local objection ( The power companies have been stopped by the various governments from giving the host communities discounted energy).

YET when a storm wreaks chaos across the national grid it is absolutely inevitable that the power supplies are restored to rural areas LAST.


Housing development, for years we have seen government policy and county planners not only making it as difficult as possible for people to build starter homes and family homes in rural areas, but also not doing anything to address the issue of wealthier city dwellers buying up second homes in rural areas which often only get used occasionally.

BUT for some unexplained as yet reason we frequently gated and walled very expensive executive housing developments sprout up in the most choice of rural locations.


Naturally no new development occurs on the estates and lands of the ruling elite or nobility, indeed Prince Charles demolished two or three long established village communities just so he could build Poundbury his own personal executive development.


Law Enforcement / Crime prevention, I find it rather disconcerting to see that as multiple Constabularies and government statisticians report that crime is falling in the cities and rising alarmingly in the countryside, thefts of agricultural plant equipment is soaring and is theft of diesel oil from farms, poaching by immigrant gangs is endemic in some areas and entire herds of sheep are getting stolen in others. Attacks on farmers and elderly retired country folk though still thankfully rare is on the increase.

So what has the response been from the state and police forces? Well whilst they report increased crime in rural areas they STILL continue to closed rural police stations and savagely cut police numbers in rural areas ( whilst still reacting very swiftly to prosecute any country folk brave enough to fight back who harms the criminals plaguing them.) It can and does take up to 90 minutes for police to respond to a 999 call in some areas as the notorious farmer Tony Martin found out at his expense.

Pt 2
So what does this steady trickle or haemorrhaging of public services, utilities and facilities INTO the cities tell you when it’s accompanied by an OUTWARD flow of the rich and influential into the rural areas?

I believe it is SOCIAL ENGINEERING on a large scale not for the benefit of the nation as a whole, but to benefit the social and political elite (of all parties left and right) as the UK is manipulated / driven to become (A) even more part of the undemocratic, unelected EUssr (B) to make control of the inflated (by mass migration) masses being manipulated into moving into the cities from the rural areas.

Once the masses are confined and reliant totally on the cities the rural elite have ABSOLUTE control over them. Food, Water, Jobs, Housing, Schools, Healthcare, Power, Transport, Leisure you name it the ruling elite have TOTAL control of the ON/OFF switch thus ensuring the complete compliance of the masses. By subliminally encouraging dissent between ethnic groups and races they ensure that draconian levels of policing can be applied to keep the masses compliant, and equally willing to undercut each other for pittance paying service sector jobs. Naturally those in power will have ( and are) relocated to the now almost empty countryside where they can have all the benefits of a beautiful green and pleasant environment for themselves except for the few essential remaining farmers(read that as farming mega companies complying with government policy) home steaders, game keepers, a trickle of off-gridder’s and preppers. Not forgetting the social elite’s personal security contingents to ensure no plebs venture from the cities to spoil the elite’s enjoyment of the countryside.

Those of the ruling and social elite who have an aversion to the countryside are ensuring their own security and continuity by building ICEBERG houses in the cities, Iceberg houses being in the main huge subterranean extensions of their already extensive city homes, underground car parks, swimming pools, store rooms, hidden stair cases, huge solar powered food storage freezers, wine cellars, gymnasiums, staff accommodations , water filtration systems, back-up power supplies etc

(Just GOOGLE iceberg homes or search the Daily Mails archives to see plenty of examples)

Those are the facts as I see them, I know and fully accept that as an individual or even as part of a group I cannot influence or change these events or prevent them even if I wanted to which I don’t ( I’m not a socialist and don’t live on the politics of envy)

BUT as a prepper and as a father and husband I can do something for myself to mitigate the effects of this social engineering and how it may influence my family

Firstly I can (and have) moved like so many other enlightened people (preppers, off-gridders, homesteaders etc) as far from the cities as I can, and I and my family can learn as many skills to develop our independence from the “ system” as possible. I can in time grow more of my own food, I can produce much more of my own power, I can install rain water and water recycling gear to give me part independence from the “system” and those who control it. I can learn various skills to reduce my reliance on city based service’s, it goes on and on and on.

We can ALL increase our independence and REDUCE our reliance on the system that is funded by our taxes but being used to erode our quality of life. Have you got that will and desire to remain as free as possible and equally as in control of your own destiny as much as possible?

Have you GOT THE WILL, because as they say “Where There Is A Will There IS A Way” Do you want to live in a city with little or no control over your destiny and quality of life, if YES then go with my best wishes, if NO then take a good look at your loved ones and ask yourselves what will it take, large or small in effort or commitment to improve your self-reliance, freedom and quality of life.

I may not agree with everything you say here but a vast majority I do and have experienced first hand (like many other bushcrafter/wild campers) the sheer lack of freedom to simply enjoy the countryside is ridiculous. Trying to go back to simpler ways is frowned upon by the vast majority when its actually the most natural thing in the world.

The monetary system is essentially being used to confine the vast majority of society to urban areas, unless you have the money to buy your way out.

You made some good points and it really makes you think!
Supply and demand. Less of both in rural areas, so higher prices are the natural byproduct. I have to disagree on home prices though, much lower in rural areas, at least here. Taxes are a killer though. I work in the city though, so I gas up, etc. there, as it usually cheaper.

Of course the elite are conspiring to control things. Would be pretty lax if they DIDN'T, when you think about it. However, they still have to maintain a balance, and can't go too far. If people feel threatened or unhappy, and lose faith or hope, they'll overwhelm the elites with numbers, and no doubt the elite have been well aware of this throughout history (and when they forget, revolutions reinforce the lesson).
Up here you can still buy two up, two down fully modernised terraces in rural villages for £50K, a 3 bed semi on an exec estate in a rural village for £130K and a 4 bed detached for about £150K
Devon is the second expensive area to London for housing, or so I've been told, small 2 bed semi will cost you £145K, 2 bed small bungalow £165K and a decent 3 bed detached rural property will cost you £300K and upwards!!

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