Chicken/egg question

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If your box traps aren't working on the coon, go get some dog proof traps. Bait them with marshmallows, syrup, and or honey. There's also some very good commercial coon bait available. Its virtually impossible for a dog to get caught or even a cat in one of these traps. They really work good on coon. They usually have DP traps at most feed stores and many sporting goods stores too. I think Cabelas carrys them and I know Sportsmans Warehouse carries them too. What do you have to lose, except more chickens.
My dogs and cats are in the house. I anchored the cages tonight so he can't flip them. I am using marshmallows and Vienna sausages as bait.
I have assumed my position in the lawn chair. Man, it is dark tonight. Lol

My husband thinks I am crazy and my son wants me inside.
I have assumed my position in the lawn chair. Man, it is dark tonight. Lol

My husband thinks I am crazy and my son wants me inside.
I have done that more than a few nights. I usually out before the last trail cam time and sit for a couple hours.
We lost another hen today. It was a buff orpington. She was fine early this morning but when the girl went out to feed the ducks she was dead. There wasn't a mark on her and nothing could get in the garden to get her. She was 5 years old so maybe it was just old age.
Arctic, that happened to me when I first started raising chickens. I did an autopsy and her intestines were atrophied with cyst type nodules. I called the university of TN and they told me what it was and that it was not contagious. Can't remember the name right now.
I also said, leave the cats locked in my room. I have about 20 camera pics of my cats walking around the coop.

But..... I also have pics of the raccoon messing with the cages. It looks as though he is grabbing food through the side. The holes are only one or so inches so he must have tiny hands.

Obviously, my husband was wrong when he said the raccoon would not return.
Question, if I cover the back and one side that does have the lever with a cloth, do you think he would have to go in the front to eat? I can't camp tonight because my son has school tomorrow and I need to sleep.

He outsmart 3 cages so it can't be that all of them are defective.
Question, if I cover the back and one side that does have the lever with a cloth, do you think he would have to go in the front to eat? I can't camp tonight because my son has school tomorrow and I need to sleep.

He outsmart 3 cages so it can't be that all of them are defective.
You can add extra wire with smaller openings around the trap. You can also put the bait inside a wire box.

Just remember, there is no outsmarting a dog proof trap. The coon reaches in to a tube to get the bait and they are caught 100% of the time. You will always have problems with coons where you live. It would be a good idea to get more than one type of trap.
The dog proof traps. The coon sticks his hand in to grab the bait and triggers the trap.
Ok. I've been using DP traps for years. Just never heard of them called Hand traps before. Makes sense though. I use some Duke traps for everything from muskrat to beaver. Since they are foreign made (Taiwan) I tend to use mostly American made traps. Thats why I recommend the Freedom #1 DP. Plus they are easier to set and they are triggered by the coon pushing or pulling on the trigger.
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Ok. I've been using DP traps for years. Just never heard of them called Hand traps before. Makes sense though. I use some Duke traps for everything from muskrat to beaver. Since they are foreign made (Taiwan) I tend to use mostly American made traps. Thats why I recommend the Freedom #1 DP. Plus they are easier to set and they are triggered by the coon pushing or pulling on the trigger.
The only reason I called it that is because she said the coon was sticking his hand into the side of the trap to get to the bait.
Never heard of or seen a hand trap, learned something new.
We built our rabbit boxes & shot everything else, Father did not like steel traps, because they were not dog proof.
I have not slept in my bed for 6 nights due to raccoon/possum patrol. I'm so tired so I poured human urine all around the coop and dipped napkins in it and placed in vent wire. Hopefully, it will keep the possum away if it is still alive. Don't know if I hit his foot but I think I did.

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