Curious ????

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Will chip in too.

Im 32 and my soon to be wife is 26.
I was born and raised in one of the bigger cities in Czech Rep.
Started with prepping when i was 20.Back then in was just a hobby to pass time (main prep was a back up battery for my PC 😀) . Started to take it more serious when i was 26 and we started talking about starting a family with my gf. 3 and a half year back we got the 2 stripes and now im not nearly prepared for everything that may come but i think i went a good way to get to what i have now.

And thats thanks to this forum too. Learned a lot in here and looking forward to keep learning.
I'm the weirdo in the family, haha.

Far from it. You are the practical one with common sense. I have preached it, and I have personally experienced it. Life can go sideways in a heartbeat. Through no fault of your own your world can be completely turned upside down. If you aren't prepared ahead of time you will have no time to prepare, and it will be a very precarious existence.

Remember the fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper.
Most of us here have a very unfair advantage. We grew up wtih family from the Great Depression. We have family from war-torn countries, or behind the Iron Curtain. We've lived with and we've lived without, and really appreciate doing what it takes to avoid the latter.
Most of us here have a very unfair advantage. We grew up wtih family from the Great Depression. We have family from war-torn countries, or behind the Iron Curtain. We've lived with and we've lived without, and really appreciate doing what it takes to avoid the latter.
Your 100% right..... and my mom is still going (95) still driving & mowing her lawn . She's been through it all.
Most of us here have a very unfair advantage. We grew up wtih family from the Great Depression. We have family from war-torn countries, or behind the Iron Curtain. We've lived with and we've lived without, and really appreciate doing what it takes to avoid the latter.

During my childhood we were very poor and we had to survive as best we could on my father’s Marine Corps NCO pay. That’s part of the reason why I’m very frugal, and I tend to improvise/adapt to any situation that confronts us.
27! I've have Carhart jackets older then that :D

No kidding. Not long ago I tossed out an old Tshirt-turned-rag from a festival in '91. I probably still have socks in the drawer over 30 years old (probably no elastic, but buried down there). I know I have hats & gloves that old (winter gloves don't wear out in Texas). And scars twice that age.

We're not mocking your youth. We're reminiscing (and maybe a little jealous of the lost years). Not that I want to be 2x or even in my 30's again... way too many stupid things (that I don't know how I survived) back in those days.
Sounds familiar TexasFreedom. Back in the cold war times, we used to joke with the new soldiers coming from the US to Germany that we had more time on the toilet than they had in uniform.
Turned 62 in July, been together with Helena since 1978 and been prepping and teaching survival since 1974 in Van Nuys, CA...before it became communist.
Seen blackouts in the 60's, cold war scares in the 70's, food price swoops in the 80's, the Iraq/Afgan wars in the 90's, loss of purchasing power with the Euro and terror in the 00's, NWO and rise in all prices because of international tradewars now.
There is toooo much initiative and toooo many reasons to prep for the unknown. We are all watching it unfold slowly, thank God slowly. We have time to adjust and get more of the unknown needs for unknown problems in a uncertain future.
If we KNEW what was coming it would be easy. So, get ready for the hard...GP

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