Doomsday Prepper Forum

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Prepping and Prepping for Survival made a massive shift "AUGUST 29, 1949". That is when things got very-very serious. If you study Prepping and Prepping for Survival in the decade of the 1950's you see an "URGENCY" not currently comprehendible by todays prepping movement. After August 29, 1949 there instantly existed a level of fear for one's family's survival that preppers today can't imagine.

1951 they started training myself and my brother. That was a failure, but 1952 the training began to work. Buy 56' the training had mostly stopped for my brother and myself. We were charged with self-study (solo field experience) and studying the by then substantial amount of newly published material on the new expedited movement.

Most of my current thinking and what I advocate is from the decade of the 50's. I see the period of 49' through 69'ish as solid prepping theory/thinking. Roughly around 1970'ish prepping got corrupted, sadly today it remains corrupted. I weep silently for today's preppers.
I've been a member on since it started, became a moderator, and after Vertical Scope bought it a decade ago, an administrator.
The "home office" leaves us alone, if contact is needed I have to initiate it.
PF is a pretty laid back place, y'all ought to give it a look.
Go ahead, make my point.
4 whole new posts today! :p
Don't read too fast! :oops:

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Canned everything

thats cool with this reloader. I do not allow anyone to shoot my reloads
I use a old Herters single stage press
And a Pacific for my decapping
I am very meticulous in my reloading
I have 2 blocks of wood with holes drilled in them
One one the right of the press the other on the left
My brass moves from one block to the other one a time in a order
I have never had a squib or failure to fire and all my ammo is reloads
308,3030.3006 7mm and 6.5x55

I also buy wooden tipped gallery rounds from Sweden Pull the wood, remove powder. Neck size and reload with imr4895.

Swede powder is strange looking the flakes are square
That is a wood bullet shredder that attaches to the end of a m94 96.

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Is this a thread on reloading?

Back on the merge please.

Vertical Scope owns over 1,000 forums.
How many have they not turned into a desolate wasteland yet, like the one above?
The main thing about this forum is, it does not exist for the soul purpose of making money for Canadians. :)
Hey guys, now that we've identified the issues from PS and some others, how about leaving CMG and VS out of the conversation. I'd rather not have them here. And from all the posts mentioning them, the posts show the energy that we all do not need here.
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My food preps are all stuff that I bought. During a disaster I simply would not have fresh (I don't live on a farm) or frozen food (assuming electricity for the freezer is gone). It would all be canned or dried. And none of it would be canned or dried by me personally (maybe some jerky, but that's about it). Home canned can be better than commercially canned - in taste and nutrition. But it's still vastly inferior in taste to fresh or frozen IMHO. Canning is a way to make something last longer. It's not a way make it better. Del Monte, Libby, Kuners and several other brands do all the canning for me.

I am not apologetic that I don't have home canned preps and buy my stuff instead. Simply because I don't can them myself and don't trust others to do it, outside of commercial establishments. Just like I will shoot reloads that I have reloaded myself, but I won't shoot ammo reloaded by others (unless I know them, their knowledge, their competence, and their demeanor well).
Who cares? I mean, who cares if it is canned or store bought? As long as your hidey hole has provisions it really does not make a tinkers damn how it was sealed up
Although, if you do it yourself you can add spices and it does not taste like a wet piece of cardboard
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We are going to keep storing a lot of frozen food unless and until the grid goes down permanently. Then all that frozen food is going into the canner.
This is off topic.....but worthy of reply.......especially since the topic of the thread has mostly already been covered.

That is not a bad option....and one that I have seen posted by others, many times.

However, it should not be your only option, if a severe grid down occurs.

For many crises, that first few days to a month or so will be a very busy time.

For many natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc), there will be property damage that needs to be attended to - to make things safe and prevent further damage/deterioration.

For a big fire, mopping up will be needed for several days after the main front has passed.

For severe man made disasters and societal collapse, all hands will be needed for standing guard with 24/7 coverage.

There wont be time for doing the biggest canning project you have ever attempted.

Preppers should have backup power, (and preferably something like solar or hydro that needs no intervention once set in place) that can at least run their fridge/freezers. The generators that many rely upon, burn fuel....that in any long term crisis, will be irreplaceable.....generators also make a lot of noise, that will travel far in a grid down I consider generators only applicable to short term crises where the ROL remains strong, people have not become desperate and the duration is 100% known and short.

If you have a well pump....then that should also have a tank that can be filled to avoid frequent need of the pump and that gravity feeds your outlets....and then that same backup power should be able to run the pump (even in the few hour long gaps while your freezers are cold but off the power source).

I have a camper trailer that makes enough solar power to run my mains powered indoor fridge freezers and my water supply is very large, off grid and gravity fed. I chose to put my backup power on a mobile system because I was doing that anyway for off grid camping and having that all mobile, means that our power supply can come with us if we need to leave.

I also have several 12V DC fridge/freezers into which our full stock of cold and frozen food can be transferred.......and enough other solar/LiFePO4 batteries (separate from the camper trailer system) to power those too.

Prepping systems need to be structured like an onion.....with multiple independent layers of resources and capabilities, prepared and ready in advance, to protect you from risks and major loss. When ever possible, they should be kept mobile....because through history, more people have survived severe crises through relocation, more so than by any other action.
Hey guys, now that we've identified the issues from PS and some others, how about leaving CMG and VS out of the conversation. I'd rather not have them here. And from all the posts mentioning them, the posts show the energy that we all do not need here.
I agree.
When it comes to supporting/protecting this forum, I will always put my shoulder to the wheel.
There is already an overabundance of dead/dying examples out there. :(
A couple of post by our valued newbies suggests, to me, that they think we have thin skins. That is not the case. We just prefer that our bar fights be polite. Every forum I was ever a member of had more lurkers than active members. Lurkers are the main resource for us to gain new members. I really don’t want to chase these new members off before they can join up. People have life changes that causes them to move away. This forum is populated by many senior citizens. We have lost a few to the Grim Reaper. New members are the life blood of any forum.
A couple of post by our valued newbies suggests, to me, that they think we have thin skins. That is not the case. We just prefer that our bar fights be polite. Every forum I was ever a member of had more lurkers than active members. Lurkers are the main resource for us to gain new members. I really don’t want to chase these new members off before they can join up. People have life changes that causes them to move away. This forum is populated by many senior citizens. We have lost a few to the Grim Reaper. New members are the life blood of any forum.

If I were trying to describe this forum to someone who had just arrived, then I would say this:

This forum is made up of people with a very wide range of knowledge, interests, attitudes, backgrounds, experiences and capabilities.

We have people who are everything from the most gentle/beautiful souls to the most hardened individuals that humanity has ever produced.

We have people who can raise plants from seed in the most challenging environments, but we also have people who can kill on an industrial scale.

But the one thing we have in common is that we believe that polite interactions are the ultimate expression of good manners, self control and civilization.

Jim Mattis once offered the following advice:

"Be professional....but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

If I were trying to describe this forum to someone who had just arrived, then I would say this:

This forum is made up of people with a very wide range of knowledge, interests, attitudes, backgrounds, experiences and capabilities.

We have people who are everything from the most gentle/beautiful souls to the most hardened individuals that humanity has ever produced.

We have people who can raise plants from seed in the most challenging environments, but we also have people who can kill on an industrial scale.

But the one thing we have in common is that we believe that polite interactions are the ultimate expression of good manners, self control and civilization.

Jim Mattis once offered the following advice:

"Be professional....but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

Very well said, Hardcalibres. I agree 100% especially the part about polite interactions. We are going to disagree on some issues. That is just human nature. I hope we can do so respectfully without any name calling or personal attacks.
Any internet action should be done in the same manner as face to face, be a decent person, learn to not get butt hurt if someone disagrees with you idea or concept. And actually read the whole post before you respond with your better idea.
I've been a member over at ddp sinceApr 3, 2013 sorry to see it close down..been a member here since Dec 5, 2017.aint been here in quite a while those.i hope that the transfer goes good.
I'm sure it will, the hard part is rounding up members that haven't visited in a while and placing a marker for em.
I've been a member over at ddp sinceApr 3, 2013 sorry to see it close down..been a member here since Dec 5, 2017.aint been here in quite a while those.i hope that the transfer goes good.
Wilderness Survival Forum is also dead.
Yes, I joined about 1999. I was working for a H/W and S/W computer company and our techs were scrambling to make sure all 800 computers at the home office would work 1/1/2000. That was what made me consider that it may be a real issue. I even got on the team and had the floppy disc to use to put the patch on several of the computers and the IT folks were accepting any help they could get.

I faded away from that forum about 2002, but I think my account is still there.
Was anyone, or is anyone a member of Timebomb2000 (TB2K)? That was the very first one I was a member of.
I think that I was, or tried to be,
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