Yep, I get up anywhere from 5:30am to 6am (depending on how groggy I am) and go out to drop feed and hay for the horses....then feed and water the bunnies and the chickens. About 6:45, time to turn the horses out into the pasture (10 of them, in 3 different pastures). My wife is feeding the inside animals while I do this (and women just take longer to get all work-ready anyhow).
Then, around 7:15am, I drive us both to work (about an hour and 15 min drive). I work until 5pm, she works until 6pm. We then drive home (about an hour and a half).
So, once home at 7:30pm, I go out and (muck our stalls if needed), bring in the horses, and then do their pm feed and hay (fill water buckets, etc.). Meanwhile, she's feeding the inside animals and cooking dinner, unless it's a night I'm cooking.
By the time we sit down to dinner, and a little TV, it's about 8:30pm or so. We watch a show or two while eating, generally pausing at a point for us to clean up dishes, etc., then sleep and do it all over again.
It's why we live for the weekends though, and try and have fun then.
But all of the above, has really SUCKED to do in freezing temperatures, let me tell ya...(though sure I don't need to). Especially filling water buckets....