Bugging in at a Rural environment has more probability of survival.
Bugging in at a Rural environment has more probability of survival.
I admit to enjoying watching them in the field leaping on mice, but they are predators of course. I will not harm one if I don't have to.I haven't got a lot of time for foxes, they kill chickens, they will attack a new lamb, they stink , the urban ones are no more than scavengers, a relative had them under her garden shed and she was afraid of using her back garden, and there have been reports of them attacking young children inside houses, so although urban people may think foxes are lovely and fluffy I don't have any such compunction.
I do not mind them and find them enjoyable to watch but if I had to I would take one out, but not just because they crossed the property. They do have a purpose under the sun.Maybe it is just me but, I have no issue with shooting any critter causing problems, but to my eyes, Foxes, Coyotes and Wolves are stunning beautiful creatures that are hardy, skilled hunters, good parents, highly skilled, very adaptable, far travelled and very determined. I see survivalists and preppers in our wild canines. Over here our foxes do a great job of keeping the plagues of rabbits at bay, in the US they keep gophers and prairie dog numbers in check.
I would have to say it depends on the situation. Example: If you are rural farmer and are completely off grid, self sufficient and the locust plague wipes out you fields. You are now dependent on urban support. You can't feed your critters, you lost your harvest and have no income due to crop loss. Me, my food cost my go up but can I still walk across the street to the market. The other side of the pancake. Another question, who will get government aid first--- The big cities or the small rural communities? Again it all depends on the type of SHTF disaster we are discussing.
Every situation is different and each will have a good survival potential and a bad survival potential during a disaster. If you are in the valley when the flood hits, then you will not outlast the urban folks living on the mountain top. JM2C
I think a lot of rural preppers if faced with a plague of locusts would start eating locusts.
I'm more concerned with the human factors then anything else
I don't want me and my family to be hunted down and killed
I don't want me and my family to be hunted down and killed