Do You Believe We are a Nation of Immigrants?

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Jan 23, 2019
You hear this term thrown around frequently, and IMHO it is grossly overused.

First let's look at the definition of immigrant: a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. When the first colonists arrived here, would you call them immigrants? I would not. They were not moving to a foreign counry. There was no country. To them it was unexplored wilderness. Call them colonists. Call them explorers, whatever.

Even in the very early days of a new nation, the immigrant population was only in the 15% range. People who are born here are not immigrants. They are citizens. You can only find numbers back to about 1850, but I don't believe the immigrant population was ever much higher than 15% if was was higher at all. Even today the "legal" immigrant population is about 14%.

So my argument is that we are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens. The immigrant population is a very minor portion of the total. What do you think?
They were not moving to a foreign county. There was no country.

I get your point but that's kind of splitting hairs. I doubt that the American Indians would have agreed.

We are a nation of citizens.

I agree but again it's a definition. You can become a citizen several ways, I think an act of congress will do it besides taking the test. And it appears that they are trying a new way by just doing a blanket policy. I don't agree with that nor do I agree with open borders. I also don't agree that you should automatically be a citizen if your born here. That should only happen if your parents are citizens. Without that definition someone could drive across the border & have a baby in the back seat of a car & automatically be a citizen even if they were here illegally & only for 20 minutes.
They were not moving to a foreign county. There was no country.

I get your point but that's kind of splitting hairs. I doubt that the American Indians would have agreed.

We are a nation of citizens.

I agree but again it's a definition. You can become a citizen several ways, I think an act of congress will do it besides taking the test. And it appears that they are trying a new way by just doing a blanket policy. I don't agree with that nor do I agree with open borders. I also don't agree that you should automatically be a citizen if your born here. That should only happen if your parents are citizens. Without that definition someone could drive across the border & have a baby in the back seat of a car & automatically be a citizen even if they were here illegally & only for 20 minutes.
You just exactly what I would say!!
The law says: in order for a child to be granted citizenship the parents must be subject to the laws of the USA. Being here illegally is already going against our law. Just being born here doesn't give you citizenship but their ignoring that as they pick and choose what laws to enforce. It was meant for children born here of foreign dignitaries and leaders of industry who come to the US. The parents are offered the child citizenship if they wish giving the child dual citizenship. It could also be that one parent is a citizen and spends 1/2 the year in the spouse's country. Pick and choose what laws to up hold and you should go to prison for treason until your execution I say.
***Citizenship LAW should be ONLY that way to become legal and accepted***
It should be :
You send it with your fingerprints and DNA to USA Government
( ICE and other Departments )

1- *At least 21 years old (male or female ) + Reason WHY you want to come and live in USA

2- *Fill an Official request paper with your *photo & REAL IDs +
from which (Country ) you were born and where you live at this moment
with your phone number and address

a) All your background past (Birth) and present until Now

3- You should be able to provide an original certification paper/ diploma -
educations and competences

The kind of work (JOBS)
you are doing with names of Companies you work / worked for

Not having criminal past with proofs


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How many migrants crossed the border in 2023?​

More than 2.8 million migrants have had encounters with authorities so far this fiscal year, compared to more than 2.7 million migrants in 2022, according to the latest Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics. The current migrant figure includes August, but not September, the last month of this fiscal year, which has yet to be announced.

About 2.2 million people were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border through August, compared to 2.38 million border encounters for all of last year.
We might have been a melting pot at one time, now we're a buffet with each section containing a different dish. And no, we are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of legal Americans and illegal immigrants sucking up resources that do not belong to them.
when the first settlers came here, yeah it was an unexplored wilderness. there were tribal areas and not all liked each other one tribe made friends real quick with the settlers to help them fight off a hostile native tribe who kept attacking and enslavingf them.

and the natives did not spring out of the ground here, they immigrated here also ,came from other areas. some from a northern path, some from a southern path. tales of the grandfathers is fascinationg, reading their history and stories but they definitly say they came here and had to fight others as they moved in. their stories of fighting the giants in several different areas of the now US is very fascinating..

human history isnt as simple as weve been told. no ethnic groups history is any more evil than others. every group at one time or another moved into other areas that were either empty, partially used or claimed by others.

these days its like all we hear is the ebvil white colonists. well what about chinese colonists? muslim colonists? they sprang out of arabia and invaded-conquered wes across north africa, took over egypt and up to spain and france and east up theu israel all the way to turjky and took it over. wheres the cries about that? and black tribes moved in, conquored, enslaved other black tribes.

go back far enough every culture or nation is one of immigrents. its what humans do and its going on today too

china wants taiwan, NK wants SK, muslims getting into EU contries and trying to take them over, ots still going on.
My grandma came here in 1914 as a kid. Her family learned English, learned the culture and desperately wanted to be accepted as U.S. citizens. They worked hard - to survive and to be accepted. It worked.

Folks these days coming here, I'm sure many are just looking for work opportunities. But I wonder how many actually want to be U.S. citizens and want to be accepted as such.
Folks these days coming here, I'm sure many are just looking for work opportunities. But I wonder how many actually want to be U.S. citizens and want to be accepted as such.

That is how it used to be. The people that came here wanted to be Americans. Now they just want to slop at the Government trough. They make no effort to assimilate.
Camela says she will fix the border if elected. Why hasn't it been done already, she had 3 years and didn't do squat. Why aren't you doing something now, why wait to be elected? Because it will be more election bs on the part of dems to remain in power. After the election it will be "O yeah, I'll get right on that". Says she'll fix the economy, again what is she waiting for if she can do it? Waited 3 years to bring down the cost of drugs and it hasn't happened yet either
. It's all too little too late.
***Citizenship LAW should be ONLY that way to become legal and accepted***
It should be :
You send it with your fingerprints and DNA to USA Government
( ICE and other Departments )

1- *At least 21 years old (male or female ) + Reason WHY you want to come and live in USA

2- *Fill an Official request paper with your *photo & REAL IDs +
from which (Country ) you were born and where you live at this moment
with your phone number and address

a) All your background past (Birth) and present until Now

3- You should be able to provide an original certification paper/ diploma -
educations and competences

The kind of work (JOBS)
you are doing with names of Companies you work / worked for

Not having criminal past with proofs

I am an immigrant that came here legally in the 80s
I came here because I got married to a US citizen. This is what I had to do JUST to get a resident alien card ( NOT citizenship): my ex had to prove he could support us, I had to get a physical at the Army hospital to prove I did not have any diseases like TB or syphilis , I had to prove I had no criminal record, and I had an interview with the US consulate . Then I got my card. After 3 years I could apply for citizenship which required another background check , and a test of 100 questions about US government and history. I also had to prove I speak English.

And now these ******** just get to walk right across the border , gang members, criminals, people with diseases, terrorists and people depending 100% on welfare to survive once they get here. This all changed thanks to the Clintons. It was not like that before. I noticed it in Florida. The illegals just kept on coming in the mid 90s
It is not at all fair for those who came here and went through LEGAL citizenship requirements to become an OATH TAKING bona fide citizen of this country that accepted the requirements rejected any allegiance to any other nation and accepted the primary culture of this country as their own.

If a person cannot read and write English they cannot VOTE because they have no been through the requirements of the system. THERE should be no interpreters in a polling place.
grossly overused.
Beyond. The Indians took it from some red-haired Caucasian race, We took it from them, and now the Aztecs and Semites are trying to take it from us. It's a killing anvil for the strongest of the species.

This is a touchy one for me since an illegal alien crippled me and wrecked my life. I could rant for hours about how much I despise these aberrant human scum and I USED to be a Humanist! It comes down to race, guys, and white people just don't procreate like we used to!
There is a solution:
Love your country, love your race, dredge the Rio Grande to 50' deep and put another wall on the other side, fill the area between with cougars and the river with alligators, put toe-popper mines all over the place, build sniper towers every 500 yards and sell hunting licenses to shoot these invaders, I'm betting with all the angry psychotics around it would pay for the wall in a decade! Every day is buck season; no fair shooting the females or kids, they won't be back!

Can't you feel the racism and hate in every word? Good.
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Beyond. The Indians took it from some red-haired Caucasian race,
The Choctaw called them "Nahullo", describing them as cannabalistic white giants. In Choctaw oral history, when they crossed the Mississippi River in their migration from out West (likely refugees from the collapse of an ancient Mexican civilization), they encountered the Nahullo in present day Tennessee. After efforts to coexist failed they fought savage wars with them until they wiped them out. Cannibalistic white giants appear in many many tribes' oral histories all across North America.
From my personal perspective, I am not an immigrant and it was several hundred years ago that my ancestors came to this land, 1700s and before, to escape tyranny and religious oppression and persecution. There was one escaping his home country so he wouldn’t be captured and killed.
Do we count illegal aliens as immigrants? They should be counted as what they are, illegal aliens. It is not as if they come here for freedoms we hold dear, no. Mostly the enemy makes it so unpleasant, intentionally or not, in other countries they flee to the land of plenty where they’re told everything is free for them.
I say yes we are a nation of immigrants. There are legal means to become an American by immigration. Illegal immigration is not the way. We, as a nation, need to know who is trying to come in and stop the criminals. Jumping our borders and having children is not by any means citizenship for the children. Being born on American soil is not an automatic right. There are too many bleeding hearts and corrupt judicial entities that want to do what they call the humanitarian thing. Lets ask the people of NYC and L.A. about being humanitarian. They've done a nose dive in quality of living and financial hardships so these illegals can be here doing what ever they wish. The path to citizenship is open, legally, and will remain so.

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