Choosing other preppers to form a community

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Maybe. I used to watch him, but something about him bothers me. It has been a few years since I quit watching him and don't really remember why I quit.
I quit because PJF made it hard to watch without a paid subscription. I like what he says but there is little new stuff for an experienced prepper. It is nice to have the inspiration to keep moving forward but there is a lot of that available. I also stay away from YouTube as much as possible.
Seems like a lot of people on this forum are older and think they have no options. My motto is God helps the helpless the rest of us have to get on with it.
Probably raising a boy who we fought for and got permanent legal custody of when he was eight years old and we were 64 (cue the beetles song) has kept us exposed to a younger crop of parents who really care about their kids.
Now the kid is a 17 year old teenager and we are getting older as well but we know stuff and have resources.
Right now is the time to form groups, wonder about someone's past? get their name and email they have used where they have lived and google it or use one of the on line services. Find out their face book pages and see what's there. In the information age many things are available to check out.

Enough discussion of this subject for me here and now, If anyone wants to survive and thrive and save their children look me up privately. [email protected] you can use your email or join the free proton mail service, i know it's not secure but it is something besides Gmail.

Live SITREP 4.22.22 Buckle Up, It's About to get Very Bumpy
I saw this post in a group I belong to. This says a lot, imho, about OPSEC.

Ever hear something sensational and then have to talk about it to help you process it? It is classic behavior for many people. This situation has not been well thought out or planned. Here we have one person who thinks it is her responsibility to prep for 5 adults. Five adults working together could be much better prepared. This is a dysfunctional situation.

And then there is the business of about 10 more people being invited before it was even discussed with the person who is doing all the work. Something is really messed up in this situation. Add 10 more people who could be planning, preparing, and working together to make a better situation, or a disaster. All of these people need to have a meetup very soon, and make a plan for shelter, gardens, kitchen, cooking, etc.

" ISO ideas: I am a single person who has been stocking for my nuclear family (5 adults, and 2 dogs) for about a year now. I am at the point now where I have been using and rotating stock on the shorter term items. I just found out an invitation was extended to another branch of family if SHTF for the bug out property. This could triple the population of people, AND domestic animals. How the heck do I prep for this? I will have a garden this year, but no chickens or other farm animals. I have a dehydrator and both types of canners, but there is no way one person can rotate through stocks for 15 people! It's family, so I get it, but I'm highly doubting they stock, or would bring their preps (granted, IF they could even get to the property). "
Those who will kill you are part of your "Community". and those who will kill and "EAT" those who survived off your preparations, are also part of your community. Normalcy bias is we who prep will survive. Everything points to the "most" ruthless will out survive the preppers.
I hate "Reality and Truth" equally.
This observation, if the means and will exist, leads directly to the attempt at the Remote Defended Redoubt. My fairly valueless guess is that an RDB could work, for awhile. I have no guess at all re how long that 'awhile' might be.
"This observation, if the means and will exist, leads directly to the attempt at the Remote Defended Redoubt. My fairly valueless guess is that an RDB could work, for awhile. I have no guess at all re how long that 'awhile' might be." So what are you talking about here? radio controlled machine guns ? Inquiring minds want to know.
"This observation, if the means and will exist, leads directly to the attempt at the Remote Defended Redoubt. My fairly valueless guess is that an RDB could work, for awhile. I have no guess at all re how long that 'awhile' might be." So what are you talking about here? radio controlled machine guns ? Inquiring minds want to know.
Oops. That "Remote" describes a characteristic of the Redoubt; its location. The "Defended" assumes that it is effectively defendable - by whatever available means.

I probably don't need to point this out, but the kind of defensive measures that work now - like a 6 foot fence and a couple mastiffs, are only slow-em-downs in a world post-SHTF.
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I'll bet I know a few things, African rose bushes for one. they grow thick, they smell great and their thorns are toxic and agonizing.

A simple trench in the area of most likely trespass, make it so you can remotely full it with oil and keep some 12 ga flares handy.

Beehives, lots of them, also encourage yellow jackets in that area.

Don't like the oil? how about environmentally friendly rattlesnakes? put a layer of junk and brush in there to hide in. LOTS of broken glass too. put your excess garden waste in there too, the rats will give the snakes playmates.

Nail up nice bright red and yellow signs under the no trespassing signs that look like this:
Don't forget to scrawl the words "BLACK PLAGUE INSIDE, NEED FOOD AND WATER!"
NOTHING says f*** off like a desperate plea for help!


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I have just about given up trying to find other preppers who want to come together and form a group for the coming hard times.....and i think the hard times are here and going to get a lot worse very quickly this year.
It seems people either are thinking they are set up just fine in their apartment or they are looking for someone that will provide them with everything including a place to live without having to chip in any money.
Hopefully there are others who are well set up and can take care of their family just fine. I just tend to think there are many people out there who are younger, don't have the perfect homestead and have younger children. Location plays into the scenario as well, people living close or in a major city (over 100K people) are not going to do well.
I have a pretty good setup here in sparsely populated montana which could support a few more people for a couple of years.
I guess i will just keep monitoring local people so i have a clue who would be trustworthy and able to work in a group if things go bad quickly and they are left out in the cold.
Does anybody have any ideas how to cultivate some other like minded preppers? I know about the civic organizations, shooting ranges, gardening groups etc.

I found my folks through Carbine course.
These are often committed folks.
We had a compact now for years.
I recently took a carbine course. Total zero as far as meeting anyone interested in something other than tacticool.

Some Carbine Courses are tacticool.
Maybe Carbine course is the wrong term.
I dont want to dox myself so I do not want to mention the schoolhouse I attended.

Look for something that offers fire-and-movement and other infantry techniques rather than just shooting on a flat range.
Those who are willing to put themselves through those kind of ringers tend to be more serious.
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How much is a good three gun course these days? I'm so rusty I squeak.
Coyotes don't carry stop watches and laugh if I miss.

Actually I do not recommend 3 gun courses.
I consider them part of what is wrong with our training culture (when will you ever transition from Carbine to shotgun to pistol)

I recommend these courses listed below (I have attended several of these listed and I think I may recognize one of the pictures as one I took)
Note that all or most of them are not just pure carbine courses (no shotguns or pistols except on the periphery) but add elements of movement and tactics.
There are some exception on this list:
When they advertise "ex SWAT officers" those courses I usually stay away from, as their background is much too limited (urban focused and gun focused) for what you want, yet they sometimes dont know what they dont know.
You want a more holistic approach including the use of terrain etc.
When given a choice you want courses where the instructors are listed as having an infantry background instead of SWAT. (not that SWAT guys cannot teach us good stuff too especially if some of them have an infantry background too but my first instinct is to go to infantrymen)

Some of these are physically demanding as well:
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