Note: I will try and come back Later and 'Refine / Quantify' this a bit better, as-per Lady Weedy's Fine Advice.. Yanno, it's just that 'us Italians' are more of a 'measure by subjective-memory / taste' (vs 'Exact measuring' etc) but.. Her Point is well taken, so I will 'refine, later'
- Large Pork Shoulder
- Several (5-6) Large Cloves Garlic
- Course mill-ground Sea Salt
- Very Course mill-ground Pepper
- Large can Condensed Milk (14 oz)
- 20oz bottle Coca-Cola ('Mexi-Coke', the 'Original Flavor / Classic' in Glass, with cane sugar, is a Must - NOT 'diet' or 'zero', yukk..)
- 2-3 Whole Cinnamon Sticks..
- 1-2 Large Bay Leaves
- Fresh Cilantro
- Sliced-Onion (optional, but Recommended..)
- Rosemary (optional, but Highly Recommended..)
- Cumin (optional, but Recommended..)
- Red Pepper-flakes (optional, but Recommended..)
..'Stab' the pork in various spots / Insert cloves of garlic; Press / rub-in course sea salt, ground coarse pepper and Rosemary (if using); Put in crock pot / stew-pot w/ Condensed Milk, Coke, Cinnamon, Bay leaves and Cilantro / Onions / cumin, etc, and top-up w/ Water; Here's roughly how it should look, pre-cook:
(...this is Obviously before adding the Coke / Cond-Milk.. Figured I'd put a snap of it Before - since After adding all that - it just looks like a big pot of Dog Barf..
Simmer ~4-6 hrs, (Stovetop) on Med heat (~8-10 hrs if cooking in a Crock) Stir occasionally / top-up with Water to ensure Pork shoulder remains Covered. After cooking time is Up, 'test flake' - If it 'shreds easily' with a Fork - it's likely Good to Go. (but Do check the 'thicker areas', to ensure the 'Core' is done, also)
Extract the Pork, and 'Fork-Shred' in a coverable Glass-bowl, once cool enough to handle (though it usually just Falls-Apart when done properly) Be sure to enjoy some 'raw' (No BBQ sauce) to Fully appreciate the Awesomeness of this 'base recipe'
Then, simply blend in yer favorite BBQ-sauce, and pile on a Sesame Bun with some Onion-slices, more sauce, and wash it down with copious amounts of Ale or more Coca-Cola.
Note: This Also makes an *awesome* Base for our 'Cinna-Pork Chili', next-up, when I have more time next week.. Meantime, here's some 'teaser shots'..
- Large Pork Shoulder
- Several (5-6) Large Cloves Garlic
- Course mill-ground Sea Salt
- Very Course mill-ground Pepper
- Large can Condensed Milk (14 oz)
- 20oz bottle Coca-Cola ('Mexi-Coke', the 'Original Flavor / Classic' in Glass, with cane sugar, is a Must - NOT 'diet' or 'zero', yukk..)
- 2-3 Whole Cinnamon Sticks..
- 1-2 Large Bay Leaves
- Fresh Cilantro
- Sliced-Onion (optional, but Recommended..)
- Rosemary (optional, but Highly Recommended..)
- Cumin (optional, but Recommended..)
- Red Pepper-flakes (optional, but Recommended..)
..'Stab' the pork in various spots / Insert cloves of garlic; Press / rub-in course sea salt, ground coarse pepper and Rosemary (if using); Put in crock pot / stew-pot w/ Condensed Milk, Coke, Cinnamon, Bay leaves and Cilantro / Onions / cumin, etc, and top-up w/ Water; Here's roughly how it should look, pre-cook:
(...this is Obviously before adding the Coke / Cond-Milk.. Figured I'd put a snap of it Before - since After adding all that - it just looks like a big pot of Dog Barf..
Simmer ~4-6 hrs, (Stovetop) on Med heat (~8-10 hrs if cooking in a Crock) Stir occasionally / top-up with Water to ensure Pork shoulder remains Covered. After cooking time is Up, 'test flake' - If it 'shreds easily' with a Fork - it's likely Good to Go. (but Do check the 'thicker areas', to ensure the 'Core' is done, also)
Extract the Pork, and 'Fork-Shred' in a coverable Glass-bowl, once cool enough to handle (though it usually just Falls-Apart when done properly) Be sure to enjoy some 'raw' (No BBQ sauce) to Fully appreciate the Awesomeness of this 'base recipe'
Then, simply blend in yer favorite BBQ-sauce, and pile on a Sesame Bun with some Onion-slices, more sauce, and wash it down with copious amounts of Ale or more Coca-Cola.
Note: This Also makes an *awesome* Base for our 'Cinna-Pork Chili', next-up, when I have more time next week.. Meantime, here's some 'teaser shots'..
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