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Awesome Friend
Nov 24, 2013
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Any predictions on what will cause doomsday? Or when I recently read the harbinger and from that doomsday should be September 13, 2015? Any others got dates for when the **** could hit the fan??
I don't believe in crystal balls or predictions, but all you have to do is look at history. Economies go up and down, there are wars, natural disasters, the list goes on and on. Do I really have to pick one? I think preparing yourself to deal with hard times is just plain common sense. Good luck to ya.
Wasn't it supposed to have ended when 2000 came and then again on Dec whatever 2012. . .(I am sure there were others too) ? I don't believe in any of that. I DO believe in our history as Brent S stated and I am also very considered with the finances of our county and all the new policies and laws coming into effect and also natural disasters. I have already been thru a few major hurricanes (not counting the minor) around here and I am sure there will be more.
Here is my 2 cents:

Something will happen in 2014, probably in the first quarter. I don't know whether the dollar will survive, but I highly doubt that it will continue to be the world reserve currency through the end of 2014.

Countries are desperate to find a safe haven for their money. The Euro lost safe haven status because of Cyprus. Precious metals temporarily lost safe haven status because of the beat down of Gold in the market. China is having their own economic problems, so they aren't in a position at the moment to challenge the dollar with the Renminbi, even though they are desperate to do just that. They have already announce that they will no longer trade for oil in dollars but will use the Renmimbi.

If ANYTHING happens that causes other countries to believe the dollar is no longer a safe haven, they will flee from it. Countries will dump the dollar, and trillions upon trillions of dollars around the world will come home to roost all at once. You don't have to have a PhD in economics to figure out what happens next...
I don't believe in trying to figure that out, personally. But... If I had to pick a date, I would say 12/13/14 just because it's the last sequential date we'll ever see. :cool:That's probably not nearly as intelligent an answer as you'd like, but that's what I'm going with!
Here is my 2 cents:

Something will happen in 2014, probably in the first quarter.
You are right! In February I have to go back to court with my ex-wife... does that qualify as a doomsday scenario?
Great advice guys and gals my co-worker and I were discussing it last night and if the economic situation will be able to remain stable then it will happen prob around new president election time he says we are crazy if we think Obama is ever leaving office... He could also authorize the kill switch on the internet etc forcing a delay in the votes any one see this happening??
You are right! In February I have to go back to court with my ex-wife... does that qualify as a doomsday scenario?
Yep!! and if you have to deal with my hunny's ex, good luck! I'll be praying for you and hope it turns out comparable in your state.
Here is what I see happening in the very near future.

I think there will be a major, (far worse than 9/11/2001) catastrophe. The Obama regime clearly wanted to strike Syria, but other nations blocked that from happening. Now that Iran's sanctions has been lifted, and also we (Obama regime) is giving Iran $4.2 Billion. It is clear Iran cannot be trusted. With that said, the Federal reserve is doing everything possible to keep our economy stable, but they are failing. They are trapped. There is NO EASY way out and they know this, but they will continue with printing money out of thin air. With all that said, what I see happening is there will be another major false flag much worse than 9/11, and that is we will see several nuclear bombs (small dirty bombs) go off in several major cities. Perhaps Chicago, NYC, Los Angles, Atlanta. Those are just examples is all. The Obama regime will then blame it on Iran. This way striking Iran will then be justified not only by the Kool-Aid drinking sheeple, but also other nations. As it is now no nation trust the Obama regime, because Edward Snowdan revealed that our Government is spying on them. Take Germany for instance. Let's also not forget Obama's approval rating is now at 37%, and falling. This means he cannot be trusted at all. Anyways we simply cannot afford to go to war with Iran, or anyone for that matter therefore we will do so anyways putting us further into debt, Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz which will then cause Oil prices to skyrocket which means Gas prices will also skyrocket which ALSO means food, clothing.. Everything we consume that is imported, or grown (Remember we now import more than we export) will skyrocket bringing us into a depression. Obama will then declare a National Emergency (Martial Law) which will then grant him power over Congress. In other words, Congress can then be completely by passed giving Obama full Authority over United States. Anyone that has not prepared, or prepared enough will panic, there will be utter chaos everywhere. The Police State will then be in full force, and clearly known, and many will perish. We will also see World War 3, because by then no nation will trust us, dumping the US dollars they have. The US dollar will no longer have any value, nor be the worlds reserve currency what so ever while other nations try to keep their currency value up, but they too will also fail (All nations are in debt by design). The Federal Gov will be overthrown, possibly China, and or Russia will gain control, we will be forced to fight them to regain control of our nation. It is probably then that we will see the "Anti-Christ" arise which will then eventually lead to the North American Union (Canada, USA, South America as 1 nation), and the new digital currency called Amero. The Asian Countries will also become one nation called Asian Union. The middle east, and Africa will become African Union. The Anti Christ will then call for peace on earth, and have all the Union's sign the 7 year peace treaty. Then of course 3 1/2 years into the the false peace treaty he will renig, be shot in the head, not die from the shot, but media will claim he is dead. He will return then claiming he is Christ Then all nations will be Governed by one, along with one world "digital currency", one world religion. We will be forced to have the rfid chip(tool) injected with a tattoo(mark of the beast) using laser. No one will be able to buy nor sell without the mark. If you accept this mark your soul is damned to hell for eternity. Then the Tribulation begins. As for when all this will start. I am not sure, but it really is looking more like the time frame will be sometime in 2014. Remember they, by they I mean Satan, and his minions have been VERY patient, and preparing for a VERY VERY VERY long time now. There is no way out of this, there is no easy ending to any of this. Some keep saying GET OUT of America now. I say... What good will that do? ALL nations will be effected by this... ALL! Best thing for us to do is get ready, prepare, and most of all repent of our sins daily, and try to stay right with our Lord and Savior everyday. May God Bless us all. This may not happen exactly in the way I described, but this is generally what we can expect to see happening soon. God Bless you all Brothers and Sisters.
Last edited:
I don't buy into prophecy predictions or numbers lining up in 'whatever' order,it'll happen when it happens.But I do feel we are always dodging a bullet of some kind and one of these times our luck is gonna run out.

Our power grid-we are so weak as a nation,way too much dependence on electric/electronics always being there.

Natural disaster's-pretty self explanatory,look at the intensity of some of the storms/super storms that we have now a days,earthquakes happening all over the world,tornado's and blizzard's always setting new records about every season.Heat waves,floods,droughts.Where does it stop?

Space-also pretty self explanatory, lots of stuff going on in the skies right now from the sun's solar cycle to comets to meteors and more.

Government and economy-no explanation needed.We're just in trouble.

War,of the worst kind,just seems a matter of time on many,many fronts.Too many nations,too many fights to even get into,I don't feel like typing that much,lol.

I'm sure there's more,but sooner rather than later,something is gonna give and all we can do is prepare the best that we can for whatever the situation.
The Obama regime clearly wanted to strike Syria, but other nations blocked that from happening. Now that Iran's sanctions has been lifted, and also we (Obama regime) is giving Iran $4.2 Billion

When you see something like this that doesn't add up, you have to ask yourself why. Delving into it, the answer emerges. Syria agreed to a natural gas pipeline proposed by Russia, bypassing several US ally states in the Middle East (and involving many we don't like), basically creating a situation we we're cool with. So, when the spanking of Syria was axed (due largely to Putin being better at the game than an out of his league Obama), it seems some kind of closed door agreement was reached instead. That's the only thing that makes any sense out of these actions.

The bigger mystery (and the answer is even more scary) is Why The Hell The Press Hasn't Made A Bigger Deal Out of This? They answer is as simple as it is telling....they were TOLD not to.
Any predictions on what will cause doomsday? Or when I recently read the harbinger and from that doomsday should be September 13, 2015? Any others got dates for when the **** could hit the fan??

THIS WILL GET YOUR ATTENTION! -- Insight into why Obama seems to be purging the military]

Insight into why Obama seems to be purging the military

Read below.

Interesting times we're living, wouldn't you say? Something new and scandalous almost every day oozing from the Obama regime lately. Meantime, the Republicans, RINOs, conservative talk radio and even the FoxNews pundits are almost giddy now that it seems Team Obama has stumbled badly over a piece of crap legislation, which I refer to as "ObamaDon'tCare", and in the process, lost its credibility and seem surely doomed to lose their grip on the seats of power they so obsessively sought and largely obtained by any and whatever means possible, including lying, cheating, stealing votes, intimidating the so-called "Free Press", not to mention their condescending treatment of the peons and pissed-on voters and taxpayers, commonly known in bygone days as, We-The-People of The United States of America. However, not so quick, because Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama II, Barak Obama, Batock Obama, Barok Obama, Barrack Obama, Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is, ain't about to throw in the towel anytime soon because the fact is Obama Don't Care and time is on his side; and, so far still are most of his jock straps in the brain-dead media. And you can forget about his peeps, they will never desert him in great enough numbers to make a difference because he's African-American. Really? Nope, he isn't...he doesn't have a drop of African-American blood in his veins. Here's the facts: He's 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While his father was from Kenya, his father's family was actually mainly Arabs. His father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab and his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro. So you see, in reality, he's not the descendent of slaves at all but he is the descendent of Arab slave holders and traders. Go to this link where even the liberals that run confirms it:

So what?, you say? Well read on. When I recently asked a retired Army Colonel friend why he thinks Obama seems to be purging the military of its best and brightest Generals and Admirals, the reply I received from this life-long soldier shocked me to my very core. Now, I'm paraphrasing him but in a nutshell, the following is what he told me.

So keep your weapons cleaned, your powder dry and your go-bag packed, 'cause it looks like we all may need them for one last mission.




To paraphrase the good Colonel --- Most branches of the service routinely engage in war “games” and come up with strategies and tactics on how to handle every type of military conflict and scenario that can be imagined . One of the big new battle scenarios being actively discussed in the military recently is how to handle civil unrest in the U.S. and fighting in the streets. What will the Army do if called in to fight armed civilians in the streets of the United States? How will that urban warfare be conducted? Will troops be able to fire upon other American citizens when the troops take an oath to protect American citizens?

He said many in the military are discussing the very real possibility that Obama will attempt to stay in office beyond two terms. It is being speculated that Obama will do this by declaring a state of martial law. The easiest way to declare martial law is when there is massive civil unrest and riots throughout the U.S. Thus, it is believed that Obama, and his regime, will intentionally create a situation of massive civil unrest. Some believe he has already started to implement that strategy by forcing Obamacare on everyone (when the populace did not ask for it and less than 300 people in power voted for it). Perhaps the Obama Administration is not too concerned over the totally dysfunctional Obamacare website and the additional fact that millions will be dropped from their existing insurance policies which they already had and liked. The Obama Administration may not care if getting health care becomes more difficult and more expensive because it is all leading toward civil unrest. It is believed by some that Obamacare will only get worse and worse, and then in 2 to 3 years when people have a very difficult time getting medical treatment for themselves or their loved ones, people will get enraged.

Moreover, it is being speculated that around the same time when the frustration levels over ObamaCare are hitting a critical point in 2 to 3 years, there will be a “glitch” in the welfare payment (or EBT) payment system. The tens of millions who rely on EBT handouts to sustain themselves will be cut off. The overwhelming majority of the EBT recipients are Black. The Obama regime will then blame the “glitch” on the Republicans, i.e., Republicans froze government spending which “forced” Obama to suspension of EBT payments. (Obama will intentionally drive spending up and up uncontrolled knowing full well that one day the Republicans will be backed into a corner and finally vote for a freeze in spending.) Obama will create heightened racial tension by telling everyone that the White Republicans are racially motivated and did this to hurt the Black community. This manufactured racial tension, combined with growing tensions over the then-collapsing medical coverage due to ObamaCare, will result in race wars and civil unrest. People will take to the streets.

By the way, you should know that my colleague, the Army Colonel who is telling me all this, is Black. He specifically commented, and outwardly expressed his embarrassment, about how Blacks have become so dependent and enslaved by the welfare system and the Democrats that it would be very easy to create civil unrest and race wars merely by cutting off, or dramatically hindering, EBT payments for only a month or so. He believes that most Blacks, who have a misguided sense of entitlement, will then take to looting stores and rioting.

Once the race wars, civil unrest, and violence becomes pervasive throughout the U.S., Obama will declare martial law and take over. Elections can, and will, be postponed under martial law.

My colleague noted that this possibility is clearly being analyzed and discussed inside the military because such a martial law strategy is nothing new. Tyrannical and dictatorial leaders in the past have done the martial law strategy many times. He noted that dictators such as Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler did basically the identical thing. He went on to say that one of the most recent examples of this strategy was when Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines from 1972-1981 due to civil unrest. The Philippines had democratic elections up until that time. When martial law was declared, the Philippine constitution was suspended, its Congress dissolved, all elections were suspended, and Marcos remained in power for years beyond his elected term. The alleged “terrorist bombings” that occurred in the Philippines, which lead to Marcos declaring martial law, have always been questioned and never proven to be the acts of actual terrorists.

He concluded by saying that many believe this is the real reason behind the purgings of military generals. The older members of the military, and especially its generals and leaders, tend to be more conservative and they believe in the Constitution—and following the Constitution. Thus, a tyrant and dictator needs to get rid of these military leaders before a state of martial law is declared if the rising dictator wants the military to follow along and do what the dictator says. Due to the loss of many experienced military leaders the past few years, the military is now being run and guided more and more by younger, inexperienced leaders. The type who won’t really know what to do if martial law was declared. Moreover, he noted that there is a growing mindset throughout the military now that every soldier needs to keep quiet and just follow along with what Obama says and wants to do or you will be fired and your military career ruined. Again, I was told this is nothing new since removing strong military leaders in advance of declaring martial law is a historically-proven element of a rising tyrant and dictator.

THE END....or, THE BEGINNING? Either way, it's gonna be count on it!
THIS WILL GET YOUR ATTENTION! -- Insight into why Obama seems to be purging the military]

Insight into why Obama seems to be purging the military

Read below.

Interesting times we're living, wouldn't you say? Something new and scandalous almost every day oozing from the Obama regime lately. Meantime, the Republicans, RINOs, conservative talk radio and even the FoxNews pundits are almost giddy now that it seems Team Obama has stumbled badly over a piece of crap legislation, which I refer to as "ObamaDon'tCare", and in the process, lost its credibility and seem surely doomed to lose their grip on the seats of power they so obsessively sought and largely obtained by any and whatever means possible, including lying, cheating, stealing votes, intimidating the so-called "Free Press", not to mention their condescending treatment of the peons and pissed-on voters and taxpayers, commonly known in bygone days as, We-The-People of The United States of America. However, not so quick, because Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama II, Barak Obama, Batock Obama, Barok Obama, Barrack Obama, Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is, ain't about to throw in the towel anytime soon because the fact is Obama Don't Care and time is on his side; and, so far still are most of his jock straps in the brain-dead media. And you can forget about his peeps, they will never desert him in great enough numbers to make a difference because he's African-American. Really? Nope, he isn't...he doesn't have a drop of African-American blood in his veins. Here's the facts: He's 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While his father was from Kenya, his father's family was actually mainly Arabs. His father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab and his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro. So you see, in reality, he's not the descendent of slaves at all but he is the descendent of Arab slave holders and traders. Go to this link where even the liberals that run confirms it:

So what?, you say? Well read on. When I recently asked a retired Army Colonel friend why he thinks Obama seems to be purging the military of its best and brightest Generals and Admirals, the reply I received from this life-long soldier shocked me to my very core. Now, I'm paraphrasing him but in a nutshell, the following is what he told me.

So keep your weapons cleaned, your powder dry and your go-bag packed, 'cause it looks like we all may need them for one last mission.




To paraphrase the good Colonel --- Most branches of the service routinely engage in war “games” and come up with strategies and tactics on how to handle every type of military conflict and scenario that can be imagined . One of the big new battle scenarios being actively discussed in the military recently is how to handle civil unrest in the U.S. and fighting in the streets. What will the Army do if called in to fight armed civilians in the streets of the United States? How will that urban warfare be conducted? Will troops be able to fire upon other American citizens when the troops take an oath to protect American citizens?

He said many in the military are discussing the very real possibility that Obama will attempt to stay in office beyond two terms. It is being speculated that Obama will do this by declaring a state of martial law. The easiest way to declare martial law is when there is massive civil unrest and riots throughout the U.S. Thus, it is believed that Obama, and his regime, will intentionally create a situation of massive civil unrest. Some believe he has already started to implement that strategy by forcing Obamacare on everyone (when the populace did not ask for it and less than 300 people in power voted for it). Perhaps the Obama Administration is not too concerned over the totally dysfunctional Obamacare website and the additional fact that millions will be dropped from their existing insurance policies which they already had and liked. The Obama Administration may not care if getting health care becomes more difficult and more expensive because it is all leading toward civil unrest. It is believed by some that Obamacare will only get worse and worse, and then in 2 to 3 years when people have a very difficult time getting medical treatment for themselves or their loved ones, people will get enraged.

Moreover, it is being speculated that around the same time when the frustration levels over ObamaCare are hitting a critical point in 2 to 3 years, there will be a “glitch” in the welfare payment (or EBT) payment system. The tens of millions who rely on EBT handouts to sustain themselves will be cut off. The overwhelming majority of the EBT recipients are Black. The Obama regime will then blame the “glitch” on the Republicans, i.e., Republicans froze government spending which “forced” Obama to suspension of EBT payments. (Obama will intentionally drive spending up and up uncontrolled knowing full well that one day the Republicans will be backed into a corner and finally vote for a freeze in spending.) Obama will create heightened racial tension by telling everyone that the White Republicans are racially motivated and did this to hurt the Black community. This manufactured racial tension, combined with growing tensions over the then-collapsing medical coverage due to ObamaCare, will result in race wars and civil unrest. People will take to the streets.

By the way, you should know that my colleague, the Army Colonel who is telling me all this, is Black. He specifically commented, and outwardly expressed his embarrassment, about how Blacks have become so dependent and enslaved by the welfare system and the Democrats that it would be very easy to create civil unrest and race wars merely by cutting off, or dramatically hindering, EBT payments for only a month or so. He believes that most Blacks, who have a misguided sense of entitlement, will then take to looting stores and rioting.

Once the race wars, civil unrest, and violence becomes pervasive throughout the U.S., Obama will declare martial law and take over. Elections can, and will, be postponed under martial law.

My colleague noted that this possibility is clearly being analyzed and discussed inside the military because such a martial law strategy is nothing new. Tyrannical and dictatorial leaders in the past have done the martial law strategy many times. He noted that dictators such as Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler did basically the identical thing. He went on to say that one of the most recent examples of this strategy was when Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines from 1972-1981 due to civil unrest. The Philippines had democratic elections up until that time. When martial law was declared, the Philippine constitution was suspended, its Congress dissolved, all elections were suspended, and Marcos remained in power for years beyond his elected term. The alleged “terrorist bombings” that occurred in the Philippines, which lead to Marcos declaring martial law, have always been questioned and never proven to be the acts of actual terrorists.

He concluded by saying that many believe this is the real reason behind the purgings of military generals. The older members of the military, and especially its generals and leaders, tend to be more conservative and they believe in the Constitution—and following the Constitution. Thus, a tyrant and dictator needs to get rid of these military leaders before a state of martial law is declared if the rising dictator wants the military to follow along and do what the dictator says. Due to the loss of many experienced military leaders the past few years, the military is now being run and guided more and more by younger, inexperienced leaders. The type who won’t really know what to do if martial law was declared. Moreover, he noted that there is a growing mindset throughout the military now that every soldier needs to keep quiet and just follow along with what Obama says and wants to do or you will be fired and your military career ruined. Again, I was told this is nothing new since removing strong military leaders in advance of declaring martial law is a historically-proven element of a rising tyrant and dictator.

THE END....or, THE BEGINNING? Either way, it's gonna be count on it!

This is interesting info and I thank u for it please continue to keep us updated if u can through military connection god bless us all if this happens
This is interesting info and I thank u for it please continue to keep us updated if u can through military connection god bless us all if this happens
Hi LGirl07 if you are watching all the different sources of the news you can see it happening a little at a time. Thanks for your interest and passing this along. "Mountain Scout"
THIS WILL GET YOUR ATTENTION! -- Insight into why Obama seems to be purging the military]

Insight into why Obama seems to be purging the military

Read below.

Interesting times we're living, wouldn't you say? Something new and scandalous almost every day oozing from the Obama regime lately. Meantime, the Republicans, RINOs, conservative talk radio and even the FoxNews pundits are almost giddy now that it seems Team Obama has stumbled badly over a piece of crap legislation, which I refer to as "ObamaDon'tCare", and in the process, lost its credibility and seem surely doomed to lose their grip on the seats of power they so obsessively sought and largely obtained by any and whatever means possible, including lying, cheating, stealing votes, intimidating the so-called "Free Press", not to mention their condescending treatment of the peons and pissed-on voters and taxpayers, commonly known in bygone days as, We-The-People of The United States of America. However, not so quick, because Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama II, Barak Obama, Batock Obama, Barok Obama, Barrack Obama, Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is, ain't about to throw in the towel anytime soon because the fact is Obama Don't Care and time is on his side; and, so far still are most of his jock straps in the brain-dead media. And you can forget about his peeps, they will never desert him in great enough numbers to make a difference because he's African-American. Really? Nope, he isn't...he doesn't have a drop of African-American blood in his veins. Here's the facts: He's 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While his father was from Kenya, his father's family was actually mainly Arabs. His father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab and his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro. So you see, in reality, he's not the descendent of slaves at all but he is the descendent of Arab slave holders and traders. Go to this link where even the liberals that run confirms it:

So what?, you say? Well read on. When I recently asked a retired Army Colonel friend why he thinks Obama seems to be purging the military of its best and brightest Generals and Admirals, the reply I received from this life-long soldier shocked me to my very core. Now, I'm paraphrasing him but in a nutshell, the following is what he told me.

So keep your weapons cleaned, your powder dry and your go-bag packed, 'cause it looks like we all may need them for one last mission.




To paraphrase the good Colonel --- Most branches of the service routinely engage in war “games” and come up with strategies and tactics on how to handle every type of military conflict and scenario that can be imagined . One of the big new battle scenarios being actively discussed in the military recently is how to handle civil unrest in the U.S. and fighting in the streets. What will the Army do if called in to fight armed civilians in the streets of the United States? How will that urban warfare be conducted? Will troops be able to fire upon other American citizens when the troops take an oath to protect American citizens?

He said many in the military are discussing the very real possibility that Obama will attempt to stay in office beyond two terms. It is being speculated that Obama will do this by declaring a state of martial law. The easiest way to declare martial law is when there is massive civil unrest and riots throughout the U.S. Thus, it is believed that Obama, and his regime, will intentionally create a situation of massive civil unrest. Some believe he has already started to implement that strategy by forcing Obamacare on everyone (when the populace did not ask for it and less than 300 people in power voted for it). Perhaps the Obama Administration is not too concerned over the totally dysfunctional Obamacare website and the additional fact that millions will be dropped from their existing insurance policies which they already had and liked. The Obama Administration may not care if getting health care becomes more difficult and more expensive because it is all leading toward civil unrest. It is believed by some that Obamacare will only get worse and worse, and then in 2 to 3 years when people have a very difficult time getting medical treatment for themselves or their loved ones, people will get enraged.

Moreover, it is being speculated that around the same time when the frustration levels over ObamaCare are hitting a critical point in 2 to 3 years, there will be a “glitch” in the welfare payment (or EBT) payment system. The tens of millions who rely on EBT handouts to sustain themselves will be cut off. The overwhelming majority of the EBT recipients are Black. The Obama regime will then blame the “glitch” on the Republicans, i.e., Republicans froze government spending which “forced” Obama to suspension of EBT payments. (Obama will intentionally drive spending up and up uncontrolled knowing full well that one day the Republicans will be backed into a corner and finally vote for a freeze in spending.) Obama will create heightened racial tension by telling everyone that the White Republicans are racially motivated and did this to hurt the Black community. This manufactured racial tension, combined with growing tensions over the then-collapsing medical coverage due to ObamaCare, will result in race wars and civil unrest. People will take to the streets.

By the way, you should know that my colleague, the Army Colonel who is telling me all this, is Black. He specifically commented, and outwardly expressed his embarrassment, about how Blacks have become so dependent and enslaved by the welfare system and the Democrats that it would be very easy to create civil unrest and race wars merely by cutting off, or dramatically hindering, EBT payments for only a month or so. He believes that most Blacks, who have a misguided sense of entitlement, will then take to looting stores and rioting.

Once the race wars, civil unrest, and violence becomes pervasive throughout the U.S., Obama will declare martial law and take over. Elections can, and will, be postponed under martial law.

My colleague noted that this possibility is clearly being analyzed and discussed inside the military because such a martial law strategy is nothing new. Tyrannical and dictatorial leaders in the past have done the martial law strategy many times. He noted that dictators such as Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler did basically the identical thing. He went on to say that one of the most recent examples of this strategy was when Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines from 1972-1981 due to civil unrest. The Philippines had democratic elections up until that time. When martial law was declared, the Philippine constitution was suspended, its Congress dissolved, all elections were suspended, and Marcos remained in power for years beyond his elected term. The alleged “terrorist bombings” that occurred in the Philippines, which lead to Marcos declaring martial law, have always been questioned and never proven to be the acts of actual terrorists.

He concluded by saying that many believe this is the real reason behind the purgings of military generals. The older members of the military, and especially its generals and leaders, tend to be more conservative and they believe in the Constitution—and following the Constitution. Thus, a tyrant and dictator needs to get rid of these military leaders before a state of martial law is declared if the rising dictator wants the military to follow along and do what the dictator says. Due to the loss of many experienced military leaders the past few years, the military is now being run and guided more and more by younger, inexperienced leaders. The type who won’t really know what to do if martial law was declared. Moreover, he noted that there is a growing mindset throughout the military now that every soldier needs to keep quiet and just follow along with what Obama says and wants to do or you will be fired and your military career ruined. Again, I was told this is nothing new since removing strong military leaders in advance of declaring martial law is a historically-proven element of a rising tyrant and dictator.

THE END....or, THE BEGINNING? Either way, it's gonna be count on it!
Thank you! Mountain*Hart, The wife and I try to keep up with what is happening to our great nation, But hopefully god will be watching over us and our Constitution that he blessed our nation with. cheers. " Mountain Scout"

This is why I believe we will see a major false flag much worse than 9/11. Pay close attention to what Dr Paul Craig Roberts is saying about Syria, Iran, and Congress, AND no evidence to back up the support to strike Syria, or Iran.

This is why I believe we will see a major false flag much worse than 9/11. Pay close attention to what Dr Paul Craig Roberts is saying about Syria, Iran, and Congress, AND no evidence to back up the support to strike Syria, or Iran.

Hi DavyRocket It seems the good Dr has a good handle on what is happening in Syria and Iran Very good talk. I would rather concentrate on the problems here at our U.S.A. Now if you really want to get the facts on where we are headed it's a very long study and time consuming but well worth the effort. you need to bring up all executive orders by the Obama administration and after hours of study you will come to the conclusion that Obama has complete control over all forms of Transportation, Energy,Food supply's, water supply's Med supply's, communications, and to many more to mention. Also in my own opinion with Obama care all the poor people will be shifted to Medicaid, and from what i have heard Medicaid seems to be an end of life choice due to the fact that The Administration can cut off all med supply's and aid anytime they think your life is not worth saving and you become non productive, and to there way of thinking, you may just want to end it all. This is just my opinion and not necessarily a fact. "Mountain Scout"
Hi DavyRocket It seems the good Dr has a good handle on what is happening in Syria and Iran Very good talk. I would rather concentrate on the problems here at our U.S.A. Now if you really want to get the facts on where we are headed it's a very long study and time consuming but well worth the effort. you need to bring up all executive orders by the Obama administration and after hours of study you will come to the conclusion that Obama has complete control over all forms of Transportation, Energy,Food supply's, water supply's Med supply's, communications, and to many more to mention. Also in my own opinion with Obama care all the poor people will be shifted to Medicaid, and from what i have heard Medicaid seems to be an end of life choice due to the fact that The Administration can cut off all med supply's and aid anytime they think your life is not worth saving and you become non productive, and to there way of thinking, you may just want to end it all. This is just my opinion and not necessarily a fact. "Mountain Scout"

Everything he is saying is what I have been saying. There was no evidence that Saddam Hussein had WMD, but we went to war in Iraq anyways, because we were ALL LIED to saying he did have WMD. When they were NEVER found, they covered up that lie with another lie that Al Qaeda was in Iraq. Now they are saying Saddam moved those WMD to Syria through Iran. So why would they say that? My guess is so they can strike Syria (eventually). Only this time Congress, and other nations such as Russia, China are no longer being fooled into believing that. Assad has NEVER been a threat to anyone let alone his own people. Technically neither has Iran. It is our own Government that causes Iran to hate America saying "Death to America". Which is why I say (In my opinion) we will see small dirty (nuclear) bombs set off here at home blaming either Syria, or Iran to give reason to STRIKE either Country. So yes that does cause me to concentrate on problems here in USA. None of this has anything to do with Nuclear. It is all about Money. Iran no longer wants to purchase US petrodollars to import goods or oil, same as Libya, Iraq, China among other nations. So yes this has everything to do with US here at home because eventually we will be led into World War 3. As for ObamaCare. Yes I have known it will lead to a Socialist Care system, Single payer system. Basically they have reinvented HitlerCare now dubbed as ObamaCare. Have a look at this.

Everything you have said about ObamaCare in this blog goes into further detail. I know about Obama's executive orders which is why I have also said all along he is becoming a dictator. Sorry if it seems I am attacking you. I'm not. I am just tired of being pushed to the side as if I have no idea what I am talking about. To the original poster. I am sorry for my posting, but you asked what/when will SHTF, and I gave what I believe when it might happen, and I also explained how I believe it will happen through all my research. No one has to believe me, and I would not expect anyone to. I gave my POV so you might do your own research. With that said, I will say no more. God Bless!
Everything he is saying is what I have been saying. There was no evidence that Saddam Hussein had WMD, but we went to war in Iraq anyways, because we were ALL LIED to saying he did have WMD. When they were NEVER found, they covered up that lie with another lie that Al Qaeda was in Iraq. Now they are saying Saddam moved those WMD to Syria through Iran. So why would they say that? My guess is so they can strike Syria (eventually). Only this time Congress, and other nations such as Russia, China are no longer being fooled into believing that. Assad has NEVER been a threat to anyone let alone his own people. Technically neither has Iran. It is our own Government that causes Iran to hate America saying "Death to America". Which is why I say (In my opinion) we will see small dirty (nuclear) bombs set off here at home blaming either Syria, or Iran to give reason to STRIKE either Country. So yes that does cause me to concentrate on problems here in USA. None of this has anything to do with Nuclear. It is all about Money. Iran no longer wants to purchase US petrodollars to import goods or oil, same as Libya, Iraq, China among other nations. So yes this has everything to do with US here at home because eventually we will be led into World War 3. As for ObamaCare. Yes I have known it will lead to a Socialist Care system, Single payer system. Basically they have reinvented HitlerCare now dubbed as ObamaCare. Have a look at this.

Everything you have said about ObamaCare in this blog goes into further detail. I know about Obama's executive orders which is why I have also said all along he is becoming a dictator. Sorry if it seems I am attacking you. I'm not. I am just tired of being pushed to the side as if I have no idea what I am talking about. To the original poster. I am sorry for my posting, but you asked what/when will SHTF, and I gave what I believe when it might happen, and I also explained how I believe it will happen through all my research. No one has to believe me, and I would not expect anyone to. I gave my POV so you might do your own research. With that said, I will say no more. God Bless!
Hi again Davy Rocket No I take
Everything he is saying is what I have been saying. There was no evidence that Saddam Hussein had WMD, but we went to war in Iraq anyways, because we were ALL LIED to saying he did have WMD. When they were NEVER found, they covered up that lie with another lie that Al Qaeda was in Iraq. Now they are saying Saddam moved those WMD to Syria through Iran. So why would they say that? My guess is so they can strike Syria (eventually). Only this time Congress, and other nations such as Russia, China are no longer being fooled into believing that. Assad has NEVER been a threat to anyone let alone his own people. Technically neither has Iran. It is our own Government that causes Iran to hate America saying "Death to America". Which is why I say (In my opinion) we will see small dirty (nuclear) bombs set off here at home blaming either Syria, or Iran to give reason to STRIKE either Country. So yes that does cause me to concentrate on problems here in USA. None of this has anything to do with Nuclear. It is all about Money. Iran no longer wants to purchase US petrodollars to import goods or oil, same as Libya, Iraq, China among other nations. So yes this has everything to do with US here at home because eventually we will be led into World War 3. As for ObamaCare. Yes I have known it will lead to a Socialist Care system, Single payer system. Basically they have reinvented HitlerCare now dubbed as ObamaCare. Have a look at this.

Everything you have said about ObamaCare in this blog goes into further detail. I know about Obama's executive orders which is why I have also said all along he is becoming a dictator. Sorry if it seems I am attacking you. I'm not. I am just tired of being pushed to the side as if I have no idea what I am talking about. To the original poster. I am sorry for my posting, but you asked what/when will SHTF, and I gave what I believe when it might happen, and I also explained how I believe it will happen through all my research. No one has to believe me, and I would not expect anyone to. I gave my POV so you might do your own research. With that said, I will say no more. God Bless!
Everything he is saying is what I have been saying. There was no evidence that Saddam Hussein had WMD, but we went to war in Iraq anyways, because we were ALL LIED to saying he did have WMD. When they were NEVER found, they covered up that lie with another lie that Al Qaeda was in Iraq. Now they are saying Saddam moved those WMD to Syria through Iran. So why would they say that? My guess is so they can strike Syria (eventually). Only this time Congress, and other nations such as Russia, China are no longer being fooled into believing that. Assad has NEVER been a threat to anyone let alone his own people. Technically neither has Iran. It is our own Government that causes Iran to hate America saying "Death to America". Which is why I say (In my opinion) we will see small dirty (nuclear) bombs set off here at home blaming either Syria, or Iran to give reason to STRIKE either Country. So yes that does cause me to concentrate on problems here in USA. None of this has anything to do with Nuclear. It is all about Money. Iran no longer wants to purchase US petrodollars to import goods or oil, same as Libya, Iraq, China among other nations. So yes this has everything to do with US here at home because eventually we will be led into World War 3. As for ObamaCare. Yes I have known it will lead to a Socialist Care system, Single payer system. Basically they have reinvented HitlerCare now dubbed as ObamaCare. Have a look at this.

Everything you have said about ObamaCare in this blog goes into further detail. I know about Obama's executive orders which is why I have also said all along he is becoming a dictator. Sorry if it seems I am attacking you. I'm not. I am just tired of being pushed to the side as if I have no idea what I am talking about. To the original poster. I am sorry for my posting, but you asked what/when will SHTF, and I gave what I believe when it might happen, and I also explained how I believe it will happen through all my research. No one has to believe me, and I would not expect anyone to. I gave my POV so you might do your own research. With that said, I will say no more. God Bless!
Hi Davy Rocket! I absolutely don't think you are attacking me, and I agree with what you have said. You are more informed than most people and I am glad to know that people are starting to wake up to what is really going on with Obama care that is almost a copy of Hitler Care. But I feel one cannot feed the public to much information at one time because it will overwhelm the average person, And that is why I try to get people to look things up for them selves and then they are more likely to believe it. Any way I'm glade you are so well informed, Have a good life! and thanks for the input God Bless you and our Nation. "Mountain Scout"
I'm prepping for basically a much more intense version of the great depression. I'm guessing there is a chance it will happen before 2018
I'm prepping for basically a much more intense version of the great depression. I'm guessing there is a chance it will happen before 2018
Hi OneHitWonder Thank you for your interest! Yes I think the way things are progressing now you might be close,or even sooner, But it will make the great depression look mild in comparison, due to the people controls put in place by the administration. When things get tough they will want people in controlled areas lured in by promise's of aid of various kinds, and then the roomer goes that some may not come out. check out "Oboma's army" this is my opinion only i'm basing this on research. Good luck and keep searching. "Mountain Scout"

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