mag, when you start looking for your new place, go more rural. folks there are alot more openb to helping one another--could maybe work a cover deal with a neighbor to care for and share chicken stuff.
im hearing eggs getting a bit scarcer and msre costly--on purpose we know. but you can water glass eggs for long term storage, freezing raw eggs, and you can can them. ive tried the canning and it works fine. i used wide mouth half pints, stirred raw eggs, miced in some slightly cooked sausage, canned it. its enought for 2-3 meals--slide a wet knife around the edge, slide it out and slice into 2-3 rounds
i know people who dehydrate raw eggs then powder them for later use. just add water and can cook up.
i know someone who has an unattached building sort of like a garage and have 6 chickens in there. gets smelly but he has a pen that they can roam around in and not stuck in cage 24/7
i hope you find the best place for you to settle in and brings happiness