Defending MY homestead part 1

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2018
All pictures taken from my place, looking out. If any discussion takes place, just number the pictures from top to bottom, starting with 1.


So, that's what we have to work with. Those are the avenues of approach to the property. I'll draw a picture at some point, of the buildings and trees, to give a better idea of the layout, but I think we can get a good start just going over a few broad areas shown in the photos.

A few ground rules for posting in this thread, if I may.

Don't warn me about persec or opsec. If I post it, it's fine with me, and should be fine for you too.

Don't say what I should do, or how. Instead, ASK what I CAN do, if you have idea state it but ASK if I have access to things to make that idea happen. Don't say "you have to have a helicopter hovering right there". Ask if I have a helicopter, or could get one, and then the discussion can go from there.

If you have a suggestion, say where it comes from. A movie? Personal experience? A book? For example: "SGS, I do a lot of long range shooting at the range, and while hunting. If you knew the range to the other side of the field to the east, you could determine the best rifle, caliber, and optics to cover that area with precision fire ". Then I would state the range to your selected area where precision fire is to be placed, the rifles and optics I have available, and then we could discuss advantages or disadvantes of firing position from "here" to "there".

If you need a better photo, just ask.

If you need more information to make an observation, just ask.

No drastic changes. I can't build giant berms, I'm not going to dig pits or place razorwire in the neighbors pasture, a tower might be realistic, a 10ft cinder block wall around the property isn't.

If you are going to suggest something, do some research. What would it cost? Where can you get it? If you did research, what was the source?

Don't get mad. I won't, but I might make fun of someone if I get suggestions for poisoned blowgun darts and guard panthers.

Keep it real.

And, imagine if this post went well! Then we could, within whatever information other members are willing to share, design actual, real defense plans tailored to their situation, and I think that would be a great thing!

But, we'll see how this goes.
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We have enough beams/trailers/wires/junk to block the road. We could do it with non running heavy trucks if need be, we have 3.

But we can't block off the field. The view looking at the hill road, with trees on either side, those ditches are steep, we can close that road off completely.

The open areas, not so much.
open fields are nasty...unless you have claymores in abundance...damn,I've only had to think in forrest for a while,have to reprogram
my slow brain for open fields...
That stand of trees in picture 2 - how far, and how hard is it to get to unnoticed?

Looking at it from an invader's perspective, I would be quite hesitant to cross the open fields as an initial strategy. I'd set up in that stand of trees with a suppressed long range rifle, and slowly pick off people one by one as they showed themselves until I didn't see anyone anymore. Then sneak in at night.
That stand of trees in picture 2 - how far, and how hard is it to get to unnoticed?

Looking at it from an invader's perspective, I would be quite hesitant to cross the open fields as an initial strategy. I'd set up in that stand of trees with a suppressed long range rifle, and slowly pick off people one by one as they showed themselves until I didn't see anyone anymore. Then sneak in at night.

The stand of trees runs East and West, from the base of the bridge in picture one, on the right hand side, out to a distance of 500 yards, where it joins another narrow tree line running north to a large section of woods.

It's easily accessible by parking along the next road to the east, entering a waterway, and walking west to the tree line you point out. The spot you are looking at is actually 30 ft lower than where I took the picture. The neighbor who owns that property is a frequent shooter, owns multiple rifles of all sorts, and actively hunts the property.

It's a spot that would require watching, or patrols.
Curious what type of assault you are expecting? Are you on a major evacuation route from a large population center? If so, how far?

I ask, because in my situation, I'm further off the paved road but even then, that road is not a road most city folk would take. It doesn't head to any main towns. IMO, some exodus routes could get packed... others not so. Also, living rural like you, I expect the close in suburb communities to quickly block the flow of evacuees... like was done in New Orleans after a hurricane where one suburb closed the bridge. Those close in communities will have to protect themselves and stop the flow, long before any could get out to me.
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The open fields are a blessing and a curse. I might want to get a R.C, drone, equipped with a good camera and a secondary I.R. camera. Not super cheap but still in the affordable range. The drone can be programed to scout a certain area (flight ranges out to several miles) and flight time ranges from 20 minutes to 30+ minutes. The first camera take HD quality video and the second camera takes Infrared video. These two video's can be over laid by the software to help detail the terrain and also spot critters. The drone can be used to help during hunting season to spot game animals or during a SHTF event to spot intruders, before they get into rifle range. The road is a natural route but easy to blockade. The fields will be the most natural path to the buildings. As pointed out, the tree line will be the most likely spot for intruders to establish firing position or set up camps. With advance notice (drone info) the MAG can occupy the concealed terrain prior to the intruders arrival. This way the intruders are caught in the OPEN field and your group will have the ability to determine the intruders intentions.

Now forming / partaking in a MAG is not on my list of options. Your situation is entirely different. Your neighbors are too close, so they will either be friend or foe. Friend is a much better option (think Oldcoot concept -- except sharing the wealth). Besides aerial recon, lines of communications should be established. The MAG will have to determine how to accomplish this. Due to the nature of open field agriculture, the key is to know who and where everybody is, good guy and possible bad guys. As pointed out, setting off at a distance and picking off people will be a strong option. Limits casualties for the bad guys. Knowing a group or even a single person is out wandering round, will allow the MAG to form plans of action, prior to a shooting confrontation.

Hope this helps. JM2C
fields around here have hedges and fences and gates, very few pass from one into another, most are closed off, you have to go out the same gateway you came in.