Doomsday Preppers- How do you stack up?

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Awesome Friend
Sep 26, 2014
I am sure almost everyone on here is familiar with the reality TV show called Doomsday Preppers. If you are not it is on Netflix, it is definitely worth watching an episode or two. So back to the title, how many of you would say you could compare to someone on the show Doomsday Preppers? Who thinks they or someone they know would be good enough to be on the show? I am super curious to see. I know of a few people for sure. I am personally a beginner so I would score probably a 3 - 56 minutes initial survival time. But thats okay hahah. How do you guys think you would score?
The show is a joke. The so called experts base the survivability on their personal opinion and I personally know they don't know much. Their "Experts" are a private company that sells survival set ups. The show was the companies idea and they try to up-sell their gear to everyone who goes on the show. They have since hired actual preppers to judge the show but, the show is a joke and is edited to make most of the people to look crazy. I know personally of some of the people that have appeared on the show and they weren't even prepping for what the show claimed they were preparing for. In the beginning they asked him to read from cue cards about different disasters and told them it's just for commercials. Then they ask them to talk about things that they have heard other preppers say that sounds crazy to them then they proceed to edit it to look like it's what they believe.

Some people that have been on the show are just that stupid and crazy but, Any real prepper wouldn't put themselves on the show. They would have to pay me millions so that after the show I could pull up camp, relocate, and change everything.

P.s. I'd destroy their rating system, they simply wouldn't be prepped to handle or judge me and mine.
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The show is a joke. The so called experts base the survivability on their personal opinion and I personally know they don't know much. Their "Experts" are a private company that sells survival set ups. The show was the companies idea and they try to up-sell their gear to everyone who goes on the show. They have since hired actual preppers to judge the show but, the show is a joke and is edited to make most of the people to look crazy. I know personally of some of the people that have appeared on the show and they weren't even prepping for what the show claimed they were preparing for. In the beginning they asked him to read from cue cards about different disasters and told them it's just for commercials. Then they ask them to talk about things that they have heard other preppers say that sounds crazy to them then they proceed to edit it to look like it's what they believe.

Some people that have been on the show are just that stupid and crazy but, Any real prepper wouldn't put themselves on the show. They would have to pay me millions so that after the show I could pull up camp, relocate, and change everything.

P.s. I'd destroy their rating system, they simply wouldn't be prepped to handle or judge me and mine.

I do agree with you greatly on the assessments. Some people who seem like they have everything possible covered, covered and they will get like 11 months survival time. That rating aspect is useless. I agree that they also can make preppers seem insane. But if you disregard the false editing and the horrible analysis, there is still amazing systems and measures being taken by some people. There are really cool bunkers made and some awesome home contraptions. Even if it makes people look crazy, these people still have extremely impressive properties. Plus I have never really thought the people seemed crazy.
I do agree with you greatly on the assessments. Some people who seem like they have everything possible covered, covered and they will get like 11 months survival time. That rating aspect is useless. I agree that they also can make preppers seem insane. But if you disregard the false editing and the horrible analysis, there is still amazing systems and measures being taken by some people. There are really cool bunkers made and some awesome home contraptions. Even if it makes people look crazy, these people still have extremely impressive properties. Plus I have never really thought the people seemed crazy.
We have talked about it on several different threads here, there are some good ideas that are on the show, but by far it is mostly just for entertainment. I personally really enjoy watching it, but don't take any of it too seriously.
Here is a concern that I've voiced many times when I've seen some of National Geo's DP's shows.

1. Unrealistic grading system and have to agree with Roninsensei's viewpoint about the company that rates them.

2. The filming and sanctioning of underground shelters made of shipping containers, it gives the viewers of the show that anyone can dig a hole and shove a SC in the ground and be safe. Really, if anyone has a clue, structurally they are unsound because of the pressure from the soil used over the top without serious restructure and strengthening of the exterior wall and roof.

3. The amount of what I call store bought foods and non-foods that have an expired shelf life...stock pile these things without a product rotation and an intended use by date and see what happens...I always get a big kick out of those "doomsday sci-fi shows" that show the hero or heroine opening up a can of food and eating it without a second thought and how the tasty morsels are just like the day they were packed. Highly unlikely in a real event.

4. The lack of understanding that you simply can't live in a protective mask environment without trying to leave the impacted area...some of these people think they will be safe by hunkering down and waiting for to dissipate....if so I am sure I can hook you up with some prime real-estate near the Fukushima reactor site.

As for ever thinking of being on a show...never...just check out my videos that I've posted...your never going to see my face on national T.V and I am okay with that.

As for a score...I'm in the same camp as Roninsensei...its not a score that is going to count in an event, its your brains and what you have on hand that will make the difference.
one positive thing from that show;I found this forum and You friends here, and some of those episodes are really entertaining..their grading system..well according to it I would survive 1 month and that's it...

beeing here has given me more useful knowledge about certain aspects of prepping that,that tv-show never could posting your face and locations on national stupid can one be?? why don't they give their phone number also?
like they are planning a tv-show about my work and I said a big NO to participate in it, ain't a big fan of real-life tv-shows and have no desire to be famous in the wrong way..rather be in the shadows
Just one example of it not being wise to advertise that you are storing goods and supplies, a coworker that I have talked about prepping with said "why do I need to save any food or anything, if anything bad happens I'm comming over to stay with you". I really got the feeling she wasn't kidding. I'm all for having a group of people to work together with, I would just prefer people that can bring something to the table too. I'd be hard pressed to not share with any decent person, but with all the crap going on in the world, how can anyone with common sense not want to be somewhat prepared.!!!! That's my rant for the day.
we made a point on various forums I have been on to NEVER have anything to do with journalists or television campanies, they will always show people up in the worst way-dosent matter what the subject matter is- its all about ratings and THEIR personal promotion, nothing to do with the people taking part, I do wish people would realise this and avoid them like the plague.
one positive thing from that show;I found this forum and You friends here, and some of those episodes are really entertaining..their grading system..well according to it I would survive 1 month and that's it...

being here has given me more useful knowledge about certain aspects of prepping that,that tv-show never could posting your face and locations on national stupid can one be?? why don't they give their phone number also?
like they are planning a tv-show about my work and I said a big NO to participate in it, ain't a big fan of real-life tv-shows and have no desire to be famous in the wrong way..rather be in the shadows

plus,the people living in the towns or citys now know that they are preppers.and it's been said that alone has ruined the lives of at least most of them..and how many of the non preppers are gonna go to them for food,first aid,water,and what ever else that they need?
not just GO to them, they will TAKE what they want and not care about the other only themselves.
I've only seen the show a couple of times and didn't care for it, nor any of them survivalist shows I just don't care for em. It all reminds me of court TV, what kind of a person will air their dirty laundry on television and then to drag one's family through it, something is very seriously wrong! I don't like being thrown in the same category as them because it makes us all look nuts blurring the real message; independence, fortitude, perseverance, dignity, respect and honor.
You can actually take the test online to get a rating.

However, as mentioned, some of their rating ideas are whacked.

For example, I have a well, rain catchment, and stored water, yet it said I should have more water stores? What?

Likewise, with a garden (I did the test based on completing my five year plan), home-canned food, canned food, stored dried foods, and chickens and rabbits, it said I should have more MREs. Why?

Those weren't the only two I really wondered about, but those two stick out in my mind. Simply put, I think once you've been in the prepper mindset for a time, YOU are the best assessor of how long you'd last. For me, the whole point of it is to be prepared to perpetually survive and thrive off my own preps if needed.

The idea that the preppers on the show are really prepping for just one event is ludicrous. That's all for the show's format.
Likewise, with a garden (I did the test based on completing my five year plan), home-canned food, canned food, stored dried foods, and chickens and rabbits, it said I should have more MREs. Why?

Hmm, ain't that a sales pitch if I ever heard, MREs from a prepper stand point is NOT much of an option, its fine if someone want a couple! MREs is more hype then a logical option, Price Vs shelf life is not reasonable nor logical. If you already have 5yrs worth of food and a plan to back it up I see no reason why MREs was even mentioned!!!
Here is a concern that I've voiced many times when I've seen some of National Geo's DP's shows.

1. Unrealistic grading system and have to agree with Roninsensei's viewpoint about the company that rates them.

2. The filming and sanctioning of underground shelters made of shipping containers, it gives the viewers of the show that anyone can dig a hole and shove a SC in the ground and be safe. Really, if anyone has a clue, structurally they are unsound because of the pressure from the soil used over the top without serious restructure and strengthening of the exterior wall and roof.

3. The amount of what I call store bought foods and non-foods that have an expired shelf life...stock pile these things without a product rotation and an intended use by date and see what happens...I always get a big kick out of those "doomsday sci-fi shows" that show the hero or heroine opening up a can of food and eating it without a second thought and how the tasty morsels are just like the day they were packed. Highly unlikely in a real event.

4. The lack of understanding that you simply can't live in a protective mask environment without trying to leave the impacted area...some of these people think they will be safe by hunkering down and waiting for to dissipate....if so I am sure I can hook you up with some prime real-estate near the Fukushima reactor site.

As for ever thinking of being on a show...never...just check out my videos that I've posted...your never going to see my face on national T.V and I am okay with that.

As for a score...I'm in the same camp as Roninsensei...its not a score that is going to count in an event, its your brains and what you have on hand that will make the difference.
1. I agree to a ridiculous extent. Their grading system is so flawed.
2. Yes, it does give that view point. In fact they almost make prepping seem like an easy thing to do.
3. Sure, but that is also in movies. Movies portray a lot of things that are highly inaccurate.
4. Fair enough, a good point to ponder for sure.

I agree with everything you have said. I agree there is a lot of things that are skewed on television and in movies, I would know as I am a film major. I also feel as though while the show may have some bad points I also think it is kind of a good show because it gets people thinking. People who might not have even considered prepping before may start to actually do their own outside research after watching some sort of documentary or show.
one positive thing from that show;I found this forum and You friends here, and some of those episodes are really entertaining..their grading system..well according to it I would survive 1 month and that's it...

beeing here has given me more useful knowledge about certain aspects of prepping that,that tv-show never could posting your face and locations on national stupid can one be?? why don't they give their phone number also?
like they are planning a tv-show about my work and I said a big NO to participate in it, ain't a big fan of real-life tv-shows and have no desire to be famous in the wrong way..rather be in the shadows

Yeah the fact that people spend tens of thousands on these supplies and BOL's it seems pretty counterproductive to put it on TV for everyone to see. They will be the first people that people go after if SHTF
Just one example of it not being wise to advertise that you are storing goods and supplies, a coworker that I have talked about prepping with said "why do I need to save any food or anything, if anything bad happens I'm comming over to stay with you". I really got the feeling she wasn't kidding. I'm all for having a group of people to work together with, I would just prefer people that can bring something to the table too. I'd be hard pressed to not share with any decent person, but with all the crap going on in the world, how can anyone with common sense not want to be somewhat prepared.!!!! That's my rant for the day.
I agree. But I feel what she said is not very different than mentalities people have. People in general would much prefer a handout over working hard to earn it themselves.
I've only seen the show a couple of times and didn't care for it, nor any of them survivalist shows I just don't care for em. It all reminds me of court TV, what kind of a person will air their dirty laundry on television and then to drag one's family through it, something is very seriously wrong! I don't like being thrown in the same category as them because it makes us all look nuts blurring the real message; independence, fortitude, perseverance, dignity, respect and honor.
This seems like a very popular opinion.
You can actually take the test online to get a rating.

However, as mentioned, some of their rating ideas are whacked.

For example, I have a well, rain catchment, and stored water, yet it said I should have more water stores? What?

Likewise, with a garden (I did the test based on completing my five year plan), home-canned food, canned food, stored dried foods, and chickens and rabbits, it said I should have more MREs. Why?

Those weren't the only two I really wondered about, but those two stick out in my mind. Simply put, I think once you've been in the prepper mindset for a time, YOU are the best assessor of how long you'd last. For me, the whole point of it is to be prepared to perpetually survive and thrive off my own preps if needed.

The idea that the preppers on the show are really prepping for just one event is ludicrous. That's all for the show's format.

"YOU are the best assessor of how long you'd last" I think this is HUGE! This applies to more than just prepping. Confidence is everything. I remember even when I played sports my good and bad days rarely had much to do with talent. It was usually how confident I was going out there that day. You can be the best prepper but if you can't keep your confidence then you're screwed when SHTF.

As for prepping for one event it is too bad. I mean it could be worse. Now, it is not even up for debate on how much more you know than me however, after watching a ton of episodes (I am a film major so whenever I watch anything I have to take it in to an extreme level even if it bugs me hahaha) it seems a lot of preparations can carry over. I mean whether its a terrorist attack or a financial collapse, having years of food and water stored is the same thing no matter what. Food, weapons, shelter, so much basic stuff can be applied to all situations. Now I get that if there was a virus then of course you can be in trouble. If you are planning for a financial collapse and then a virus breaks out and you don't have protective gear then yeah, you're obviously screwed.
it seems a lot of preparations can carry over

Hence the "Zombie Apocalypse" prep joke.
Thing is, in prepping for this particular event, you are pretty much prepping for EVERYTHING, as this covers loss of the grid, virus, needing food/water, shelter, etc.
On the shipping container bunker idea. Pay close attention to ANY of them they've ever shown on the show, that are underground. You'll notice the prepper had to buttress them eventually (usually rendering that space all but unusable), as shipping containers are only made strong on the corners, not the top or sides.

Using them above ground is fine, but underground, you're just making a coffin. You could use rebar and concrete to do much more, and for a cheaper price than the cost of transporting and burying a storage container or two. (and, the concrete bunker would be stronger and more reliable).
On the shipping container bunker idea. Pay close attention to ANY of them they've ever shown on the show, that are underground. You'll notice the prepper had to buttress them eventually (usually rendering that space all but unusable), as shipping containers are only made strong on the corners, not the top or sides.

Using them above ground is fine, but underground, you're just making a coffin. You could use rebar and concrete to do much more, and for a cheaper price than the cost of transporting and burying a storage container or two. (and, the concrete bunker would be stronger and more reliable).
This is a good concept that addresses the issue of a shipping container. The only issue is how expensive of an option it is.
If you are prepping for a nuclear ware and you are near a possible target or downrange of a possible target then an underground bunker may offer 'short term' resolution, if not near targets then I see no need to contemplate a bunker, the bunkers are short term, that is a lot of money for temporary relief.
Atlas shelters are different. First off, they are rounded, to better distribute the load of soil on top. Second, they are designed and made to be shelters. They are nicely done, no doubt. Read all about them before.

if not near targets then I see no need to contemplate a bunker, the bunkers are short term, that is a lot of money for temporary relief.

Very valid point. There are some great sites where you can really assess what kind of targets may be near you, and how much damage different nukes would do. About the only thing these tools can't do, is show the effects of combined warheads, but honestly, I don't think the radius of destruction would change...though maybe the radiation radius would.

Most modern nukes are around the 3mt or less range, so it's a good guide for calculations. This is much better than the 5 or 10mt that were common during the Cold War. Personally, would take a 7mt or larger on the primary target nearest me, to even have the outer edge of radiation reach no real urgency on a bunker.

If I do though, it will be more as a redoubt location, though might as well build in radiation protection while at it. Concrete walls and multi-layered metal roof with other absorbers under the actual roof and above the wooden ceiling, should suffice. Metal blast door would be a must, as would a corrugated pipe escape tunnel. Also, dummy air intakes and two secreted actual air intakes and exhaust. Doesn't need to be underground if you aren't in a blast zone. That really ups the cost of building, for no real reason.
Bunkers are short term 2 weeks to 30 days, giving protection against blast (location dependent) and initial rad fallout. For protection against hoards of people it is temporary and only gives one a false since of security, I'll mention it again, the bunkers achilles heel is the ventilation system! I'm not against bunkers though that be only in certain locations where it would be advisable such as Tornado Alley, in/outside New York City, Chicago, Seattle, Bremerton/Norfolk naval base, DC etc... (if only concerned with nuclear war and/or tornados)

So much of the sales pitch today reminds of the sales pitch in the early 60s and for the most part like then it is based on false hope false security! youtube has an awful lot of snake oil talk and the same with certain television programs.
in my case,it wouldn't make sense for me to have a bunker when it comes to a said target and the blast..but the radiation radius is what has me worried thoe..but yet even then.on a small scale..but a bunker has more than one storing more food,first aid supplies,etc bunker might make a good fall back to location when it comes to any possible direct threats from ppl
in my case,it wouldn't make sense for me to have a bunker when it comes to a said target and the blast..but the radiation radius is what has me worried thoe..but yet even then.on a small scale..but a bunker has more than one storing more food,first aid supplies,etc bunker might make a good fall back to location when it comes to any possible direct threats from ppl

Any direct threat needs to be met with force to prevail, if one falls back to the bunker and secures themselves inside then no defensive posture can be taken, now it become a siege and I can guarantee you they will be looking for the ventilation system. Bunkers for emergency storage and tornado protection would be a good idea!
true about direct threats and the ventilation system..only thing i can think of there,is to disguise the ventilation in some make it a part of the home in some way...if possible..tornado protection is a big + here.on account im in tornado alley..

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