The Tide be like:Dropped a good one Coach Saban.
I guess Beck wasn't interested in having his own helicopter:bang Head:.
The Tide be like:Dropped a good one Coach Saban.
The Tide be like:
I guess Beck wasn't interested in having his own helicopter:bang Head:.
There is much joy in mudville (swamp pun).Be quiet when Alabama is doing good,
Be quiet when LSU is doing good.
Go to the bathroom often and let it all out in private.
Or here.
(AL fan)
Oh God Jim. PLEASE NEVER do that. The only team worse than that is notre dame.
Bama surprised me coming back, even though they could get over the hump.
Penn state lost today as well, big changes in the polls next week. My bet is:
Oklahoma could make it as well
LSU is really good.
Really good QB.
I think they will or should be ranked #1.
There is much joy in mudville (swamp pun).
I stayed home and walked to the end of the driveway when the game was over.
I could hear cheering and yelling in 8 different directions at the same time.
There was even fireworks.
The bright side, I will be surrounded by completely happy people for the next month.
I haven't had a dog in this fight for a very long time. I hope the championship game will be very good.
Clemson/Ohio State was as it should be. Did Oklahoma send their JV team? I don't think anybody expected that.