Chernobyl on HBO

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it went along true russian thinking ; lets cover our *****...don't tell anyone..until you have to and it's too late...send in those poor bastards with inferior
equipment to do something,if they die,bury them and send in some more "volontiers"..
it went along true russian thinking ; lets cover our *****...don't tell anyone..until you have to and it's too late...send in those poor bastards with inferior
equipment to do something,if they die,bury them and send in some more "volontiers"..
Yes, I felt sorry for the lower ranking men that were used like canaries in the coal mines.
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I was in grad school at the time, and I was taking a course in nuclear engineering. The prof had worked at Oak Ridge in the early years of nuclear energy development so he knew a thing or two about it.

He spent an entire class period giving us a detailed account of exactly what happened. I don't remember a lot but I do remember how idiotic those guys were. The gist of it was they disabled all the emergency failsafes in order to run a test. It wasn't an authorized test and they purposely pushed the reactor to its limits (with no failsafe in place)

"Epic fail" doesn't even cover it.
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This is probably the most accurate depiction of Chernobyl, as accurate as can be, this does good job explaining on what and how it gone wrong.


Thank you for posting. I just finished watching this. Poor construction, ego, and denial. It was a recipe for disaster. I can’t believe the main guy in charge ended up dying from a heart attack years later and not radiation. He never admitted to any of it being his fault. .... crazy! He even told those people around him questioning his direction, that they weren’t paid to think.
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Folks over the age of 40 shouldn’t take KI tablets. KI only protects the thyroid (more apparent in the young) it doesn’t prevent radioactive iodine from entering the body, KI tablets won’t protect you from radiation sickness.
Good to know, because I thought about getting some myself.
Good to know, because I thought about getting some myself.

I keep some around for my grandkids, the tablets only help if you’re escaping and shouldn’t be taken more than 3 days besides, radioactive iodine is just a small part of the radioactive poisoning one would be concerned about.
I was in the UUSR, 2 weeks before the collapse/revolution. We met people from nearby the accident site - young women permanently sterilised, young people with swollen joints - knees, elbows, fingers, hair loss, teeth falling out, always sick.

The suffering was horrible, but the were all smiling, saying "it could've been worse".

Scary if it happens in a major population area.
I heard on the radio yesterday that Russia is responding to it by coming out with their own miniseries about Chernobyl in which they claim the CIA did it.