Computer Refreshing

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
This is totally off topic. . . my tool bar at the bottom is constantly flashing and driving me crazy! And I cant down load certain files from sites that I want in my library. New member Maxence had posted a link and I found some good Cold bath canning and would like to add to my files. I have run the virus scans and that is not an issue, but I do have the id it Windows 10 that was the upgrade? and not sure if this really matters but still using Windows Explorer as a browser. I know Chrom is more popular, but I like to stick with what I know as long as possible. I know we have a couple computer gew rews so hoping, yes crossing my fingers you can give advise. Keep in mind, I am an idiot and I am not ashamed when it comes to computers. I have done the google search and have yet to find anything that helps but they are talking a foreign language.
If I tried to advise it would be the blind leading the blind! Try PMing Wgreggmiller and I’m sure he can help you refresh it.
This is totally off topic. . . my tool bar at the bottom is constantly flashing and driving me crazy! And I cant down load certain files from sites that I want in my library. New member Maxence had posted a link and I found some good Cold bath canning and would like to add to my files. I have run the virus scans and that is not an issue, but I do have the id it Windows 10 that was the upgrade? and not sure if this really matters but still using Windows Explorer as a browser. I know Chrom is more popular, but I like to stick with what I know as long as possible. I know we have a couple computer gew rews so hoping, yes crossing my fingers you can give advise. Keep in mind, I am an idiot and I am not ashamed when it comes to computers. I have done the google search and have yet to find anything that helps but they are talking a foreign language.

I pm”d you.
not sure if this really matters but still using Windows Explorer as a browser.

Well, that alone is a big enough problem, lol.... firefox or chrome. Very minor differences, so you'll get used to them quick enough, and save a lot of hassle.