Constellations-What the Night Sky Will Show Us this Fall

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Awesome Friend
Dec 13, 2017
pretty amazing. there is alot going on from tghe mini moon to rare bright comet to earths position opposite the sun in relation to the other planets and the constellations.
to me, i had those 12 dreams years ago with warnings of what to watch out for in the future--like mini movies or tv show episodes. very detailed--in the 3 dreams about israel being attacked i was told at the end of and the beginning of each dream this line---when you see the night sky change you will know it has begun

meaning whatever the change or event in the night sky that is remarkable enough for me to see, it is the confirmation that the global collapse has begun and the 2nd warning was-'-there will be less than 2 weeks to prepare, get what uio need and then stay home. 10 days is better' as the biolence, panic and crime will exlpode

with what is happening in israel right noew and their attention drawn from mid state level attacks to the north and how it is rreally escalation and hearing about these night sky events coming, im getting a bit frosty..

israel will find out it is in grave danger and must act in mere hours--they do it alone. they do some pre emptive attacks somewhere north of them--i wasnt told where. but the exlpsopns were horrific, looked nucluer--like they bomed some underground place they didnt knolw had nukes stored. they really did not know. the explosion i saw looked mushroom cloud,. maybe chemical weapon not sure but its horrific. shocks the world. there is a rage and hate from all nations blaming israel--and the hate becomes almost insane. especially from DC. it was like some glober leaders plans were upset---some nations started to wobble then fall which made others wobble and fall and one by one like dominoes all nations markets collapse--and the wolrd rages more against israel.

i was shown a level of rulers that were world leaders from nations. then aboe them was another level or sort of globel leaders that told the nation leaders what to do more or less--there was some sort of plan to take down nations economies in a controlled collapse--to let people suffer and cry out for help an they come in with some new plan. today tghis is called the Great Resrt i learned. but what was scary is above that level of global leaders was something that scared me--a dark force or non himan evil buggers directing things.
God uses israel to thward their take over plans --which included killing off most of global pop so the masses will be easier to control. there is a global collapse--it is terrible and things do get worse who are not under Gods protection. remember--He holds our hand and guides us thru every storm, we are each here for a purpose these are the beginning of the end times. the rst of the drams are posted in dreams secion.

this video of what is going on with night sky and constellations was an eye opener--i dont know much Aobut this stuff. just sharing. just, like time getting short. ask the Lord what you need to take care o and be aware of.

Are you saying you dreamed all that and remember it in such detail?

Those are some real nightmares. I dream a lot of strange stuff too - like flying through the air with hairy wings, conducting an orchestra at my dead high school band teachers funeral, getting chased by trolls through a primordial forest, etc. I don't take any of that to mean these things are actually going to happen. They're just weird-ass dreams that my mind came up with for some sick and unfathomable reason.

I don't think any of my dreams have ever happened in real life (thank God for that!)

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