Concern about missing members

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I have been real busy with life and stuff that it throws at us but I will get back as time allows.
My wife is in recovery after her last surgery on Tuesday the 19th. She is doing well and in good spirits. I am exhausted but doing well.
Thanks for checking in and keeping us posted.
I hope your wife has a speedy recovery and that you can get some rest.
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I have been real busy with life and stuff that it throws at us but I will get back as time allows.
My wife is in recovery after her last surgery on Tuesday the 19th. She is doing well and in good spirits. I am exhausted but doing well.

Glad the wife is ok SheepD and thanks for letting us hear from you. One for the wife and oen for you.:huggs::huggs:.IWill add her to our rpayerlist.
Because it is an odd email, I am not clicking on the arrow because it is something we never know about. I am hoping it is from Caribou. It is odd, and I am thinking that he is in a place where he doesn't have access to his normal computer and is communicating the best he can.
Because it is an odd email, I am not clicking on the arrow because it is something we never know about. I am hoping it is from Caribou. It is odd, and I am thinking that he is in a place where he doesn't have access to his normal computer and is communicating the best he can.
View attachment 42897

Weedy that is an unusual reply butI think it is liek you said, trouble with online source.
Hello everyone,
It is good to be able to be at the computer for shorts bits of time! I have missed learning from the comments of members. I'm trying to find out if Alabaster is still active on this site. I would really like to speak or type to him. It has been a very long time since we have spoken to him because I got very ill AGAIN. How do I find out if he is still here? How do I go about finding my old conversations? Thank you for your help!
I was reading some old posts this weekend... Anyone heard from Dutchs? He used to post a lot of garden pics. We haven't heard from him since sometime last year.
Because of OPSEC, we just do not know who some people really are or how to stay in touch with them away from this group. I wish there was a way to rectify that. We have done some one on one emailing to help with that, but that is far from 100%.