*SIGH* Get the popcorn..
Around age ten I found three sticks of dynamite that were left behind at the strip mine and blew a crater in the driveway.
At age fifteen I conducted my first napalm strike in the "rat pit" using burning garbage, a milk jug full of gasoline and a 22 magnum.
Around the same time I made a home made shotgun that used M-80s for power, still have a scar.
Blew the windshield glass out of the family car with a model rocket.
Mixed chemicals in the bathroom sink, turned the ceramic black and destroyed the plumbing.
Bought a copy of Kurt Saxon's poor man's James Bond, use your imagination.
Burned the top out of a three hundred year old pine tree with a home brewed rocket launcher.
Blew a ten foot divot out of the yard by lighting some high octane down a yellow jacket hole.
Decided rolling down a huge hill in a D-9 tire was a good idea.
Shot a vulture that was overhead with a 308. OMG the smell!
Nearly killed myself working two jobs getting ready for Y2K.
Had a one night stand with my son's mother. gods help the boy, he's not only crazier than me, he thinks he might be a transgaynongender WTFever it changes weekly.
Have fun, I got more.