Doctors have laid down the law to me... Mods can move this if it's not in the right thread.

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Ancient AH Pilot, Retired CWO W4.
Dec 31, 2017
My doctors ALL want me in a private nursing home by October 1st. My weight loss continues and they say they have got to get me going "the other direction," or it's bad news. I also have a new, very small, tumor, in my liver, now. They want me in a "monitored environment," eating 5-6 small, high calorie, high protein, high fat, meals a day, and 24/7 medical monitoring, because I'm getting into that gray area where heart attacks/strokes are possible at any time. If all goes as they want it to, I'll be in "Ashland Place," in a private room ($5322 a covers it nicely) come October 1st.

One consolation is that the place is rated #1 in Mobile, and it ties with "Little Sisters of the Poor," which is a nationally rated top nursing home facility. So the place can't be too bad. If I can score a "private room," I can have my desktop, laptop, microwave, coffee maker, but not much else. And certainly no air rifles/pistols!! The hospital social worker says she should have no problem getting me IN Ashland Place, the big question is will I be able to score a "private room."

I know one guy that is there, been there for about 6 months, went through chemo with him, and he says the place is "like living in a resort hotel.," so it's gotta be pretty decent. And I don't have much choice. Under Alabama Medicare rules, if I do NOT take this, I lose the "private nursing home option" forever, and would be stuck with going to a "public" nursing home later on down the line.....and if there's one thing I do NOT want, it is to be stuck in a "public" nursing home!!! So, come October 1st, Ashland Place it will be, providing the social worker can get me in there like she says she can.
I hate that you are no longer going to be able to stay at your home, but this place sounds like it would be the best option for you. It really sounds like it might be a nice place, not like the traditional nursing homes we have around here. Hoping you can score that private room. . . At least you an get some privacy.
VJ, it seems like a nice place to end ones journey. Dont let them feed you sugar for your high calories.
I had a friend that stayed for a while at a place like that they sent him to. He started eating a High protein and organic vegetables diet. Grey sea salt in place of processed table salt. A food grade hydrogen peroxide protocol. He was there less than 6 months and since he was no longer terminal, the insurance company cut him off after he got the second round of tests that showed his terminal stomach cancer was no where to be found. He was hoping he could stay longer there on there dime.