Drudge Report

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Super Friend
Dec 5, 2013
We all know who Matt Drudge is ... right ... the Drudge Report. Here's what he recently said in four words:

"Have an exit plan."

Of course ... the interpretation is open for speculation isn't it? He has been 'right on' far to many times in the past and it may not be wise to ignore anything he writes or says at this time. Exit plan to me ... means be prepared for just about anything in the near future ... from food shortage to martial law. Have an exit plan ... is this a warning? Perhaps ... imminent collapse of financial markets in the United States, China and Europe? Expansion of the American police state? We all know it could be any number of things that could tip the scales and 'not' in our favor.

I urge everyone to remain vigilant. And, in the off chance that some terrible event is in our near future, I strongly suggest having a preparedness plan that includes emergency food storage, water, medicines, security plan in place, and a strategic relocation plan if you reside in an urban area ... in case you are forced to evacuate.
He's been wrong just as often. Still, just like with any conspiracy site, you have to really read a lot of crap, to separate the wheat from the chaff....(and there is a LOT of chaff). Of course, if on this site, chances are you feel the change in the air, and have a plan already.
We all know who Matt Drudge is ... right ... the Drudge Report. Here's what he recently said in four words:

"Have an exit plan."

Of course ... the interpretation is open for speculation isn't it? He has been 'right on' far to many times in the past and it may not be wise to ignore anything he writes or says at this time. Exit plan to me ... means be prepared for just about anything in the near future ... from food shortage to martial law. Have an exit plan ... is this a warning? Perhaps ... imminent collapse of financial markets in the United States, China and Europe? Expansion of the American police state? We all know it could be any number of things that could tip the scales and 'not' in our favor.

I urge everyone to remain vigilant. And, in the off chance that some terrible event is in our near future, I strongly suggest having a preparedness plan that includes emergency food storage, water, medicines, security plan in place, and a strategic relocation plan if you reside in an urban area ... in case you are forced to evacuate.

I hope that it is just a chicken little call, But I am sure that all of us here at this site are "ready"! Well, as ready as we can be!!
He's been wrong just as often. Still, just like with any conspiracy site.
The Drudge Report is a news aggregator. Drudge doesn't write the stories, he just links to headline stories. Most of what he links to is Mainstream Media reports. But he finds stories that he thinks people will be interested in.

Many times he finds stories that would otherwise never see the light of day because the MSM wants to bury them. If the Drudge Report was just a conspiracy site, they would not be worried about it. They ARE worried about it because Drudge breaks their stranglehold on the news.
No real criticism here, and you're right, such sites do show stories MSM just buries. For example, ever hear about the Saudi national who was held after the Boston bombings? The Saudi Foreign Minister met with the Sec. of State, and the kid was on a plane back to Saudi within days. Ever hear about that in MSM? Probably not....but the story, with vetted facts, was all over sites like Drudge, AboveTopSecret, etc. I used to be a Super Moderator on the world's largest conspiracy site, so yeah, I'm cool with Drudge. ;)

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