Doomsday Preppers: Yesterdays Episode

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Hahahaha. That was funny. First time I see the program and say to myself: Damn, why am I watching this crap.. lol hahahah
the thing that gets me the some of the nut jobs do come up with good ideas..

i think the husband/father with the 2 girls need to improve on thier escape route plans,seeing how folks know about the one they have now...especilly seeing how it looks like one of his girls dont like going through that pipe.
i watched a diffrent episode last night.the dad was in one branch of the military.and did some recon.he came with the idea of cliping twigs with leeves on them.and painting the 4 wheelers diff shades of paint with the shapes of leaves n twigs to help camofloge the 4 wheelers..
Yep, the fat dude who kept saying "We aren't prepping because we will be taking YOUR supplies" is lucky he's not walking up on my camp. He will get many innocent people hurt, especially himself and his family.
I enjoy the show a lot normally but would like to see that dumbass come on my property! I have a very laid back attitude in life and genuinely wish no one any harm, but if that ass hole was hurting I think I could walk right on by without any remorse.

great news for 2 reasons..1 is him and the others probaly would of gotton killed over thier b.s.

..not to mention they probally would of killed innocent people as well.2nd is i love seeing folks like them behind bars..

i laughed at them on acount thier showing how dumb they are by airing them selfs and admiting it on public tv.and at the same thinking,DAMNN!!! they need to be lucked up or some thing..
He has been arrested!

And hes a kiddy toucher to boot! that whole family is a buncha fat bastards the only thing they will be doing if the SHTF is crying like little bitches ! Anyone tries to take food out of my childs mouth they will feel my wrath ! for the few seconds that i let them live anyway!
And hes a kiddy toucher to boot! that whole family is a buncha fat bastards the only thing they will be doing if the SHTF is crying like little bitches ! Anyone tries to take food out of my childs mouth they will feel my wrath ! for the few seconds that i let them live anyway!
Ken you just made my day! That's the most enjoyable news cast I've seen in ages!!! I hope some of the other prisoners hear what the ******* said and did. Once in a while there is justice in the world. My wife saw the story on the news today and called me at work today, I was hoping to be the first to break the story on this forum! Oh well, Just glad we all have I less dumbass in the world to have to deal with.
So ... there is some justice in the world after all. I guess this dumb ass won't be coming after our stuff ... huh?
That steel pot the fat dude was wearing ain't protecting anyone.

I'd love to see him jog just 50 yards in that homemade getup. Funny thing is, he could have picked up a second hand bullet proof vest for around $100, which is way more than the cost and effort of his materials/time, etc.

Arrested huh? Couldn't have happened to a better person, but also shows the danger of going on such shows. Just not worth it.

I can just picture this guy's clan coming up on our area. If they even made it past the outer fence without getting shot, I'd be surprised. The funnier part, is that even in his armor, he'd still end up with a cluster of 10 penny nails in his foot (along with his crew) once he approached the outer fence and stepped in the footfalls. So, not even over the fence, and likely hobbled already.

If the armor is truly effective, it may allow them to approach and nullify the long distance aspect of the fortified sentries. If this is the case, then we have to wait until they are in viable shotgun range. Then, there are certain rounds where armor (especially their type) is actually a BAD thing (i.e. google on dragons breath shells)...

there's to many ppl in my area that know how to make good shots that,they'd probally get before they could get a good shot.
In the cities, the gang-bangers would roast this guy's group. In the country, the farmers will take him out just by knowing their land (and likely simply leaving before they show, leaving behind some "obvious" supplies loaded with some heavy duty poison.... :D

i have a nice range of viewing from the house..i think the shortest distance i can see from my home,is 4 thenths of a i prolly can set up in my home n pick um off with 22 rifle..
Yes, but if JUST you, then you may find yourself way outnumbered and outflanked. That's where the safety of groups comes into play.

thats why i been looking for other preppers within driveing distance of me..that way they can either bug out to here,or i bug out to there..
thats why i been looking for other preppers within driveing distance of me..that way they can either bug out to here,or i bug out to there..
wish you lived closer to me jim. Same issue here, havent found many that are interested at all in prepping. really amazes me that you can watch the news and see all the turmoil in the world, but nobody thinks it will happen here.

i agree...way to many reasons to prepp..and only 2 reasons not to prepp..1 is you dont have the moneey for it..2 is your no longer alive..i think the main reason i havent found someone close to that most preppers have learned to keep thier mouths shut.and trust very few if any,when it comes to letting others know that they thier perppers
and only 2 reasons not to prepp..1 is you dont have the moneey for it.

Not really a reason. You can put together a BOB for around $50. Even that is prepping, and that's even working at flipping burgers. Likewise, not a big deal if you do things gradually. Some extra cans here, extra water there, etc. Sure, you can't put together an armory or go solar, etc., but prepping doesn't have to be hard core.
I agree, it doesn't take money, just desire. Some of my stuff was old junk in the beginning, you can upgrade a little at a time later. A weapon can be made from a good stick. You can dry out seeds from the veggies you eat, my blanket in the wheel well of my car is an old piece of crap, but it's a warm piece of crap! Thrift stores are full of stuff for a dollar or two.
I'd love to see him jog just 50 yards in that homemade getup. Funny thing is, he could have picked up a second hand bullet proof vest for around $100, which is way more than the cost and effort of his materials/time, etc.

Arrested huh? Couldn't have happened to a better person, but also shows the danger of going on such shows. Just not worth it.

I can just picture this guy's clan coming up on our area. If they even made it past the outer fence without getting shot, I'd be surprised. The funnier part, is that even in his armor, he'd still end up with a cluster of 10 penny nails in his foot (along with his crew) once he approached the outer fence and stepped in the footfalls. So, not even over the fence, and likely hobbled already.

If the armor is truly effective, it may allow them to approach and nullify the long distance aspect of the fortified sentries. If this is the case, then we have to wait until they are in viable shotgun range. Then, there are certain rounds where armor (especially their type) is actually a BAD thing (i.e. google on dragons breath shells)...
well his cheap armor stopped .22 cal. and shot but it did not stop 30.6 rounds so you can take them at range with high caliber ! or shoot them in the jugular with a 22
I kinda like the idea of shooting them in the legs ! then you just bide your time till they bleed out and go take there ****!
OMG! i look at his picture on this forum and it just sends a rage through me i want to throw bricks at my monitor!

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