Do You Suffer From "Time Blindness"?

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I know someone who told me she has this, especially when she gets on a computer. Hours later she will realize she didn't get anything done. I'd be willing to be that some of us have gotten distracted here or there because of something, but I'm not going to claim it as a disability. When dealing with students who have various types of learning disabilities, there was always a list of strategies to use with each student. Instead of saying I am two hours late because I have time blindness, how about setting an alarm or a few alarms for: need to be walking out the door now, or whatever else. Some people just want to be treated as though they are special and whatever behavior they choose needs to be allowed.
i listened to a podcast aobut young healthy people now claiming to be physically disabled, using wheelchairs because they identify as disabled. and they are allowed to get away with it.
celebrating and protecting mental illnessbreeds more mental illness.

these are dangerous times in many ways. gonna get worse before it gets better.
I strongly suspect if someone were to shoot at them, their legs would miraculously heal and they'd scram as fast as they could.
I know someone who told me she has this, especially when she gets on a computer. Hours later she will realize she didn't get anything done. I'd be willing to be that some of us have gotten distracted here or there because of something, but I'm not going to claim it as a disability. When dealing with students who have various types of learning disabilities, there was always a list of strategies to use with each student. Instead of saying I am two hours late because I have time blindness, how about setting an alarm or a few alarms for: need to be walking out the door now, or whatever else. Some people just want to be treated as though they are special and whatever behavior they choose needs to be allowed.
Thats more a lack of self control, or discipline if you will
...Earn a badge like this, and see if you don't become careful skating on 'the thin-ice'. :(
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Maybe one day Bud. . . I don't care if one agrees with me or not. I speak my mind. If it hurt somebodies feelings, sorry. In my mind, and what I believe is the truth. Others can claim it as truth or not. It is their own decision to make up their minds about me. I just don't care. If it happens, it happens.
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Maybe one day Bud. . . I don't care if one agrees with me or not. I speak my mind. If it hurt somebodies feelings, sorry. In my mind, and what I believe is the truth. Others can claim it as truth or not. It is their own decision to make up their minds about me.I just don't care. If it happens, it happens.
I've been told that I have "no filter". For a long time I didn't know what it meant. I guess it just means speaking what's on my mind.
As a libertarian, I'm cool if you're time-blind.

But if you're not where I need you to be when I need you to be there, you're fired. No hard feelings. You be you. Let me be me.
Until your work crew is always an hour late and YOU get to catch the their slack for it at NO extra pay.
Why is your statement blurred unless I click on it? I just don't understand the blurred out comments? IF you are commenting on a thread, shouldn't you own up to it and be transparent?
The spoiler was used to hide the fluff from meat of my reply. Think of it as a related footnote.

Maybe one day Bud. . . I don't care if one agrees with me or not. I speak my mind. If it hurt somebodies feelings, sorry. In my mind, and what I believe is the truth. Others can claim it as truth or not. It is their own decision to make up their minds about me. I just don't care. If it happens, it happens.
You blurring out statements are not a good thing. . FYI Rethink this stragedy.

My, my. Just wait until some 'thinsitive' snowflake starts reporting half of your posts as "hateful":oops:.
After spending a couple weeks in 'time-out', you may rethink this. :(
All I am saying is, be careful.
Wait... We have thinsitive people here? where's the mustard? they're not as tasty as trolls, but they whimper more!

My purpose to live is doling out massive cases of butt-hurt to rainbows and soy-boys and NOT the kind they get after a sketchy drink at a fur ball party! Cue up the banjo music sweet thing, we's going for a walk up in MY woods!
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“Time blindness” is not a disease nor an affliction. It is a person simply choosing not to be responsible and be on time for something.

You get the same excuse for people who are consistently late. Why do you not just leave 10 minutes earlier, then you will not always be 10 minutes late?

In my management days, I give one warning then fire folks with “Time blindness”. Affliction or not, be on time or look elsewhere for employment.

Reminds me of a joke that seems to be how these folks are living…

All the really good jobs start before I get up.
I've never heard of time blindness. Guess the wokies can think up all sorts of excuses.

Though I've often said there's some sort of time warp or problem with the space-time continuum between the bench where one sits down to tie shoes and the truck 20' away in the driveway. It still happens to me once in a while (I blame it on age and arthritis), but when Daughter was little it was a daily occurrence. It always seemed like we had 15 minutes before we had to be in the truck to leave when we started putting shoes on, and yet once we got out to the truck we were more like 5 minutes late!

After several times of being hauled over my shoulder and tossed in the truck sock-footed my Daughter learned how to squirm around and put shoes on while wearing a seat belt. When she complained I mentioned I could have made her walk through the snow in her socks.

These days she has a job and actually gets there on time. Imagine that.
havent heard of this excu......umm.. new disease before now. funny and sad. funny as in people are getting nuttier making up excuses for why they are more special and the normies must bow to them. but also sad and durn stupid. somebodyas cornbread aint done in the middle.

woke lady is upset a friend doenst respect pr understand her; 'Time Blindness disability'. soirt video about 1 min
I think people today still have the same functional brains but they are being brainwashed.
It's good the young lady in the video brought this up.
The best thing we can do is address it and see what society can do to guide them into the right direction.
Thats more a lack of self control, or discipline if you will
A very wise man (my father) gifted me this little bit of wisdom, which holds true to this day: Everyone has 24 hours each day, it's up to you to decide how you use it.

What is funny, is that I had this exact conversation with my two boys this morning at 5:25 am. Here in Nebraska, one of the main summer ag jobs is detasseling. For those that don't know, seed corn is grown with two different varieties of corn. One variety is the male plant, the other is the female plant. In order to make sure that the female variety is only pollinated by the male plant, crews of middle, high school and some college kids venture out into the fields each day to remove the tassels of the female plants. And these crews start early, because being in the middle of a cornfield, in July is hot work. The earlier they start, the better the chance of getting the fields done before the heat of the day.

Now, I have two mid and upper teenage boys. As most teenagers, they have a major issue with getting up in the morning. Usually not that big of a deal, I get up between 5 and 5:30 everyday throughout the year. They have to be at the high school (where the buses leave from) at 5:45 and they need to leave our house by 5:30. They know that if they aren't 10 minutes early, they are late. Anyways, I've adjusted my schedule to be up by 4:30, so I can shower, dress and get them up at 5:00.

This morning, I went to my youngest's room, told him good morning and that it was time to get up, it was 5:00. Then across the house to wake up my oldest son, same greeting. I went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. It was 5:05. I went back to my youngest's room, gave him the warning that the light was coming on, flipped the switch and told him it was time to get up. Across the house to do the same for my oldest. Took our lab out so she could do her business. Came back in, it was 5:15. Stuck my head in my oldest's room (it's closest to the back door), and told him in the dad voice, get up. He sat up and reluctantly got going. Went to my youngest's, told him the same thing.

Five minutes later, my youngest is dressed and comes out of the bathroom brushing his teeth. In between brushes, he ask's "What's going on Dad?" I said, nothing, just getting some coffee. He says, "No, I mean, why are you upset?" I told him, "I'm not upset, just tired of you and your brother not getting up when I wake you the first time. I have had to adjust my schedule by an hour earlier to get up and get ready, so that I can get you guys up and get ready. I still have the same amount to do each day, from morning until night, I loose an hour of sleep, so I can make sure they are up and they can't even show me the gratitude of getting up the first time. But they sure can stay up until 10 or 11 at night playing online with their friends." He said that they were just tired from working in the fields and there just isn't enough time to sleep. I gave him the same insight my dad gave me. We all have the same 24 hours each day, it's just that you and your brother are choosing to use it for something other than sleeping.

We'll see if it sunk in with him. For being 14, he usually listens to the advice I give him and tries his hardest to implement it. His brother is 18, and as we all know at 18, Dad is the dumbest person on the planet and doesn't know sheep s!@# from Arbuckles. I'm more than tempted to wake him up once and if he is late and misses the bus, that's on him. The only thing that is holding me back from that is that, a) he drives his brother to work and b) they get a pretty hefty bonus if they are on time and don't miss any days of work (last year their bonus was $700 for three weeks of work on top of their regular wage).
My, my. Just wait until some 'thinsitive' snowflake starts reporting half of your posts as "hateful":oops:.
After spending a couple weeks in 'time-out', you may rethink this. :(
All I am saying is, be careful.
I speak my mind. If someone doesn't want to agree with me that's just fine. They have the right to speak their mind too.
Ice cold cup of water will do it
I did that to my oldest son when he wouldn’t get up for school after multiple attempts at waking him. It wasn’t ice cold but it was a small cup of water. I thought he was going to punch me. Of course, he didn’t but I was a bit scared at his reaction. He would let his alarm buzz for minutes at a time, not even hitting the snooze.

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