Concerns of a U.S. civil war have spread to Canada

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Awesome Friend
May 24, 2024
the Rockies
Seems like a good article for this particular forum.

A new study shows that concerns of a potential U.S. civil war have spread to America’s neighbors, as Canada considers the possibility of a civil war in the United States as an “underanticipated disruption.”

A recent study labeled “Disruptions on the Horizon” led to Politico publishing an article titled “Canada’s Big Worry: a US Civil War.”

While the concern over a U.S. civil war was not in Canada’s “Top 10 most likely disruptions,” a potential U.S. civil war was listed under “underanticipated disruptions” that “decision makers may need to consider more thoroughly than the survey results indicate.”

The report addressed the possibility of a U.S. civil, stating, “U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war.”

Many Americans have expressed concerns over the possibility of another civil war due to the growing division between Republicans and Democrats in the United States. The possibility of another civil war has been amplified as the 2024 election cycle has led to political violence, culminating in the recent assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

The possibility of a civil war was also highlighted in A24’s “Civil War” movie that was released earlier this year. The film portrayed a futuristic United States divided and engaged in an armed conflict.

Addressing the possibility of “a national divorce,” Bruce Stokes, an associate fellow at the US and the Americas Programme, warned, “The US is now more divided along ideological and political lines than at any time since the 1850s.”

Stokes pointed to a poll conducted in 2022 that showed two in five Americans believed a civil war was at least somewhat likely to occur over the next ten years. Instead of a united country, Stokes described the United States as “two Americas” and warned that the division in the country could be seen “across a range of divisive social issues.”

“America’s friends and allies need to understand that the United States has become a Disunited States. There are effectively two Americas – and they are at war,” Stokes stated. “They are fighting over social, political and constitutional issues, and over what role the US should play in the world. The 2024 US election is just another battle in this war.”

According to Politico, John McArthur, a member of the Policy Horizons Canada committee, also highlighted the concerns outlined in Canada’s recent report. While McArthur said the likelihood of a civil war would depend on “how one defines civil war,” he said, “Any sense of disruption to your closest sovereign relationship in the world, any disruption within that country, is a deep worry, I think, to any Canadian outlook.”
At this point, I think for all practical purposes, the U.S. has already collapsed.

Sixty plus years in the making.

The only missing piece is widespread warfare in the streets.

Half the country is now supporting a Communist dictatorship, and nearly all government agencies, the Judiciary, the MSM, Education, and a large percentage of Corporate America are on-board with the dictates of a Communist regime in Washington DC. The basic foundations of this country are all under severe attack. Christianity, the traditional family, the Rule of Law and the Constitution, and Meritocracy, are all under assault from all corners.

Canada should indeed be worried, for they seem to be imitating the very same issues at play in the U.S.
More than you know, and it goes deep. thats all that I can say.
Advice to Canadians: If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. :rolleyes:
These are the Canadians who should worry. The ones above Montana, Idaho and North Dakota won't have to worry as much. Nor will the Northern Canadians.

Democratic style systems are designed and work best when there is little to discuss.
Almost everyone describes the stresses and divisions in the US along the same lines, like with a little conversation and compromise it may just resolve.
The problem is IS that the disagreement now is fractured along the lines of both sides CORE beliefs and foundations.
One side believes in life the other revels in death, it is really that basically simple.
There is no common ground or coming back to the way it was. They will rule over the ashes before they will let us in control again.
These are the Canadians who should worry. The ones above Montana, Idaho and North Dakota won't have to worry as much. Nor will the Northern Canadians.

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there is a fairly large concentration of stupid in side the red circles but most cities have leftists , imperical data shows that they are pretty much cowards when offered real resistance. the federal police force is another question, they are everywhere and they have built little fortresses, to I would think starve in?
so much for me not saying much heh??
If the USA shuts down due to civil war or any other cause canada is going to be in a word of hurt.
Good time not to be in any major city.

Canada's economy is highly integrated with the United States, with trade, investment, and tourism ties contributing to roughly 40% of Canada's GDP and 4 million jobs. In 2022, the US was Canada's largest export destination, accounting for 77% of the country's goods exports. The US was also Canada's largest import origin as of July 2023, accounting for 49% of the country's goods imports. In 2021, Canada imported $239,021 million worth of goods from the US, which was 48.64% of its total imports.
They've been trying a long time to get civil unrest to the point of calling, and getting martial law. Should we go into martial law under Harris, or anyone, Habius Corpus goes out the window with rule of law. Now they have complete control. Can come arrest anyone, anytime for anything. Seize any property take anything they want. Destroy anyone they want. I thought they were going to get rid of Biden a long time ago and have Harris and Pelosi in charge. Should we go into martial law it's time to run for the hidey hole.
If the USA shuts down due to civil war or any other cause canada is going to be in a word of hurt.
Good time not to be in any major city.

Canada's economy is highly integrated with the United States, with trade, investment, and tourism ties contributing to roughly 40% of Canada's GDP and 4 million jobs. In 2022, the US was Canada's largest export destination, accounting for 77% of the country's goods exports. The US was also Canada's largest import origin as of July 2023, accounting for 49% of the country's goods imports. In 2021, Canada imported $239,021 million worth of goods from the US, which was 48.64% of its total imports.
the import export numbers are one thing, the what is another, 20ish years ago a huge amount of Canada's petroleum refining capacity was sent to the US, a texas refinery shutdown means we have afuel shortage in Alberta, where the oil comes from. some of that has been replaced, but it will be a mess, and if there is open civil war in the US , it won't take long to spread up here.
there is a fairly large concentration of stupid in side the red circles but most cities have leftists
I guess my impression and observation of the Canadian political system is that there are enough leftists in most of the red circles to out vote the whole rest of any given province or territory.. And if you vote for a party that party can align with a party you might not want to vote for at all.. So each system has there own idiosyncrasies..
At this point, I think for all practical purposes, the U.S. has already collapsed.

Sixty plus years in the making.

The only missing piece is widespread warfare in the streets.

Half the country is now supporting a Communist dictatorship, and nearly all government agencies, the Judiciary, the MSM, Education, and a large percentage of Corporate America are on-board with the dictates of a Communist regime in Washington DC. The basic foundations of this country are all under severe attack. Christianity, the traditional family, the Rule of Law and the Constitution, and Meritocracy, are all under assault from all corners.

Canada should indeed be worried, for they seem to be imitating the very same issues at play in the U.S.
It's good to see a voice of reason. I keep saying it's Communism versus Capitalism on another site but the Left/Communist can't or don't want to see it.
I think some of the things that are dividing Americans and causing fighting are things that we see happening in other countries and want to keep from happening here. Because we can see them coming at us full speed. Most all of Europe is going downhill rapidly with rampant and uncontrolled immigration of people who are very unlike the countries they are migrating to. And they are changing those European countries to become more like to the crapholes they migrated from. We don't want that. Or I should say, half of us don't want that. Which causes fighting. Then there's France, who just put on a worldwide spectacle show with drag queens mocking the last supper. We don't want that. Or at least half of us don't. More fighting. Half of us don't want men dominating women's sports or entering women's locker rooms. Again, more fighting. We don't want Hamas in America. At least half of us don't, that is.

Personally, I'd rather see the fighting than to acquiesce to the kind of stuff we're seeing in other places. We've got it bad enough in our own craphole and what we've done to ourselves already - without having to add even more to the pile. But half of us appear to want to do exactly that.
Personally, I'd rather see the fighting than to acquiesce to the kind of stuff we're seeing in other places.
== ==
As much as I hate to see anything like this come about, I do agree there is ..a time to draw a line in the sand.. as it were and be willing to back it up.. This kind of an action is better an hour too early than a minute too late..

My 5 cents of opinion..

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