I need some help guys.

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My Little Bushie came into My Life and We Saved Each Other, so much that I was able to move to where We are Now...!!! She will be here Forever an I Hope I will end up by Her when it's My Time...!!

I have some of those weird dreams where I know No-one and the Places, Believe it or not, Bushy sometimes brings Me back, I am Afraid of Nothing and only Hope that She comes back and leads Me to the crossing...!

Choose One of those "tomcats" and get Closer to it, just might make a huge change in Your Life, I Hope that Helps You...!!!
That would be Boxer, the 3rd of 3.
BTW. Sorry I bit your face off the other day, I trigger easily lately, hence this thread.
*Facepalm!* That's it! this crap started when I came back to the "world'' again! I'm out of my element!
Being in your element could have put you in this place. That's my excuse. Anyway, I figure if you can avoid the triggers you're doing good. I mean there's no fixing some things - just dealing with them:

Wtf is phantom ptsd post traumatic stress disorder means a stress that is triggered after the trauma , you don't need to be a cop or military to have it, it does not require being in combat, it requires a traumatic event that hasn't been resolved. it could be from child hood, and have been buried until a similar event triggers it, Drugs and almost any main stream "treatment only masks it. finding the loop and breaking it is what helps. And not mainstream lab coat idiots, unless they have had some serious outside the system training.
And I certainly don't recommend masking them with prescription drugs.
Being in your element could have put you in this place. That's my excuse. Anyway, I figure if you can avoid the triggers you're doing good. I mean there's no fixing some things - just dealing with them:
I've let myself fall apart, there is no going back in this shape! I almost fell out of the cripple-cart at Kroger today, a stock boy helped me up. then my belt failed and I mooned him.
None of those mind/body/spirit healing methods I mentioned have anything to do with any kind of sorcery. I know these are odd questions but there is method to my oddness and an important reason for me asking.

- Exactly how many years have you been a practitioner of whatever kind of sorcery it is that you practise? Are you aware that sorcery and shamanism are not the same thing? Sorcery consumes the practitioner from the inside out, shamanism nourishes the practitioner from the outside in.

- What is the condition of your teeth, do you still have some sound, healthy molars remaining or are the majority or all of your teeth gone now?

- Regardless of whether or not you are a religious person do you believe in the power of prayer/ beneficent invocation or do you deny the power of prayer/beneficent invocation?
very well said .
Being in your element could have put you in this place. That's my excuse. Anyway, I figure if you can avoid the triggers you're doing good. I mean there's no fixing some things - just dealing with them:

And I certainly don't recommend masking them with prescription drugs.
Certain anti-psychotic prescriptions help people.
It's a matter of the doctor, and finding the one(s) that actually work.
It can be a life-long process, unfortunately.
But not every med works for every person's chemistry and physiology.
I've gone through several, they all "help" until I go to sleep, then I wake up screaming or find out I've punched or kicked the wall again and I got bloody knuckles or just trashed the area next to my bed.
I went to sleep recently with my mouse in my hand, I woke up to find I'd crushed it and had a sliver of it in my palm. I'm safer awake and crazy than asleep.
@Magus sorry for the delay in getting back to this, I was away yesterday.

I'll lay my cards on the table here and offer some advice and you can accept it however you wish. I've been walking the shamanic wise woman's healing medicine path for about 70 years. I was started on the path at an early age as a young child. I work with the simples of magical nature energies and planetary forces and with beneficent, gentle nature spirits that willingly volunteer and offer their guidance, services and teachings without being asked. I've been around the magical energies block many, many times and have met, observed and associated with hundreds of other people of all stripes who are practitioners of one kind or another of the magical arts and manipulations of energies and I've had some exciting adventures and learned some powerful lessons.

So here is one of the most powerful lessons that I learned which I've observed has proven very true throughout my lifetime. Sorcery practices that have anything to do with calling, coercing and manipulating energies to one's own personal end and benefit or to try to impress others always makes the practitioners sick. Always.

Because doing energy work doesn't come free, over time there is always a high price to be paid later on down the line for the cooperation and efforts of spirits and energies that have been called to or invoked and commanded. That price is bits of the practitioner's own life force which the spirits need and take to sustain themselves while working at the practitioner's behest. There is no other thing on earth that they need or can do anything with except the life force of living things that physically walk the earth. And many of them are not kind, they will trick the practitioners to get want they want from them.

So I think you've been made sick over the course of time with all the things that are afflicting you now because of your practise of sorcery that you've done over the years. One of the reasons I asked you about the state of your teeth, the extent of their damage or losses, is because the teeth and jaw bones are where the life force is extracted from. In many cultures the teeth and jaw bones are considered the seat of the soul because of the richness and strength of life force that resides there. Sorcerers who continue to command or rely on the spirits/energies to work for them end up losing all of their teeth prematurely, they get sick in a variety of other ways and the taking of their life force eventually negatively effects the stability of their minds and personal outlook and attitude toward the life around them.

The illness of mind and spirit can be fixed, body can be reinforced and improved and the attitude can be improved too if you're willing to allow it. I can offer some suggestions for things you can do to help you fix yourself and get you onto a gentler path to trust but it will mean completely forsaking and giving up all connections with your sorcerous past and activities and belief systems about manipulating other energies. You think about it and let me know if you're interested.

Here's a little tip for you, this coming from a non-religious but spiritual person. There is one invocation in the world that is the mightiest and most powerful and helpful of all invocations ever uttered throughout the history of mankind. A person speaking it doesn't even have to believe in it and it will still help the speaker regardless of their beliefs. It has become so powerful because it has been spoken out loud by billions and billions of people over the past couple of thousand years and the energy that has gone out into the ether from the speaking of it has made it into a living thing of great power, protection and intent that will bring peace of mind. You can speak it as often as you want, even as a mantra, and it will help. It was given to humankind by one of the most powerful and knowledgeable shamans that ever lived.

It is the Lord's Prayer. Here is the traditional version of it.

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
@Magus sorry for the delay in getting back to this, I was away yesterday.
All good. :)
I'll lay my cards on the table here and offer some advice and you can accept it however you wish. I've been walking the shamanic wise woman's healing medicine path for about 70 years. I was started on the path at an early age as a young child. I work with the simples of magical nature energies and planetary forces and with beneficent, gentle nature spirits that willingly volunteer and offer their guidance, services and teachings without being asked. I've been around the magical energies block many, many times and have met, observed and associated with hundreds of other people of all stripes who are practitioners of one kind or another of the magical arts and manipulations of energies and I've had some exciting adventures and learned some powerful lessons.
We have much in common.
So here is one of the most powerful lessons that I learned which I've observed has proven very true throughout my lifetime. Sorcery practices that have anything to do with calling, coercing and manipulating energies to one's own personal end and benefit or to try to impress others always makes the practitioners sick. Always.
Yeah, my aura looks like it has been ripped to shreds, I can't retain energy, even my own anymore. I expected it when I did what I did, all in all, it was worth it, but I'm still miserable. I had a job to do a duty and I did it. All of us did.
Because doing energy work doesn't come free, over time there is always a high price to be paid later on down the line for the cooperation and efforts of spirits and energies that have been called to or invoked and commanded. That price is bits of the practitioner's own life force which the spirits need and take to sustain themselves while working at the practitioner's behest. There is no other thing on earth that they need or can do anything with except the life force of living things that physically walk the earth. And many of them are not kind, they will trick the practitioners to get want they want from them.
No, they were very honest, brutally so. I literally blew my fuses. in fact, I should be quite dead like my friends.
So I think you've been made sick over the course of time with all the things that are afflicting you now because of your practise of sorcery that you've done over the years. One of the reasons I asked you about the state of your teeth, the extent of their damage or losses, is because the teeth and jaw bones are where the life force is extracted from. In many cultures the teeth and jaw bones are considered the seat of the soul because of the richness and strength of life force that resides there. Sorcerers who continue to command or rely on the spirits/energies to work for them end up losing all of their teeth prematurely, they get sick in a variety of other ways and the taking of their life force eventually negatively effects the stability of their minds and personal outlook and attitude toward the life around them.
Quite possible, but then again I've always had poor dental hygiene. too many years of hurry up and wait until it was too late. eating on the run etc.
The illness of mind and spirit can be fixed, body can be reinforced and improved and the attitude can be improved too if you're willing to allow it. I can offer some suggestions for things you can do to help you fix yourself and get you onto a gentler path to trust but it will mean completely forsaking and giving up all connections with your sorcerous past and activities and belief systems about manipulating other energies. You think about it and let me know if you're interested.
I haven't practiced anything in five years but a little astral viewing, and that knocks me out like a sack of sand to the dome. I was in the process of navigating to the gray path when I walked away from it. I don't regret it though, I did a lot of good while I could, we all did. The funny thing, those of us from the coven who are left refuse to talk about it, a couple have cleaned it completely from their minds. like we never did it at all.
So sure, let's hear it.
Here's a little tip for you, this coming from a non-religious but spiritual person. There is one invocation in the world that is the mightiest and most powerful and helpful of all invocations ever uttered throughout the history of mankind. A person speaking it doesn't even have to believe in it and it will still help the speaker regardless of their beliefs. It has become so powerful because it has been spoken out loud by billions and billions of people over the past couple of thousand years and the energy that has gone out into the ether from the speaking of it has made it into a living thing of great power, protection and intent that will bring peace of mind. You can speak it as often as you want, even as a mantra, and it will help. It was given to humankind by one of the most powerful and knowledgeable shamans that ever lived.
Heh. I've kind of been sniffing around Christianity again, even though I'm pretty sure Yweh does not claim me period, but I'm a bit of a Jesus fanboy, I always have been, his daddy, not so much. but every time I ask the wrong questions or say the wrong thing, and I do often, I piss off people I count as friends, so I tend not to anymore.
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
OK. :)