Daniel Day Lewis retires from acting...

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The only good movie I seen him in was The Last of the Mohicans (1992) Not that he's a bad actor he's not, I just wouldn't put him up their with the likes of Bogart, Gable, Burton, Robinson, Cagney etc...

Anthony Hopkins is perhaps the only great actor today. Ok... maybe I'm biased :)
The only good movie I seen him in was The Last of the Mohicans (1992) Not that he's a bad actor he's not, I just wouldn't put him up their with the likes of Bogart, Gable, Burton, Robinson, Cagney etc...

Anthony Hopkins is perhaps the only great actor today. Ok... maybe I'm biased :)

Anthony Hopkins has won one Academy Award in his lifetime. Daniel Day Lewis has won three and he is notably younger.
In my opinion Daniel Day Lewis is a far greater an actor then the ones you've listed. You clearly haven't seen There Will Be Blood or Gangs of New York.
Everyone has an opinion who they think are the greatest and like I said above I'm biased. ;)







Lewis is not only considered by many as the greatest living actor today but arguably one of the greatest of all time. Daniel Day Lewis never took pay day roles. He never really cashed in on his Academy Award winning success. He immerses himself in every carefully selected role he has taken on. Very few have taken the art to his level...very few.
Those really mean nothing to me and certainly doesn't convince me nor change my mind, you like who you like and I like who I like, we have a different age gap and who we grew up with. I grew up in a time when Eisenhower, Kennedy/Johnson etc.. were President, basically a product of the 50s and 60s not the 80s and 90s
Those really mean nothing to me and certainly doesn't convince me nor change my mind, you like who you like and I like who I like, we have a different age gap and who we grew up with. I grew up in a time when Eisenhower, Kennedy/Johnson etc.. were President, basically a product of the 50s and 60s not the 80s and 90s

You're right you can like whoever you like. It's still pretty clear to me that if you think Anthony Hopkins is greatest living actor today...you're not a big fan of cinema.
Big fan such as having posters/pinups and/or go to the theaters all the time, no guess not, I really stopped going when I couldn't drive my car to the screen, My Wife is a 70s 80s kid though she was more a walk in type of moviegoer, though I do have a very large movie collection but don't watch much tv in fact I haven't watched tv I think in a month, the wife and I do have movie nights here at home where there are no restrictions on alcohol! We don't get a lot of free time together with her busy schedule. Much of the movies out I just don't care to watch.

For me he is. Cinema as an art has been on a steady decline. Actors like him are virtually nonexistent and irreplaceable. Hollywood is now placing more effort on trailers than actual finished products. I understand it's a business but it's the one business we dominated. All the talent in the world used to come here to star in our movies. Foreign film industries are growing and will eventually surpass us in an industry we once dominated. Sad.
I am one that has no clue who he is, but I did see The Last of the Mohicans, just not sure which character he played. It has been awhile. . . When growing up, Kurt Russell was big in my young days and teens was Andrew McCarthy, Tom Cruise and Ralph Macchio (although he only made a couple hits). I actually prefer movies with Carey Grant, Jimmy Stuart and of coarse the Duke. Sean Connery wasn't bad either. . . Last movie I went to a theatre was '10 Ways to Lose A Guy'. Hunny was still trying to impress me then ;). Actually I think that was the only movie we have ever been out to in all the years we have been together. Needless to say, I don't watch many movies.

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