Do preppers poo in the woods?

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Do preppers poo in the woods?

Sure, why not?
Incidentally in a prepper/survivalist forum a few years ago I said if we start up a post-apoc community in the country we could sling our buckets of pee and poo in the nearby river, but some people in the forum began screaming "NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE IT'D POLLUTE THE ENVIRONMENT!"
They said we should poo in a "poo pit" and shovel the stuff out to fertilise our vegetable garden.
So I said "I'd never eat crops that were grown in human poo!"..:)
Sure, why not?
Incidentally in a prepper/survivalist forum a few years ago I said if we start up a post-apoc community in the country we could sling our buckets of pee and poo in the nearby river, but some people in the forum began screaming "NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE IT'D POLLUTE THE ENVIRONMENT!"
They said we should poo in a "poo pit" and shovel the stuff out to fertilise our vegetable garden.
So I said "I'd never eat crops that were grown in human poo!"..:)

We have this thing here called "Dillo dirt". You can buy it at the local Home Depot/Lowes etc. It is basically composted, sterilized, human waste from the state waste water facilities. I've never used it on my gardens though. Too many pharmaceuticals potentially in there for my preference.

None of us are on any meds (and neither are my animals) so, a personal compost should be fine...until there would be an outbreak of cholera or dysentery...then nope.
If much rather eat crops with composted crap for fertilizer than have my water source contaminated.🤢 Composting kills most pathogens. Water doesn't. Cholera isn't my cup of tea. (Pun intended.)

Regardless, you don't have to crap where you eat (or drink). Outhouses still work great for plenty of folks.
Milwaukee's finest grade poo, Milorganite, is available in most of our local stores. dust smells like some sort of nasty chocolate recipe that went horribly wrong though. It don't smell like poo, but it don't smell good either.
Nationwide. It’s actually a good low nitrogen fertilizer
Regardless, you don't have to crap where you eat (or drink). Outhouses still work great for plenty of folks.

Kind of depends on how high your water table is.... that could be one in the same! LOL.
We have this thing here called "Dillo dirt". You can buy it at the local Home Depot/Lowes etc. It is basically composted, sterilized, human waste from the state waste water facilities. I've never used it on my gardens though. Too many pharmaceuticals potentially in there for my preference.

None of us are on any meds (and neither are my animals) so, a personal compost should be fine...until there would be an outbreak of cholera or dysentery...then nope.
We have enough crap already with the animals, I don't need to buy extra. 🤣 And yes, all are not on meds.
Yeah, I wonder how arctic people manage when the earth is froze solid?..:)
When we spent time in Northern Norway we'd **** into bags and then carry these with us. Frozen solid **** doesn't smell, can even be handled if that's your thing. Generally you wouldn't want to be exposing your arse for very long in -35C or less temperatures.
..Generally you wouldn't want to be exposing your arse for very long in -35C or less temperatures.

Agreed, and another thing i've wondered about is why the eyeballs of eskimos and polar trekkers don't freeze solid?
After all, I think exposed flesh gets frostbitten in just a matter of seconds, so why don't eyes get zapped too?
Agreed, and another thing i've wondered about is why the eyeballs of eskimos and polar trekkers don't freeze solid?
After all, I think exposed flesh gets frostbitten in just a matter of seconds, so why don't eyes get zapped too?
Because they don't leave much of their eyeball exposed and they have thick eyelids.
Speaking of glare, here's a still from a vid showing Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt bouncing around on the moon with his visor UP and it don't seem to bother him, how kool is that..:)

Sure, why not?
Incidentally in a prepper/survivalist forum a few years ago I said if we start up a post-apoc community in the country we could sling our buckets of pee and poo in the nearby river, but some people in the forum began screaming "NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE IT'D POLLUTE THE ENVIRONMENT!"
They said we should poo in a "poo pit" and shovel the stuff out to fertilise our vegetable garden.
So I said "I'd never eat crops that were grown in human poo!"..:)
in a post collapse a real survivalist would use every resource they could get their hands on, the old time gardeners would use "night soil" on their vegetables and get fantastic results.
being squeamish about something will not ensure survival, I'd expect that attitude from a lefty woke snowflake sheeple but then they arent going to survive anyway.
we humans have a life times supply of poo and pee(nitrogen) dont waste it.
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He is holding his breath

Sorry, i should have mentioned that NASA spacesuits had an outer anti-glare visor, and an inner airtight one, and Schmitt only had the outer one up.
Perhaps he did it for the family photo album so he could say to his grandkids "There's gramps walking on the moon"..:)
in a post collapse a real survivalist would use every resource they could get their hands on, the old time gardeners would use "night soil" on their vegetables and get fantastic results.
being squeamish about something will not ensure survival, I'd expect that attitude from a lefty woke snowflake sheeple but then they arent going to survive anyway.
we humans have a life times supply of poo and pee(nitrogen) dont waste it.

Veg grow okay in ordinary soil without night soil don't they?..:)
But if we seriously needed to increase crop yield I suppose i'd eat ****-grown stuff if I had to, but I wouldn't like it.
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Veg grow okay in ordinary soil without night soil don't they?..:)
But if we seriously needed to increase crop yield I suppose i'd eat ****-grown stuff if I had to, but I wouldn't like it.
thats your decision, but that post just shows you know nothing about growing anything.
thats your decision, but that post just shows you know nothing about growing anything.

Right, I don't know nothing about agriculture, guns, the economy, some quiz show formats, women, and where babies come from but I'm hoping you hotshots can enlighten me..:)
He is holding his breath
It was many of the slipups in the NASA Scheme. We did not have the technology in 1969 to get to the moon. Barely have it now.