Been a few movies on this.... keep in mind that 20,000 leagues under the sea was written a hundred years before the first submarines.
It wasn't just the basic idea of the sub...but a lot of the DETAILS of this vehicle, and aircraft, even spacecraft, that Verne envisioned (and described) WAY before their time, that is completely remarkable. I still like to imagine he was an actual time traveler.
On the sub, he described a lot of detail that made it into later sub designs though, that weren't in the one he studied in France.
He also described newscasts vs. papers (when radio newscasts didn't happen until 30 years later).
He described a multi-stage rocket, with a cone shape on top with crew module, (even that it would take off from FL)....which wouldn't happen for decades. (he even described it coming back to Earth using a parachute). This, for me, is still the eeriest one of his predictions.
He described video conferencing, calling it "phonotelephote".
All kinds of weird things. He was a man well ahead of his time, and really had a penchant for envisioning the future.
I always think of it this way. If you had told me, as a kid, that years from then, I'd have a device in my pocket that could take pictures (without film), talk (with a screen even to see the other) to someone around the world, look up nearly any information, and store books, etc., watch movies, I would have thought you a madman. Yet here we are.
Dude, I remember when video games were Pong, or the Atari 2600. Now? It's just crazy.