Could you imagine the damage if something like this hitting Earth

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Im not so sure we not having some problems related NOW, Last 3 weeks we been having earthquakes in are here that has never been very active before and if you look at solar propagation charts several are higher than any other times!!
Also look at the lines of magnetic resenence have made big changes lately!!!
Earthquakes, solar flares, tornados, hurricanes, volcanos, we have these things for thousands of years now. We cannot change them. We can only hope to survive them. Concentrate on your mental and physical stability and not the fear mongering and shakey jake BS from an hundred so-called and self-proclaimed professionals and prophets on the internet and boob-tube. You are grown people and not teenagers....think, observe, re-think and prep. Let the other sheeple panic and die in their sleep or fantasies...the first step you take into the direction of the "other side" is the first step you take in no longer believing your own standpoint of thinking and free, Gary
Any solar flare that's just as strong/powerful as the Carrington event will not only wipe out the power grid. Millions of people will die as well.on account there's way to many people.and way to many has been dumbed down quite a bit.

Here's something that was published in 2015.

Expert: 90% of U.S. Population Could Die if a Pulse Event Hits the Power Grid
Yes with that in like the last three well last year anyways the solar flares have been quite more recent and quite a bit bigger than places that don't get snow get snow earthquakes as many of you mentioned tornadoes hurricanes it affects the Earth I'm just glad that solar flare ended up on the other side of the Sun and not the one facing us I am prepared for a lot of stuff but I know a lot of people depend on electronics just to stay alive it would be catastrophic
Also the way that they have been hacking on the Amazon forest for Peter Pan my grandma always told me if you mess with mother nature she's going to mess with you back
We are and always will be the most destructive creatures on this planet

Not so sure about that. The Ice Age and monstrous glaciers did a lot of damage. Volcanoes have ended things, for tons of living creators. Earthquakes have done immense damage…especially in the earlier years. The sun could wipe us all off this little ball easily. The seas and oceans are nothing to take lightly.

But I guess you did say “creatures”. We weren’t around when the “big boys” were in charge of the earth…so who knows? Do we do damage? Absolutely. But CO2 is NOT a problem! And PLEASE don’t start a back and forth on CO2. I’m not going there. It’s a waste of my time.
Also look at the lines of magnetic resenence have made big changes lately!!!
Has anyone heard anymore about the unknown sattelite the radio telescope in Australia is picking up reg intelligent signals from??? Its still many light years away but they say it transmitting radio signals on reg basis like its a probe!!!
You need to get back to reality, prep for POSSIBLES, not fantasy crap from Hollywood. Volcanos, earthquakes, floods, tornados, tsunamis, wild-fires and world wars ARE REALITY...and can be, to a certain degree, coped with. All of the other fantasy stories are only going to rape your energy, drive you crazy, get you laughed at and finally get you isolated into another group of fanatical and not-believable persons which nobody wants to talk to from the enormous amounts of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and NEGATIVE VIBES...
We need to worry about the REAL NWO **** and the REAL attempt to kill a lot of us all from the elitists. AFTER those who would wish to REALLY kill a lot of the humanity are done with, we can sit around the campfires again, eat some marshmellows and fantasize about solar flares and asteroids...
If you let OTHER PERSONS and OTHER THINGS do the thinking and control of your time instead of thinking and doing things YOURSELF, then you are not much better than a barking dog on a chain or a roaring lion in a cage...loud but useless for those waiting and trusting you to help them get along in a functioning society and free, Gary

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