Eating Vegetarian for over a Month now!

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Old Whatshisname

Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 11, 2022
Twin Falls County, Idaho USA
I love meat! Especially Turkey, which was why Thanksgiving was difficult. But we have some serious hikes next year and want to be in good shape. Since November 1st I've lost 7.8 pounds, and I feel pretty good, but that's because we do daily yoga and watch one of those fitness-for-seniors shows on the YuTuub.

This is just an experiment, and I don't know if I'll decide to give it up in three or maybe six months. I also don't know if Dawn is going to try it. None of us have ever eaten vegetarian before. If any veggie or ex-veggie has comments, ideas, tips, etc. I'd love to hear them.
We eat whole food, plant-based. It's different than vegetarian. It is my understanding that a vegetarian still will eat dairy and eggs, we don't. Been doing this for five years. I am 70 and no meds.
We eat whole food, plant-based. It's different than vegetarian. It is my understanding that a vegetarian still will eat dairy and eggs, we don't. Been doing this for five years. I am 70 and no meds.
Yes, some vegetarians do eat dairy and eggs - lacto-ovo vegetarian. I eat both in moderation. I only use local, raw milk and local farm raised eggs. I admit I love cheese, but I eat it sparingly.
I applaud you on your path to good health. It is a very healthy life style. DH eats very much like you do with an occasional exception and he was vegetarian for about 40-45 years before he started eating this way.
I have never had the health and weight issues that you did. My diet and 55 years of vitamins and an active life have worked for me. I am 73.
I cant imagine not eating meat, there are a lot of nutrients one can only get from eating meat that are not found in vegetables, I guess vegetarians would need to add supplements to their diet which seems to defeat the object, mind you I've never seen a fat vegetarian, they are all so skinny!
I cant imagine not eating meat, there are a lot of nutrients one can only get from eating meat that are not found in vegetables, I guess vegetarians would need to add supplements to their diet which seems to defeat the object, mind you I've never seen a fat vegetarian, they are all so skinny!
I would like to know what you can only get only from meat and not from vegetables, fruits, and grains? The only supplement that I am aware of being recommended is B12. Even then, there are plant sources of B12. are neither vegetarian only or meat eaters only, we are omnivores, we were born to eat a variety of foods not one or the other.
eating one or the other only is a fad, a personal life style choice, nothing more nothing less.
Last edited: are neither vegetarian only or meat eaters only, we are omnivores, we were born to eat a variety of foods not one or the other.
eating one or the other only is a fad, a personal life style choice, nothing more nothing less.
If you read the article, for most every nutrient in it, it indicates meats have higher levels than plants or your body has an easier time converting a meat form of nutrient than a plant-form. Many of the nutrients in the list do not even have an RDA recommendation. But whatever, I could find a list of nutrients that plants have that meats do not have.

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