Not to me Doc, but to the average Australian today, yes, you all look the same. The mass media here has conducted a smear campaign against you for years now. They have attributed all the trouble over there as being the result of Trump and his supporters. I know that's B.S. but I also know that violent insurrection is a way of life for you Americans. It's how the nation was formed in the first place and the roots go deep. We have none of that in our culture, the Flag waving gun toting you guys have as a way of life is not something we have ever done or would do short of an invasion.I guess we all look the same from down there.
As I said before, we have our own ways of getting things done enmass and have before. I might add that we don't have anywhere near the police presence you have, we have no FBI, Sheriffs departments, city cops, transport cops, AU Marshals, NSA, TSA. You guys also have state armies that have been used against you and the US army that with the abolition of the posse comitatus act there, can now be used against the citizens.
You need all those guns but we only have a very small Federal police force and the individual state police forces that are quite small compared to the population here. In the capital city north of me there are about 3000 cops, split over three shifts and a population of 2.2 Million. That's roughly one cop for every 1.5 thousand people and the ones not sitting in offices, taking fingerprints, etc etc, spend most of their time running speed traps investigating domestic violence or eating at Maccas. You hardly ever see a cop down here Doc.