Thanks. Switzerland is an nice coutry indeed and i'm living my whole life here, so i may just got to be used about the negative circumstances and proably don't see them so clearly anymore like an visitor.
Of course our country has an good economic (at least it wasn't that bad before Covid). The most people have still an good life. But as well i know very well that we having a lot of shine here. Most of the cars you see are leased, houses not paid. And Switzerland ist of course an very expensive country to live in. Things changed a lot over here since i was young.
By example, i still remember when i was a kid it was usual just one part of the parents gone work and earned enough to have an normal life with everything we needed including a bit of luxury. Like in an lot of countries it changed completly. Today if not bot parents are working it's very hard to bring an family over the rounds. Everything gone really expensive, so you need two incomings to survive. OK, some of the costs are really "homemade". Like i don't understand why people need to lease every two years an new car just because the media tells it's cool or the neighbours do. Myself i drive my 30 years old, cash paid V8 since 12 years now.... and i'm an exotic with this. Appartments and houses increases a lot, as well the compulsory healthinsurance increases every year between 5 and 10%. Food is easily double price as in our neighbour countries, non food can be even more.
Illegal migrants we have too, but they won't find an job really without an permit to stay. But we have a lot of migrants since 2015 too. A lot of them really dissapeared from war indeed, i don't mention it and still think those should be helped. Unfortunately a lot of trash came in as well, and those are making us seriously problems (even the gouvernment says they aren't an problem). We having an lot more of crime, the life became especially in the cities more unsafe. And with the crime came a lot of new laws until we aren't allowed to say what we think anymore because then we easily are seeing an judge and get a fee up to 5'000.-- or jail - you're an racist then anyway. Your job or your business will be gone fast too. As well the social help system explode with those people, there aren't more people who are paying in, but a lot more who take money out. We have indeed a lot of problems, they even increased in the last few years and the time where you wasn't need to lock any door are definitive gone.
And the EU has even bigger problems...
On my own behalf i'm ashamed to say that i wasn't realize really how less we're able to talk open about before i joined you here. I feel somehow ashamed about how much we got to be used to say nothing anymore any how much the news are censored over here.
I'm in an swiss and an german prepper forum as well - and be sure about, only for this contribution i'll be kicked out. And if i read what you're writing here this forum would be empty in german speaking Europe.