Economy strong? Hardly

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Awesome Friend
Jun 10, 2013
Wilmington N.C
wall st, government, and cbnc insist the economy is strong, but facts proves otherwise. JC Penny's announced they will be closing 33 stores causing 2000 MORE people to lose their job. Sears will probably do the same before long. Best Buy even said the holiday sales was not what they were hoping for. Also Jim Beam will be bought out by a Japanese company. But hey if the liberals think this is how the economy is recovering then it must be right? NOT!
You said it, man. "Progressives" aka Liberals, aka Socialists, aka Communists, Fascists, etc all want us to believe that things are getting better because things are going their way and their plans are being fulfilled. Still, the Healthcare Dot Gov website is a mess, people's identities are up for grabs, insurance rates are going to spike(They only haven't yet because the elections are coming this year), we are sending money to other countries instead of focusing on our own, personal responsibility is down the drain, the primary conservative party in America is falling apart at the stitches, people aren't going to marches, demonstrations, and protests any more, and it all boils down to the fundamentals.... Families are breaking apart and faith is a thing of the past.

Praying is a good step in the right direction, but we have to get active and do what we know to be right. We have to get out and get involved in grassroots activities so that undecided(Low information) voters can see that liberals don't care about them. They care about destroying our Nation.

The one thing you have to give them credit for is getting involved. People spoke harshly about Obama's past and that he was just a "Community organizer", but look at how he motivated the masses. Being a community organizer isn't a bad thing. It's the RIGHT thing. We have to look out for our family, our neighborhoods, our states, and things will start to come around.

I fear though that the Republican Party truly is in a bad way. They have people like Christie that are supposed to be likely candidates in 2016, but they are closer to Democrat than a TRUE Republican. The base has been split between RINOs, Tea Party, and Libertarians. We have to consolidate and rejuvenate the conservative base in America. Another problem is that the two major parties have created a "Lock down" situation as far as political funding, campaigning, and access to debates. The last two presidential elections saw two candidates running that were almost identical in their positions. The one who stood out(Palin) was railroaded and made to look like a lunatic of some sort. It's a damn shame.
You are so right. America is falling apart. People are very edgy these days, but not just here in America. It's all over the world. Yes preying is always the best thing to do, and we can blame Atheist for faith being the thing of the past for taking God out. Trying to convince a Liberal that America is headed down the wrong path, and the economy is a lot worse than we are led to believe is a endless hope. There is no convincing a Liberal that Obama is a wrecking ball on our once great Nation. The Republican politicians are no different than Liberals. They are ALL bought and paid for career politicians looking out for themselves, and those that DONATE to their campaign funds AKA Wall St, mega banks, mega corp's. Chris Christie in my opinion was setup by demoncrat's with this whole bridge ordeal to totally discredit him from being able to run in 2016. Not that he would have done anything better for America. I use to trust, and support Rand Paul because he is Ron Paul's son, but after he indorsed Romney I lost my trust in him, then when he said he agree's drones should be used on some petty theft like robbing a liquar store I realized right then he is just another politician like all the others. The only hope we have of ever restoring America as our founding fathers laid out for us is for us to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK one way or the other, at all cost. We the people are the only REAL hope this Country has. Not politicians. They are the ones destroying this nation.
I forgot to mention that Chrysler will be bought out by the Italian auto maker Fiat. Yep the economy is doing much better.
It is my humble opinion that the count down to zero has begun. I base this opinion upon all the reading ... fact finding ... sorting out facts from fiction that I do on a weekly basis. UGLY ... is right around the corner.

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