Cooking Underground

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Mar 5, 2019
This came to mind in another thread and it got me to thinking šŸ¤”
Has anyone here done any underground cooking? If so can you share some tips and tricks?

Iā€™m thinking I might need to find a shovel and a few rocks and give it a go. I will probably use a Dutch oven. Will have to see what I come up with.
I tried looking for a ā€œrecipe bookā€ for such things but came up dry. Might have to create my own šŸ˜
When I was a kid we cooked a beef underground. I don't remember much other than digging a hole with a backhoe. Then building a fire in the hole for a couple days. Burlap bags were soaked in water then wrapped the beef and buried in the coals and covered with dirt. It was fantastic.
We used to do a lot of Dutch oven cooking back in the olden days when I was logging. I burned my slash all winter. Many times the wife would bring down a Dutch oven with a whole chicken or a roast with potatoes and carrots and green beans. And bury it in the hot coals. When it was done cooking I tie off the team and we'd sit on a log and eat. Sitting out in the woods eating a hot meal with 6 feet of snow all around, steam coming off the horses, were truly good times. We're going to start Dutch oven cooking again, as soon as we can get to our slash pile.