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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Hello everyone!

It has been a long time since our last contest so I think it is high time we have another.

We are soliciting ideas from all of the members. Once we determine the contest, and the rules are laid out we will announce the prize(s).
Maybe a test of knowledge? Like a generalist over lay of information that involves prepping. Like you give us a page with questions on it or things to identify, and we send in our results to you. Then you send a message back with another page if we do good and you repeat untill you have a winner :D
But your tin would be different from my tin, so would that be a fair contest? We could see who makes the best bread, let Clyde be the taste tester. :D
Hmmmmmm...... lol
Biggest blade collection? Colt and I would be the top 2! lol
I don't think the 8 knives I have would get me in to the top 100 members!
I think some sort of voting style contest would work. who ever receives the most likes on a specific thing wins. I will get to work on this!
Why not most helpful guide? Like we all write one up and vote on who has the most helpful guide, there could be a few categories like: best for new comers, best for advanced preppers and most helpful in general
And the winner gets to be on the cover of the 2015 Doomsday Prepper Survival Calander.
( Please God let it be a woman!)
nobody wants to see me in a calendar!
I think it would be cool to do a calendar with different projects for each month with an explanation on how to do it...and pics ...then several (12) fellow preppers could have their stuff highlighted....I would definitely buy a calendar then!
Nope, how about biggest collection of bridles, lol?

Not fair...I own and run a Tack Shop! :D


I think it would be cool to do a calendar with different projects for each month with an explanation on how to do it...and pics ...then several (12) fellow preppers could have their stuff highlighted....I would definitely buy a calendar then!​

Awesome idea....
ma'am is ON POINT with this thread, IMO.... I like her idea of a contest, and her idea of a calendar. AWESOME! I think it encourages group input in both projects and the more involvement we have from everyone, the better off we'll all be and the better these 2 ventures would turn out for sure!
