East and West DPF Member Meet & Greets... Late August!

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1st Member Of DPF
Feb 19, 2012
DC Metro Area
mastercajun has brought up the idea of doing a big ol get-together for DPF. We are thinking of doing 4 meets total. Same weekend, but 4 locations. We are going to do a NE, SE, NW, and SW meet so as many members as possible will be able to get to the M&G.

We're looking at a time in late-August so we have time to get off from work and so that people can plan for it without being so far off that we end up missing the boat and being caught withour pants down when SHTF. August 23-25 is the tentative date.

The South East meet will be handled by old_anorak and mastercajun, and they're looking to shore up that location more as soon as they can. I'm looking for another volunteer to help with the NE meet, and we need volunteers for BOTH west coast teams, north and south.

West side locations are still up for debate. We're looking for somewhere central to help get as many members there as possible. We would like this one to be on that same weekend as the east siders'.

Mark it on your calendars and please do what you can to attend. We would like to do more than just meet & greet. We want to help each other learn as many skills as possible, so if you would like to head up a workshop for the weekend and help members learn a skill you're good with, please speak up!
Never mind. I decided I'm east. So's Wiredog, guess someone ought to tell him, lol. What do you want me to do?
LOL, you know it just occurred to me what dog you were talking about bill! Some days I can really tell my brains have leaked out.
I've looked at a few places and I think Yatesville Lake State Park looks good for the eastern meet. It has a 2300 acre lake with fishing and 47 camp sites, 27 of which are "Improved"sites. I will be more than glad to stay in a primitive one. I think this area leaves us a good bit of room to spread out, and more than enough room and wilderness to do some training and practicing of skills.

Bill, I appreciate the offer, but I'm not sure that forging is something you can teach in the time we have. You would know better than I, so don't take my statement as a final decision. I hope all of you feel free to offer up whatever skills you have. Perhaps we won't even do any specific workshops, but leave it to each person to find their way to activities and such that interest them most. It's still open for opinions, so offer 'em up!

I am waiting to hear back from KY State Park Service on fees, reservations, and other logistical info we'll need.

old_anorak, I would like to have you come out to the east meet, but feel free to do whatever suits you best. I've enjoyed your posts and info here, so I'm just trying to be greedy and keep all the cool people on the east. We can leave the baddies to Clyde and Krime our on the west....lol
I bet you do look good bill, most guys do.
Hey Anorak, what about me? I could put some fo the women to shame in a kilt. I just couldn't be around alot of beautiful gals. If I was, I would have a tilt in my kilt LMAO.
I think this meet would be great. I know we are getting to be like a big family but this meet would bring us even closer together as brothers and sisters. It would make us more want to help eachother. I personally thinking of getting together with some of the other members from south La. and rent a van and pull a trailer behind it to put all our camping stuff and clothes. That way we could go together and talk on the way and it would be cheaper for everyone. We would split the expenses. How does that sound to you'll? I have some extra camping gear that I'm willing to bring for those that won't be able to bring all the stuff needed.
The meet would be great because everybody would be bringing different talents to share with others. I for one will be glad to meet with you guys face to face instead of just in type. If any one from south or centeral La. are intrested in the van thing, let me know and we can start planning on who and how. We could even have a local meet before the big meet and discuss the different options we would have on making the big meet.

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