All pictures taken from my place, looking out. If any discussion takes place, just number the pictures from top to bottom, starting with 1.
So, that's what we have to work with. Those are the avenues of approach to the property. I'll draw a picture at some point, of the buildings and trees, to give a better idea of the layout, but I think we can get a good start just going over a few broad areas shown in the photos.
A few ground rules for posting in this thread, if I may.
Don't warn me about persec or opsec. If I post it, it's fine with me, and should be fine for you too.
Don't say what I should do, or how. Instead, ASK what I CAN do, if you have idea state it but ASK if I have access to things to make that idea happen. Don't say "you have to have a helicopter hovering right there". Ask if I have a helicopter, or could get one, and then the discussion can go from there.
If you have a suggestion, say where it comes from. A movie? Personal experience? A book? For example: "SGS, I do a lot of long range shooting at the range, and while hunting. If you knew the range to the other side of the field to the east, you could determine the best rifle, caliber, and optics to cover that area with precision fire ". Then I would state the range to your selected area where precision fire is to be placed, the rifles and optics I have available, and then we could discuss advantages or disadvantes of firing position from "here" to "there".
If you need a better photo, just ask.
If you need more information to make an observation, just ask.
No drastic changes. I can't build giant berms, I'm not going to dig pits or place razorwire in the neighbors pasture, a tower might be realistic, a 10ft cinder block wall around the property isn't.
If you are going to suggest something, do some research. What would it cost? Where can you get it? If you did research, what was the source?
Don't get mad. I won't, but I might make fun of someone if I get suggestions for poisoned blowgun darts and guard panthers.
Keep it real.
And, imagine if this post went well! Then we could, within whatever information other members are willing to share, design actual, real defense plans tailored to their situation, and I think that would be a great thing!
But, we'll see how this goes.
So, that's what we have to work with. Those are the avenues of approach to the property. I'll draw a picture at some point, of the buildings and trees, to give a better idea of the layout, but I think we can get a good start just going over a few broad areas shown in the photos.
A few ground rules for posting in this thread, if I may.
Don't warn me about persec or opsec. If I post it, it's fine with me, and should be fine for you too.
Don't say what I should do, or how. Instead, ASK what I CAN do, if you have idea state it but ASK if I have access to things to make that idea happen. Don't say "you have to have a helicopter hovering right there". Ask if I have a helicopter, or could get one, and then the discussion can go from there.
If you have a suggestion, say where it comes from. A movie? Personal experience? A book? For example: "SGS, I do a lot of long range shooting at the range, and while hunting. If you knew the range to the other side of the field to the east, you could determine the best rifle, caliber, and optics to cover that area with precision fire ". Then I would state the range to your selected area where precision fire is to be placed, the rifles and optics I have available, and then we could discuss advantages or disadvantes of firing position from "here" to "there".
If you need a better photo, just ask.
If you need more information to make an observation, just ask.
No drastic changes. I can't build giant berms, I'm not going to dig pits or place razorwire in the neighbors pasture, a tower might be realistic, a 10ft cinder block wall around the property isn't.
If you are going to suggest something, do some research. What would it cost? Where can you get it? If you did research, what was the source?
Don't get mad. I won't, but I might make fun of someone if I get suggestions for poisoned blowgun darts and guard panthers.
Keep it real.
And, imagine if this post went well! Then we could, within whatever information other members are willing to share, design actual, real defense plans tailored to their situation, and I think that would be a great thing!
But, we'll see how this goes.
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