Chicken/egg question

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Sorry to hear that Robin!! You don’t want to make a protected run for them? I only let mine free range when I am down there beside them. We have far too many hawks around here to let them out otherwise. Their automatic door opens to their run every morning. They run right out and enjoy the day. Some days I hang cabbage and such in those hanging rope type feeders.

Was at the pharmacy earlier for my son and the head pharmacist (whom I really like) told me a bear and 5 cubs took out his entire flock!! They got in the coop somehow. Our dogs have run off bears before…thankfully. Never heard of a bear having 5 cubs!
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I have a protected coop, netting cover and all. I just hate that they aren't free. Actually, I have lost quite a few by raccoons and possums getting into the coop while they slept. I have so much protection over the vents, it's hard to believe they can get in.
We had a coon open one of our coops once. They are awful.
@Robinjopo1 look towards grey fox. They have retractable claws like a cat. Greys can climb. Red’s claws are like a dog.
My experience has been with reds. Maps show I live in grey range. My trail cams show me another species, nasty little beggars, but they are on the federal protected list.
@Robinjopo1 look towards grey fox. They have retractable claws like a cat. Greys can climb. Red’s claws are like a dog.
My experience has been with reds. Maps show I live in grey range. My trail cams show me another species, nasty little beggars, but they are on the federal protected list.
I killed a red fox about 3 or 4 years ago. Caught it in trap then shot it.
I picked up some oats, wheat, barley and buckwheat seeds to plant for chicken feed. I'll try and get it planted today.
To everybody: beware of feeding your chickens oats! They will dry your chickens out from the inside if they do not get enough water, especially if the oats are in the whole germ condition. Soak the whole germ oats in water for at least 2 days and then it will not give your ladies any problems. Besides that, those few seeds which they did not find and eat will germinate and sprout some day and give your girls a bit of green sprouts to eat.
We had a coon open one of our coops once. They are awful.

I recently lost a hen to a possum. Silly bird didn’t go inside the chicken house before the door shut and somehow a possum got into the run that night. Hubby went to the trouble of replacing the existing wire with 1” wire all around the run What a pain! We changed the timing on the auto door to close later.
I recently lost a hen to a possum. Silly bird didn’t go inside the chicken house before the door shut and somehow a possum got into the run that night. Hubby went to the trouble of replacing the existing wire with 1” wire all around the run What a pain! We changed the timing on the auto door to close later.
I couldn't sleep without a head count. I do one about 5 times before I am sure. Lol. They move around and it hard to count.
I need help! I hatched a baby olive egger chicken on day 26...i had to help it a little but it made it. It is weak and has a large bald spot on its back. The other chicks are a couple days older and want to peck the spot. My husband suggests I put makeup on it but im not sure. I separated it for now. Can you put Neosporin on a chick? Or does anyone know of a solution or medication? Thanks


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I need help! I hatched a baby olive egger chicken on day 26...i had to help it a little but it made it. It is weak and has a large bald spot on its back. The other chicks are a couple days older and want to peck the spot. My husband suggests I put makeup on it but im not sure. I separated it for now. Can you put Neosporin on a chick? Or does anyone know of a solution or medication? Thanks
Just keep it separated. The feathers will fill in. You could try some Vetericyn Poltry Care spray, it might help.
If it's too weak it may not survive.
Thanks. I will try the spray...i think I have some in storage. The baby was too weak to walk or hold up its head the first 24 hrs. I left it in the incubator and used a dropper to hydrate with electrolytes. This morning it looks more like a normal chick...can eat drink and walk on its own. It was not a good hatch. Out of twenty eggs only three piqued and two hatched. I think the incubator sensors were off. Live and learn.
Thanks. I will try the spray...i think I have some in storage. The baby was too weak to walk or hold up its head the first 24 hrs. I left it in the incubator and used a dropper to hydrate with electrolytes. This morning it looks more like a normal chick...can eat drink and walk on its own. It was not a good hatch. Out of twenty eggs only three piqued and two hatched. I think the incubator sensors were off. Live and learn.
Also, do keep it separated. There is truth to the pecking order and the others will go after the weakest. Sad, but true.
I was going through my grain seed and trying to figure out what I am planting this year and I thought of you. Have you considered millet for your chickens? It is finicky but some kinds flower within a couple months and it is really nutritionally dense. You can also feed to cattle, so maybe if you could harvest the seeds, it would be dual purpose with some silage?

I found this on its nutrients. I don't know which kind you would grow there, but it has good info on all of them.
I was going through my grain seed and trying to figure out what I am planting this year and I thought of you. Have you considered millet for your chickens? It is finicky but some kinds flower within a couple months and it is really nutritionally dense. You can also feed to cattle, so maybe if you could harvest the seeds, it would be dual purpose with some silage?

I found this on its nutrients. I don't know which kind you would grow there, but it has good info on all of them.
It's worth looking in to. Finger millet might be a good choice in our area. Just need to see if we get enough moisture for it. I may buy a few pounds and try it out.
I gave my ladies some millet that my neighbor gave me. They liked it.
Millet is a bit expensive here, but we still buy it for an extra happy feedstuff. One of the ladies will actually chase the other two away till she gets her fill, even tho she is the smaller of the three. The rooster will stand by and wait till the hens are finished and only then take some, but again he is twice their size.

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