Clara Belle

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Dec 29, 2012
This will be my next milk cow
When we got to the dairy, he had 2 to chose from. One the 2 week old and then this one that was 6 weeks old. I felt that the 6 week old could handle the stress of being moved a little better than the younger and this one seemed to have warmed up to me pretty fast. She was sniffing and licking me from the get go. A large goat halter ended up being a perfect fit for her and we tied her into the back of the truck. We had put the headache rack on the back and also some boards to hold her in and not fall out. Lose enough that she could lay down if she wanted to and we also put some fresh hay down for her to lay on and she did end up eating some on the way home too. She calmed down rather quickly and was basically up and down on the 150 miles home.
Once here, I put her in a smaller pen I use as my sick barn. I wanted her in a contained area where she and I can bond and she gets down the bottle feeding first. I spent the first hour and a half out with her and after a lot of coaxing she downed 2 quarts of milk replacer. I did end up putting my goat Sissy over with her so she doesn't get to lonely when I'm not out there, but in all honesty Sissy didn't seem impressed.: :)
Next milk feeding should be at 5 AM but she also has hay out there to eat on and fresh water to drink. Since Clara Belle was basically tied today on the way home, I am not really going to start halter breaking and leading again until tomorrow except I did put the halter back on tonight just so she gets used to it. Tomorrow I will put it back on and then tie it off for a few hours. I want her to learn that if the lead is on she can not break away from it. I would rather her fight a post instead of me. I want her to have good experiences with me.
As I said, Sissy was not impressed at all and when I went back out after I had dinner Sissy had actually jumped the fence and when I saw she wasnt there called her name. She answered back. . . .was standing by the front goat pasture. . . Well that didn't work out so well :p So Clara Belle is by herself tonight. The mosquitoes finally ran me off.
She's a beauty! We have two I watch outside my kitchen window, Addy and Jodi, and they are a handful. They are my cousin's jersey calves, and seem to get themselves in predicaments often, so it's good you have your new one in a smaller pen. The others that we have on our property are young, but not as young as the little calves, and they seem to do well in a larger area.
That's funny that Sissy didn't seem impressed. Addy and Jodi only like me when I am carrying a bucket
I just want to make this as easy on us both as possible, I have never halter/lead broke a calf before. My last milker was already done for me so I am hoping that I am thinking correct on this one. I really want to have a bluff on her before she knows she can out weigh me and drag me wherever she wants to!!
I went out to give Clara her bottle this morning at 5 am. Around 8 am I put her halter back on with the lead. I ended up working with her instead of just tying her off. She didn't fight too much so thought I would go ahead and start training. 8 am was just in her small pen, which she did ok. She is young and wants to play, but I also want her to know I am in control when that halter goes on, By her next bottle feeding time at 11am, I put the halter and lead on to walk her out to the golf cart to get fed and back in her pen. I am trying out small and increasing each time. A little after that 11 o'clock feeding, hunny wanted in her pen to cut down some brush so I led her outside since I knew she would not like it when the weed wacker started up. I led her around the big garden to see the goats on the other side. They all sniffed and checked each other out. And then back to her pen. I am trying out the "Whoa" and "Come on" with her, which she is doing ok with right now. When she gets too fast, I tell her whoa and pull on her lead. When she stops to sniff around I will give her a slight tug and tell her come on with a little pat on her backside with my hand. This seemed to work out ok for us considering this is just the first day. I did learn that my dog Maggie has to be in the house while I am trying to work with Clara though. Poor baby ended up doing a somersault. . .
Any pointers for those who have halter and lead broken would be appreciated. First timer here with a cow.

Be patient. We always left a lead on. If she steps in it while walking she will learn to give to the pressure. If she steps on it and tries to jerk her head away she will pull her leg out from under her and disrupt her balance. We also tied to a post for short periods of time so they learn to stand and not fight the rope.
From my one baby bull experiance they grow like weeds!
Yes they do! This is the 4th bottle fed baby now and we have had many that momma raised. It wont be long before she out grows the large goat halter. Hunny went to work with his buddy today and when he came home I greeted him and he started to tell me about his day when I spotted a new blue halter in his hand. . . . I got excited! It is adjustable for her nose and head. She has already shown progress with the halteer and lead breaking today. I left the lead on her as Terri suggested but only while I was out supervising. I am probably being over protective but I would honestly worry to much if I couldn't see her with it on. Yesterday I woke up at 3:30am knowing she needed her bottle at 5. After working last night I got off by 2:30 but stayed up since she needed she bottle. After she was fed I did get a few hours sleep but wide awake by 10 am knowing she needed her bottle by 11. . . I was expecting to go into work tonight expecting a couple trucks, but only a few items came in from the warehouse. So instead of trying to take a nap today, I ended up staying up so I could sleep tonight. Tomorrow I have a grand baby turning 2 and her party is 2 hours away. So tomorrow I will be able to do the first 2 feedings, go to the party with 4 grand babies and then come home for a late feeding, clean up and off to work until I can't go anymore. I already told boss man's assistant I will work until I can't go anymore since my truck didnt show up today. I am scheduled 2 days a week and then go in for a truck but I already had these plans. I can't help if the truck is behind schedule. I'll get the majority done though and go back in on my scheduled day the day after to finish up what I cant get done. And then try to stay up for the nect 5 am feeding.
Yes they do! This is the 4th bottle fed baby now and we have had many that momma raised. It wont be long before she out grows the large goat halter. Hunny went to work with his buddy today and when he came home I greeted him and he started to tell me about his day when I spotted a new blue halter in his hand. . . . I got excited! It is adjustable for her nose and head. She has already shown progress with the halteer and lead breaking today. I left the lead on her as Terri suggested but only while I was out supervising. I am probably being over protective but I would honestly worry to much if I couldn't see her with it on. Yesterday I woke up at 3:30am knowing she needed her bottle at 5. After working last night I got off by 2:30 but stayed up since she needed she bottle. After she was fed I did get a few hours sleep but wide awake by 10 am knowing she needed her bottle by 11. . . I was expecting to go into work tonight expecting a couple trucks, but only a few items came in from the warehouse. So instead of trying to take a nap today, I ended up staying up so I could sleep tonight. Tomorrow I have a grand baby turning 2 and her party is 2 hours away. So tomorrow I will be able to do the first 2 feedings, go to the party with 4 grand babies and then come home for a late feeding, clean up and off to work until I can't go anymore. I already told boss man's assistant I will work until I can't go anymore since my truck didnt show up today. I am scheduled 2 days a week and then go in for a truck but I already had these plans. I can't help if the truck is behind schedule. I'll get the majority done though and go back in on my scheduled day the day after to finish up what I cant get done. And then try to stay up for the nect 5 am feeding.

Thats a hectic schedule alright. But she is so cute and hope she turns out like you want her to.
It is fun to read your excitement, @Dani girl! Happy Birthday to the grand baby!
How long will Clara Belle be on the bottle?
It really depends on her. I am thinking at least another 2 months. Going to be watching her on when she starts nibbling on grass and grain more. I have had cows that still let their calves nurse at a year old but there is no way I'm doing that :). I have had a Jersey before and they tend to be great mommas. Big Momma, our black angus learned from my Betsey Lou on how to be a good momma.
After Mid Morning feeding I worked with ClaraBelle out in her little area which she did try to struggle with me today, but yet when I dropped the lead, she still wanted to follow me around. Later this afternoon I put the lead back on and took her around the garden area. I dont do this everyday, but should. On days I work, I normally only work with her in her little pen. Since I am only off two days a week now it's not enough I am afraid. When I took her out today she was very excited. . . Wanted to run and had to say "whoa" many times.
I did end up taking her halter off this evening. It was just getting way to tight and the next halter I could find locally is for a horse that weighs around 100lbs so she needs to grow into it. I will put it on in the morning though. Just thought she would like to have it off for awhile. I scratched all under her chin and neck which she loves putting her head on my knee at first then worked her way up to my shoulder.
Aw, she is growing so fast!
I hope you can continue to put in as much time as possible training Clara Belle. Is good she wanted to follow you around, you're her only playmate. Maybe she needs a kitten. I'm kidding.
Aw, she is growing so fast!
I hope you can continue to put in as much time as possible training Clara Belle. Is good she wanted to follow you around, you're her only playmate. Maybe she needs a kitten. I'm kidding.
When I enter into her pen she wants to dance around. Hunny came into with me during the afternoon, I told him today I would love to go dance around and play with her, but I don;t just because she needs to learn to respect me. Right now she views me as momma and I am good with that.

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